A Brilliant Idea

"I grew tired of you… Finishing strike… Final Blast!"


"Haha… return to the ashes… you retard sh*t!"

After casting the last spell, Jack feels slightly lightheaded. The effect wasn't severe enough to the point that it will hinder his movement. But in a fight, this condition could send someone straight to his grave.

"So this is what happens if you use your mana too much, eh. Better to always keep track of my magic output."


Jack Walker

Level 2 EXP- 5/200

Title: 'Transmigrator from another world'


Health: 19/19

Mana: 2/12


STR: 11 +

AGL: 22 +

INT: 21 +


Attack: 2

Speed: 3

Magic: 4

Response: 1

Intuition: 0


Fireball [2-3]

Fireball [2-3]: Create a small ball of fire that explodes upon impact.

'Hmm… I could shoot two small and big fireballs with my current mana. The big one was at the level of an inferior grenade at a ten-meter distance.

'When it reached 30 meters, the explosive power was reduced considerably, yet still could leave a mark on the wooden dummy's head. It could cause an average man with second-degree burns with the possibility of blindness.

'Also, it takes about fifteen minutes to replenish my mana naturally. So I need to keep firing one spell every four minutes if I want to maintain my mana at near full capacity.'

After analyzing the result of the training, Jack returned to Izack's office with an empty stomach. He never thought that the old man was already preparing dinner for them.

It's not just any dinner. The dishes are worth being called as a high-class that matches food from a five-star hotel.

"Eat... Screaming like that burns a lot of stamina, haha…" Old man Izack makes a sarcastic remark after seeing Jack walker toward him.

Jack's face instantly turned red like a ripe tomato. He didn't know that the old man could hear the act of unleashing his otaku concealed desire all the way up here.

"It's good to be young, haha…"

After dinner, Jack initiates his plan. "Hey, old man. Do you have a book about monsters?"

"I wrote two. You could read it if you want. It's in the top left bookshelf." Izack, who was already busy with his job, replied softly.

"I can read the book in this room? I think I need special clearance to even touch them." Jack was a little surprised.

Old man Izack laughed before answering. "No knowledge is prohibited, only certain practices."

Jack spent the next hour reading about monsters that exist in this world. Most of them are quite familiar to him, like dark goblins, orcs, and trolls, which are often mentioned in fantasy novels.

Unfortunately, Dragons are also mythical creatures in this world. The last sighting is about a thousand years ago by William Pendragon. The previous guild master.

This fact plummeted Jack's chance of becoming a Dragon Knight. But for some reason, he wasn't discouraged.

'Heh. The real adventure reveals something that is not known to humans.'

After he finished reading, old man Izack suddenly asked as though he could read Jack's mind.

"Are you planning to hunt them? Postpone it for a while. Practice material arts and magic until you could protect yourself first before doing so. Mastering basic will help you later on."

After finding a suitable disciple, of course, Izack didn't want to lose him because of a lack of common sense. But when he saw Jack's unwilling expression, Izack racked his brains.

'Restraining him now will only hamper his growth. I better think of a solution… Aah. Why not go there.' Izack thought before saying.

"Why don't you go to the abandoned mine near Alexandrium. I heard there was still some slime there. It would be a good experience for you."

'Hehe. Exploring this mine will take quite some time. During that time, I will train you hard.'

The old man's tone was indeed full of sarcasm. But after hearing those words, a brilliant idea suddenly popped up in Jack's mind, causing the corners of her lips to curl upwards.

'Slime?! Maybe I could solve that problem with this… I need to confirm it.'

"Good idea. I will explore it as a morning exercise."

Because the sun is already gone, Jack put a gold coin in front of Izack as a payment for the training, only to get a glare from him.

"What is this? Do you think I lack money? Keep it. I didn't make you a disciple for wealth.

"Oh! Take that before you go."

Izack was pointing at a gray book leaning against a vase before saying. "That book contains many low-level magic circles. It's just a parlor trick, so it won't be dangerous even if you mess with the content. Read it and tell me what you think after you finish."

"Thank you, old man. You are the best."

People love compliments. So even if it is a little bit embarrassing, Jack was willing to say it out loud.

Before going home, Jack visits the adventurer's guild bazaar to buy clothes, papers, quill, ink, iron bowl, drink bottle, map of the old Blackrock mine, and mining equipment such as an oil lamp and pickaxe. He spent four silver for all of them and two more bronze coins to purchase bread.

When he arrived home, the first thing he did was open the book from old man Izack and decipher the Javanese alphabet in one of the magic circles.

"Let's see how real magic works…"

He hasn't seen those alphabets for years. So in order to actually read it, he needs to refresh his memories by writing down all the things he remembers about the Javanese alphabet.

Thirty minutes later.

"How could it be?! This is…"

When Jack was busy deciphering a magic circle in his room, something important happened not far from his new apartment.

Five people were discussing something at a long table inside the adventurer's guild headquarter. Their leader was a muscular man with short whitish-brown hair who sat in the seat of honor.

His solemn expression signifies the seriousness of this matter.