Old Blackrock Mine

The old Blackrock mine is located northeast of the Alexandrium City, on a small ridge about five hundred meters from the north gate.

This mine had provided Alexandrium with metals for more than 50 years before being abandoned ten years ago. The reason is that the underground path has become too deep and complicated for people to mine there.

After that, monsters, or in this case, slime, turn it into their lair.

Seven years later, an adventurer comes to that place once more in order to fulfill a special mission. A-rank mission that even F-ranked adventurers could participate in.

The objective of this mission is to find an item that could cure a rare disease caused by mana.

The only daughter of an aristocratic family of the Avantheim kingdom was sick since she was ten years old. After seeking treatment here and there for almost fifteen years, they finally find hope in an ancient medicine called Mana Rejuvenation Potion.

But to concoct one, a rare material is needed. Precious material from the old that even a master physician does not necessarily encounter in his life, called Pure Mana Essence.

This mana essence is different from the mana essence that wizards use for their magic circle. The essence is formed naturally inside a slime. Hence the aristocrat posted a special mission in the adventurer's guild.

The reward is enough to turn a beggar into a tycoon in a single day. Which adventurers would want to miss it.

From the day the mission displayed in the adventurer's headquarter, the old Blackrock mine became the second base for adventurers. They hunt the slime down with the hope that they are the ones who will get the golden goose.

But no one has ever found it, even when all the slime has been wiped out from the mine.

Today, the special mission has become a legendary mission.

Half an hour after his exploration of the old Blackrock mine started, Jack finally arrived at the first large room.

The room is around five meters long and ten meters wide with a height of about four meters. Aside from the rocky walls that were covered in moss, this place was practically empty. Only ordinary quarry stones piled up here and there.

This room was used as a digging point by the miner.

Because slime is a semi jelly creature, he needs to look in every corner to even have the chance to find one. Sadly, no living thing was in that room beside him.

Jack continued his search for three hours before finally returning to Alexandrium.

He needed to find Nardar Ironsong for his first lesson in combat training. Besides, the oil lamp's fuel could only last for the return trip.

During this exploration, Jack only could cover about one percent of the entire old Blackrock mine. But with the help of an accurate map, he could systematically make an exploration schedule that will allow him to explore all the area in a month's time.

"Sigh, no luck this time.

"I should have known that hunting without knowing about the prey is pointless. I will ask old man Izack later."

After returning to the adventurer's guild headquarter, Jack used three copper coins to buy a late breakfast before heading toward the training area.

According to Francis, Nardar often hangs around in the training area to train his secret technique. If he waits for a couple hours, the man will definitely show himself.


"Francis said that I will know when I see him, but, hmm… Did he say Naedar is a middle-aged man with a lot of scars on his body?"

Jack sits in a long wooden chair near the entrance and observes people that come and go. After fifteen minutes, the man he was waiting for finally showed up.

"Wow, Francis is right… He sure is… intense."

A muscular man carrying a shield and a short sword come out from an indoor arena with a body full of sweat. His bronze skin was full of scars except for his face.

His height is around 1,70 meters and has facial characteristics similar to Kyle's. It's just that his eyes are slightly sinking, and his mouth is like someone who is not used to talking.

At a single glance, Jack could see a lot of loneliness in his eyes. A sadness he used to see in a mirror.

When Jack arrived next to him, the man was already busy washing his face in a large jug provided by the guild.

Jack waited until he finished before speaking as politely as possible. "Excuse me, sir. Are you Nardar Ironsong?"

Nardar did not answer immediately. He observed Jack from head to toe before stopping at the chest area where the new adventurer badge was embedded.

A few seconds later, he finally opened his mouth and said. "Yes."

"My name is Jack Walker, sir. I intend to learn the sword and shield combination technique from you, Mr. Nardar.

"This is the letter of introduction I got from the guild."

After Nardar received the letter, he didn't read it. But both of them only stare at each other's eyes like a new couple on their first date.

'Jesus Christ! Am I talking to a wall?' Jack grumbled while waiting for Nardar response.

Could not stand the awkward feeling any longer, he decided to take the initiative. But when Jack was about to open his mouth, Nardar turned around and spoke in a cold and detached tone.

"Follow me."

They return to the indoor arena that Nardar was used before. Without saying anything else, the muscular man picked up a training shield and something that looked like a traditional Japanese rolled mat before walking toward the arena.

'What was I supposed to do then?' Jack was at a loss for words for a couple of seconds before remembering Francis's words. 'Ah… I forgot that this guy was a practical person that preferred combat training.

'Okay then. Let's see how strong an A-rank adventurer is.'

Jack picked up a wooden sword and shield before following Nardar to the arena.

He knows that Nardar, an A-rank adventurer, is not an opponent he could face right now when his ass was kicked by Kyle, a C-rank adventurer yesterday.

But something inside his heart is persuading him to give his all in this duel. Deep down, Jack knows that the muscular man in front of him is similar to his old self before meeting Rose. His wife.

A lonely man who always tries his best to reach out to another, yet his voice never reaches them no matter how hard he screams his lungs out.

Now it's his turn to save the poor fellow.

In a duel, two people must stand ten meters apart when facing each other. That's the standard rule of this world.

When Jack arrived at his position, Nardar's brawny figure suddenly disappeared from where he stood.

Jack's eyes contracted when his opponent reappearing in front of him with his hand raised above his head.
