God help me...

An unlikely chain of events lead to this moment "So... Its come to this... Never once did I think you would do this but... Things are just different I guess, isnt that right... Ari?" Where di it all g sideways

////A Few months Prior////


As the Two look for clues on who took their intelligence officer Corey they encounter a lead. Uncooperative, the situation quickly goes out of hand and before you know it...

"Damn, this really isnt getting any easier. Ari Smoke em!"


*Smoke fills the air*


Al steps through the smoke immobilizing two thieves

Using one as a shield he charges toward the next

"1 more... You know, this would be a lot easier if you just told me who took him"

"The people who took him payed us a lot of money to keep us quiet after the job,and you know I'm a man of my word."

"Thats a crying shame there buddy... But I have a promise to keep to my friend and I still owe Corey so if you wont tell me I'll just keep tryin."

"I know you would sheriff"

One standoff but we all know who wins

"So long... Old timer..."





"Now what? We just blew off the head of our biggest lead"

"Calm down Ari, We'll find him. We just gotta keep trying..."

"Where else are we gonna look? We touched every corner of this territory."

"That just means we have to look farther"

"You know we cant do that Al. That would be in violation of the treaty, you know that"

"Thats what Im saying! What if someone from out there took Corey despite the treaty still in effect. Someone broke the rules and we are going to find out who"

"Ok... If you are going to do this, where do we start?"

"We are going to Razorback first and pass the gate. No one gets anywhere without them knowing"

"We still got enemies there Al, it's not like we walk in say hi and get info, it ain't like that since Ezy"

"Calm down... I'll think of something. For now we head for Razorback, that's an order!"


As the group travels across the land they notice a small hut in the middle of nowhere

"Ari... Hey! Stop!"


"What? We ain't got all day, we want to go to Razorback right?"

"Just gimme a sec, I gotta check that out. There may be valuable loot~"

"Alright... Make it quick"

I didn't know how in the world she got there, but I never knew just how much she would have changed everything


"Is someone there? (Pulls out gun) Come on... We don't gotta hurt each other"

Whoosh* BANG!*


"OH shit! Little girl what in the world were you doing!?"

"Who the hell are you!? Get outta my home!"

"Now now, if we don't treat that wound in your leg you will bleed to death. Just give me a sec"

"ARI! Get over here NOW!"

"What do you- Oh my god... How could you shoot a Child!?"

"We can discuss this later, right now we need to get her fixed up"

"Well... The bullet went through her leg and judging by the exit wound, and how accurate your shooting is, no vitals were hit?"

"Yeah... Thats a hell of an insight, how'd you know?"

"Shut up and get me the bandages and alcohol from the car."

"You have a car!?"

"Yes kid, we have a car"

"It's not kid, I have a name you know"

"I'm sorry... What is it?"

"Uh... Nevermind"

"Here, you go"

He hands Ari the bandages and alcohol

"About time... Gimme a sec"

"How do you know how to do this stuff?"

"Well... 5 years before I became this gunslinging badass, I was actually a very well trained nurse. After I finished my studies, that's when calamity struck. Before you knew it, everything changed. Thank God you found me before anyone else did."

Stood in shock and awe Al didn't know what say, after a while Ari finished patching up the random kid

"So kid... You have a name?"


Reluctant to say her name, she asked for the big tall man's first

"Whats yours first"

"My apologies ma'am, Alistair is my name. Thomas Alistair and the lady who bandaged you up is my partner Ari Mello"

"Well... My name is Myra Luc"

"Ok, Myra do you live here alone or... Is there anyone I need to worry about?"

"I live alone mister."

"Hmmm... Tell you what, why don't you come with us to Razorback and we get you some proper clothes"

"You'd really let me come with you!?"

"Uh-huh Now get your things from this dump we're leaving"

"I'm ready to go now! I don't need anything from here"


" whispers*Hey! A moment please"


"Dont you yes me, I am not babysitting on this trip. You know full well that when we get there I am gonna have to take care of this kid while you go galavanting off getting yourself killed"

"Sounds like a plan... HEY KID! Come on!"

All the complaints in the world won't change Al's mind it seems. Continuing on their journey Myra asks...

"So why are you going to Razorback?"

"Have you ever been to Razorback?" Al answered

"Yeah, I don't know why anyone would go there"

"Well we have business to settle there"

"What kinda busi-" Ari cuts in

"None of yours"


"She's got a point kid, It is none of your business"


They arrive at the entrance of Razorback but before they could even reach the gate they are stopped by a literal army of hundreds with guns pointed all on one man, they stop the car several meters away from the gate. Even an inch closer they anticipate that they will get shot


Al puts Myra's head down "Myra, don't pop your head out if you don't wanna get shot. Wait for my call ok?"

"Yes, Sir" With that now out of the way he turns to the army and calls out...

"Turner! It's been a while, how are you?"

"Dont you get friendly with me. In your part of the Wasteland you may be known as the Sherrif, but here your title means nothing!"

"I just wanna talk, Ok? We need information on Corey. You remember him right? Well he was taken and we need help"




"Captain Turner! whispers*"

"Hmmm... BRING THEM IN!"

"Alright, Myra behave alright?"

Myra just gives a nod of approval

"So uh... Where are we going buddy?"

"I'm not your friend, and It's Captain Turner now"

"Oh please, if anything you're still that scrawny kid who could barely throw a good punch"

"It's... Nice to see you too Ari"


"Listen, if you just keep quiet and your heads down you'll live"

"You still haven't told us where we're going"

"You are gonna see the current king of Razorback, Milly Deegan"
