I Seduced Someone?

I bit my lip as I concentrated on the shimmering, pale gold, translucent wall in front of me. This was my Light Shield Skill. The time was just before noon on Sunday the last day of the first week of the Mating Season.

I was in my clearing trying to level up my skills. I decided to try something new, since casting this spell over and over again had not done anything but waste my magic. I was now in the midst of keeping the shield up for as long as possible. As the seconds ticked away, I could feel my magic being pulled through my body and out my right hand. The feeling was unpleasant, like the burning sensation in my legs after a long run.

I released the spell and lowered my hand, gasping for air. I felt a familiar ding ring out in my mind and a new message appeared before my eyes.

Skill: Light Shield lvl up! Skill Light Shield lvl 3.

I smiled wide, as I gulped down a lungful of warm air. I had been training out here since six. My body was soaked with sweat and my white training clothes were sticking to me. I had already managed to level up several of my other skills.

The display now showed the following:

Kylara Adamare

Novice: Level 3


Slash lvl 4

Lightning Strike lvl 8

Crush lvl 5

Light Shield lvl 3

Freeze lvl 7

Chill lvl 4

Air Scythe lvl 5

Shadowbolt lvl 5

Water Barrier lvl 1

Tangling Vines lvl 1

Additional Skill lines unlock-able with study.

I turned my head back to the center and thought about casting Light Shield again.

Once more there was a ding in my mind.

The new message read, Magic levels at 10%. Do you wish to activate Skill: Light Shield?

I grimaced. With how quickly I'd felt my magic being consumed just now, casting Light Shield again might put me into magic exhaustion.

Sighing heavily, I decided against training anymore today. I returned to the palace.


As I stepped into my rooms, a new message appeared. It read, Congratulations, Kylara! Lightning Strike reached requisite level. Skill Line: Unaided Lightning Magic has been unlocked. With 250 hours of study, Unaided Lightning Strike will be unlocked.

I frowned and waited for the rest of the message to display. After a few minutes, I realized that there was no more to the message. What the Other was an Unaided Skill Line? I thought angrily. I waited several seconds but no message appeared to answer my question.

Sighing heavily, I decided to ask High Lord Volanti when I went to see him later.


An hour later, I stood outside the door to High Lord Volanti's study. I heard dead silence from the other side of the door, though just seconds ago, I'd heard a loud voices and the sounds of glass shattering. Now might not be the best time to speak to him, but I needed to take care of this.

Squaring my shoulders, I knocked on the door. Seconds later, I heard a quiet step and then the door opened a foot revealing Lady Brook. Her face was pale and she appeared to be trembling slightly.

"Lady Adamare, my father is busy at the moment. Please come b-"

"Let her in." High Lord Volanti's words were icy. Lady Brook's eyes widened and she swallowed hard, as she opened the door wide enough for me to enter.

I frowned and stepped into the room.

High Lord Volanti stood leaning over his desk. His loose gray hair fell about his flushed face, making him look wild and dangerous. Lord Glade sood to my right before the desk. His face was flushed as well and his hands were clenched into fists at his side.

My eyes fell on the papers, pens, and shattered glass that lay scattered about the floor. The top of the desk was spotless as if it had been wiped clean.

The sounds of the door being closed came from behind me and then Lady Brook went to stand with her brother.

"Lady Adamare," High Lord Volant said. His words were once again freezing. "Good Afternoon."

I smiled uneasily at his tone, "Good Afternoon, my Lord."

"You do not seem as excited as I would have expected you to be."

I smiled more naturally as I replied, "Now, does not seem to be the time to be excited, my Lord. After all, I can't do much, considering my circumstances."

The High Lord's expression darkened at my words, "So that's how it is?" He said, "You spurn my son for a prince? I did not expect you to have such a mercantile turn of mind."

I blinked. It didn't seem like we were talking of my system.

"I'm not sure I know what you mean, my Lord." I admitted.

Lady Brook sniffed, "My father is talking about how you rejected my brother to seduce Prince Blaize." Lord Glade stared at my as his sister spoke.

I frowned.

"Seduced?" I repeated.

"That's right!" Lord Glade sneered, "Prince Blaize implied that you were quite skilled, hence the pairings for this week."

I snorted.

"Is that your only reply?" The High Lord demanded. His face had become thunderous.

"My Lord isn't the truth obvious?" I asked. High Lord Volanti's eyes narrowed. "I am blackmailing him, of course." I laughed.

"What?" The High Lord asked. His whole body had stiffened.

"I am blackmailing Prince Blaize to be my partner." I said with a smile. "I would have asked for Lord Glade, but I wanted to give him the chance to meet a participant that he actually liked. Prince Blaize does not deserve such consideration."

A mix of emotions ran across the High Lord's face. Finally, his face settled into a clouded expression.

"I see and how are you blackmailing him?" He asked at last.

I smiled, "I am sorry my Lord but telling you would mean I had no more leverage over him and I need him to help me level up this week. Can I tell you next week?" The High Lord frowned again and started drumming his fingers on the desk.

"Oh, that reminds me," I said, "I was hoping you'd give me dispensation to use magic other than healing." I said with my best smile.

The High Lord stared at me in silence for a long time.

I began fidgeting, "My Lord," I began as I tugged at the sleeve of my undershirt. "It's my magic that you liked me for, not my personality. Don't you want me to get better at using it? It has already come in handy twice, and I think that-"

"What do you plan to offer in exchange for my dispensation?" The High Lord asked at last.

I thought for a moment, then brightened. "What if I give one of my days this week with Prince Blaize to Lady Brook?"

High Lord Volanti sighed heavily, "Very well." He said finally. "You have my dispensation to use magic other than healing." He slowly sat back down in his chair.

I couldn't contain my glee. I clapped excitedly and spun in a circle. That was one issue down! Now I just had to find someone to take me to the training grounds.