Satisfying Court (5)

"Come here. Let me hug you."

"Do you think this is a good time to flirt?" Lu Manman glared at Mo Yuanxiu.

"Then, I'll remember that you owe me a hug."

"…" When did she get herself into this trouble!

"It's starting." Mo Yuanxiu looked up.

Lu Manman hurriedly looked over.

Everyone was getting ready. The presiding judge was sitting in the middle, and on each side were the judges and scribes.

Lu Zishan was sitting at the defendant's table.

Wu Jun was the defendant's lawyer.

The plaintiff was the prosecutor and represented the Public Security Bureau in providing legal statements and defense for the case.

The scribe verified the defendant's identity and then announced the court records. The presiding judge said, "Today, Wen City People's Court will be holding a public hearing regarding the bribery and tax theft by Lu Zishan. I, along with four other jurors, will be holding the hearing. Everyone, please rise."