Satisfying Court (6)

He had tolerated it back then, but now, he wanted revenge.

At that point, Lu Qinzheng had approached him…

Everything just clicked together.

But now…

Wu Zhengwei looked at Lu Zishan, who was sitting at the defendant's table. He was elated to see his demise.

The courtroom stirred slightly.

The presiding judge said with a serious expression, "Everyone, quieten down. The defendant's lawyer, please continue."

Wu Jun took a deep breath and was about to say something.

"I don't confess to the crime," Lu Zishan suddenly said.

This time.

The entire court was shocked.

The lawyer and the client being at odds in court was an unprecedented incident.

This action intrigued the people in the audience seats.

"I'll defend myself. I'm innocent," Lu Zishan said. He did not sound like he was joking.

"Mr. Lu," Wu Jun called him softly.

Lu Zishan said to him, "I'll do it myself."