Happy Birthday Mo Yuanxiu (1)

Lu Manman, Zhang Cui, and the two central managers headed to a specialty restaurant beside Lu Firm.

Although it was already time to knock off, she could sense that the two managers were still tense.

Lu Manman pursed her lips and smiled. She wanted to say something to ease the atmosphere.

She was probably too serious at work.

She was about to say something when her cell phone rang.

Lu Manman looked at the caller ID and smiled politely at the few people waiting for their food to be served at the dining table. "I'll take this call."

The other three nodded quickly.

Lu Manman stood up and picked up. "Gu Xin."

"Manman, if I told you that I saw Mo Yuanxiu and another woman flirting at Charm Bar, you wouldn't care, right?!"

Lu Manman furrowed her brows.

"They're very intimate anyway." Gu Xin seemed unhappy and hung up without waiting for Lu Manman to say anything.