Happy Birthday, Mo Yuanxiu (2)

Lu Manman walked through the living room and into the deep corridor.

The soundproofing was beyond her imagination.

She had felt as if her ears and every cell in her body were about to explode, but as soon as she walked past the living room, it became quiet.

If not for some noises in the private room when the door was opened occasionally, she would really have mistaken herself for walking in a luxurious hotel.

She looked at a male attendant in front of her. Just as she was about to ask what private room Ye Heng was in, she turned around and saw two people standing at the corner of the corridor.

The two of them stood together intimately.

Lu Manman watched silently.

She knew the man. He was her husband in name, Mo Yuanxiu.

She knew the woman as well. She was the girlfriend of her husband's cousin in name, Yin Lanyi.