Chapter 951 promises that I will be clean with you for the rest of my life (4)

Mo Xiuyuan suddenly grabbed her.

“Lu Man Man, one day, I will be clean with you for the rest of my life,”Mo Xiuyuan said word by word.

Lu Man’s heart tightened.

It was very easy to be moved by Mo Xiuyuan’s serious promise.

She did not know what Mo Xiuyuan did, why he could kill people so calmly. Obviously, he was no longer the Mo Xiuyuan she saw, the Playboy who was fooling around in Wen City, sometimes, she even hoped that he would continue doing nothing. At least, she would not be nervous, afraid, or worried. Would he suddenly face danger and suddenly... die.

And she really did not know why such a responsible person would choose the path of politics.

There were too many questions that she did not know. But at this moment, she was willing to believe, willing to accept, and willing to wait.

She was waiting for Mo Xiuyuan to say that they would live a clean life together.

The heater in the car was very warm.

The two of them leaned against each other and did not speak.