Chapter 952 promises that I will be clean with you for the rest of my life (5)

Mo Xiuyuan’s face paused.

“Aren’t you afraid of being struck by lightning? You have the nerve to say it out loud to such a young girl? !”Lu Man questioned.

Mo Xiuyuan touched his nose, leaned back on the chair, and said, “Give the child some fairy tale fantasy.”

“Come on, when she grows up, it won’t be a fairy tale but a nightmare. Thinking of such a big, wretched uncle saying that he will marry her, when I grow up, I will also have goosebumps,”lu man said word by word.

Mo Xiuyuan’s expression changed slightly.

“I gave the little girl more than 5,000 yuan,”Lu man said again.

“Yeah, I know. When we came out, the old man insisted on returning it to me. I said that it would be my betrothal gift to his granddaughter...”

“Mo Xiuyuan!”Lu Man roared angrily.

Mo Xiuyuan’s smile was even brighter.

This guy.

This guy was deliberately making her suffer!