Chapter 51, what she did not know, was his past

Lu Man sat in the car that ye Heng was driving.

Ye Heng was driving a little fast.

Lu Man sat in the passenger seat, her hands tightly holding the handrail, looking at the boundless spring scenery of northern Xia kingdom.

The commander-in-chief had passed away.

But this kingdom did not cry for him at all.

It was just that the walking crowd and important occasions seemed a little more solemn.

“Are you afraid of Death?”Ye Heng asked her.

It was as if he had noticed how she was protecting herself at this moment.

Lu Man Man pursed her lips. “It’s not that I’m afraid, it’s That I can’t die now.”

Ye Heng smiled sarcastically, “Lu Man Man, I really admire your calmness and rationality. I really admire you. No matter what happens, no matter how much the world collapses, you will know what you should do next and what you will do next.”

Lu Man Man was speechless.

Just take it as it was.

She had experienced a lifetime of death.