Chapter 52. There were some promises that could not be fulfilled

“I never thought that anyone would leave early. I never thought that Ah Xiu would die...”ye Heng’s voice sounded deeply in the small car.

He could deeply feel the sadness that came from him.

Lu Man Man silently cried, silently crying for this man... until her heart was torn apart.

Ye Heng took a deep breath, as if he was also fiercely adjusting his emotions.

He said, “I originally planned to look for you the day before yesterday, when Ah Xiu’s body was so weak that he couldn’t hold on anymore, to look for you to accompany him. I took advantage of Ah Xiu’s coma to leave the hospital, but when I arrived at your house’s entrance, I saw you and Lin Chuchen kissing. I originally thought that even if you didn’t come, taking a recent photo of you to let Ah Xiu hold on would also be fine. I thought that if I took a photo of you and Lin Chuchen kissing, I might directly anger him to death!”

Lu man bit her lip.