Holding Hands to Attend the Ceremony

Not only was Weibo paralyzed, but all the major social media platforms were also paralyzed.

It was January 30th in the solar calendar and December 20th in the lunar calendar.

This day was the nightmare of all programmers in China. In the future, the IT world even set this day "130" anniversary to commemorate the countless hairs that their ancestors had lost and became bold in a day.

When the netizens wanted to look at Weibo and read the news as usual, they realized that they could not click on it. The software popped up countless times. "The system is busy. Please try again later."

At the same time, in various restaurants, cafes, lounges, and other places, netizens had already glimpsed this fantasy news before the software crashed.

"F*ck!! Am I seeing things? Did you see that?!! Jun Shiling and Xia Wanyuan? What's going on?"