Public Display of Love, The Princess Is Jealous

The venue, which was gradually heating up, cooled down again because of this "Xia Wanyuan won the Prynne award". Everyone's gazes landed on Jun Shiling and Xia Wanyuan.

The lights in the venue had already focused on Xia Wanyuan. Jun Shiling reached out to help Xia Wanyuan adjust the necklace on her neck. Xia Wanyuan smiled at him with a small dimple.

Seeing Xia Wanyuan's smile, Jun Shiling's eyes were filled with gentleness.

The photographer wished he could zoom in on Xia Wanyuan 100 times more, so the scene of Xia Wanyuan smiling at Jun Shiling was naturally transmitted to the live-stream.

[… F*ck, this smile. I'm gone. How did Xia Wanyuan manage to be so cold and cute? If I were a domineering CEO, I would be willing to keep her.]

[Jun Shiling is so gentle. Oh my god, I reflect on myself. Why do I feel a little sweet?]