The king and his queen

As I stared at her I felt a fire in the pit of my stomach, I wanted her, I wanted to consumer her. Everything about her was driving me crazy, I had never felt this kind of desire before and it was unstoppable. I calmed my mind and refocused on the next steps of my date plan. It was time for the finale and I needed to keep my head on straight if I wanted to end this date with her saying it's the best date of her life.

I shook my head and exhaled as much as I could as I stood up, I held out my hand for hers and she giggled and she took hold of mine.

"Now it's time for the last surprise", I kissed her hand as I led her out of the flowers. She looked surprised but was smiling sweetly.

"Another surprise, I gotta say when you take a girl on a date, you don't settle for one good date do you?", she interlocked her fingers with mine as we walked at a dreamy pace.

"Nothing is too good for my girl", I proclaimed putting my free hand over my heart. Her cheeks flashed pink as I kissed her head.

"I'll hold you to that, mr dreamboat", she said as she snuggled her cheek into my arm. I could feel her body move with her breathing it was shallow and delicate. I hoped she felt safe and content, I smiled to myself only now processing that she was my girlfriend. I closed my eyes for a moment and I could feel her brightness radiating into me. I had never felt this happy before and I wanted to bottle this feeling so I wouldn't ever forget how much joy she brings me.

"Okay we are almost there, close your eyes", I kissed her cheek when they were shut and her cheeks flushed. "You are gorgeous", I sighed feeling weightless. Her eyes flashed open in an instant, her mouth scrunched to one side. "I didn't say open them yet", I scolded playfully.

"How can I keep them closed when you are saying things like that!", she huffed fluttering her eyelashes. She turned her head away embarrassed, "do you really think I'm pretty", she shuffled on the spot waiting for me to answer.

"Pretty of course but also gorgeous, stunning and every word that exists to describe how beautiful I think you are", I played with her hair as I spoke. She shrugged her shoulders and her mouth curled into a smile at the corners.

"You're such a cheesy smooth talker, I bet you say that to all the girls", she smiled mischievously.

"You're the only girl I've ever said that too, because you're the only girl I've ever thought is beautiful", I laughed a little as I thought about how she must see me.

"Oh please I can't believe that, you're very hot and sweet, you're telling me you don't have girls fighting over you!", she stood frozen in place as soon as the words left her lips she looked horrified she had blurted it out. I raised my eyebrow and scooped her up into a bear hug. She wrapped her arms around me over my shoulders.

"I don't pay any attention to what girls are doing, but keep talking about how hot you think I am because I like to hear you say it", I pressed her close against my body as I held her above the ground.

"I do think you're very attractive Sweet, I'm glad that I have such a hot boyfriend", she trailed her finger up my neck and along my jaw, It felt like she was drawing a line of fire across my skin. She stopped her finger under my chin and lifted it, I tilted my head back in acceptance. "You have a very strong jaw and your neck looks so yummy", she whispered my mind was racing as she toyed with me, I loved every second of her touch on my skin. "Sweet, am I going to fast?", my heart pounded lost in the moment.

"I'm yours Sunny, you drive me crazy", my heart was thumping hard and fast in my chest. She leaned in close and I could feel her breathing on my neck. My hair stood up on end on the back of my neck. Her lips grazed my skin softly as she kissed deep into the crook of my neck. I let out an involuntary groan, pinching my lips together to stifle the sound. I was almost shaking as she drew her lips back giggling at my noticeable enjoyment. "Time out, I need to cool off before I lose my mind", I sighed pressing my forehead to hers. "Now I still have a surprise for you so could you close your eyes for me", I kissed her nose as I put her back on her feet. She closed her eyes smiling cheekily to herself.

"Okay maybe that was a little too mean", she said as I slid my hands from her waist to her hands, I guided her forwards, looking down to avoid branches.

"Can I open them yet?", she said Turing her head in all different directions, trying to locate me. I placed her hands on my cheeks and kissed her lightly. She flinched as my lips grazed hers but then smiled and pressed her lips to mine. "Are you my surprise?", her eyes opened and flicked up drowning me in the large captivating pools. I shook my head hugging her tightly.

"It's better then that!", I beamed, grinning excitedly. I spun her around to reveal the surprise. A squeal of pure joy erupted from her when she looked at the carousel. I had asked my friend if his dad would let me pay to use it for the afternoon and his dad told me this is on the house for being a good kid. Sunny ran towards the horses pulling me along behind her. It only took her a minute to find the horse that had she liked best. It was pure white with a pink and purple mane, it sparkled from head to its hooves.

"She's beautiful, like a marshmallow swirl", she petted the horse tenderly and rested her head against the horse.

"So are you ready to ride her?", I said as her face filled with excitement, she nodded vigorously. She climbed up onto the horse before I could offer any help. I ran over to the controls ready to start the ride.

"My queen! Are you ready to ride marshmallow swirl?", I cheered as she smiled brightly cheering back to me 'yes'. I set the ride going and worked my way over the horse beside her. I mounted the house and patted it as she had. She giggled as I tended to my plastic horse.

"What's he called?", she smiled cheekily pointing to my horse. I took a moment to think of a name, my horse was light brown with a red and dark brown mane. I looked at her with a devilish smirk, "this here is cinnamon bun", I patted the horses head as a roar of laughter burst from her lips. "What's so funny I tried my best", i rolled my eyes playfully still petting cinnamon bun.

"Oh that name is perfect, my king", she looked away slightly as she spoke distracted by the other horses. I was grinning like a complete fool, she made me feel so strong and full of energy. We rode the carousel for hours until we couldn't walk straight. Getting off the ride she looked disappointed, I was worried she felt sick after all the spinning.

"Sunny what's wrong do you feel sick? We were on the ride a long time", I asked stoking her hair out of her face.

"No no I don't feel sick, but don't laugh at me okay", she looked down at her feet as she spoke. I lifted her head up by her chin and a worried look drifted onto my face. "Im sad because the date is almost over and after today I couldn't imagine being away from you", she stroked the back of my hand with her thumb as my heart welled up at her words.

"Aw Sunny, you can't imagine how much I'm going to miss you after I've taken you home", I pulled her into a tight embrace breathing her in as she nestled her head into my chest. "Can I have your phone a second", she pulled back to retrieve her phone from her pocket. She handed it to me and I took a picture and added myself as a contact. I called myself and took a picture of her for mine. "There now we can see each other and talk anytime", I handed her phone back, she looked at my picture and smiled sweetly.

"That makes me feel better", she beamed, "but I need a picture of us together", she waved her phone implying she could take one. She held her phone up and I wrapped my arms around her shoulders smiling blissfully. She spun her head and kissed my cheek which startled me, I turned my head to hers and kissed her gently and phone continued to snap pictures. She showed me all the pictures that were taken and she flashed red embarrassed at the ones we were kissing in.

"Can you send me all of them please", I flashed a smile and she nodded sending them all across to my phone. I walked her home and kissed her goodnight holding onto her for as long as I could.

"This was the best date I've ever had, you put Prince Charming to shame", she tapped my nose with the tip of her finger, sighing delicately.

"Anything for my girl", I wink and kissed her again, eventually prying myself away from her as I noticed a curtain in the window ruffle. "Goodnight sunshine", I groaned as she stepped towards the door.

"Goodnight my Sweet", she blew a kiss as I left her front garden. Catching it I pressed it to my heart as she slowly opened the door and backed herself inside.