
I could tell we were getting closer to our next destination because Sweet was starting to slow down. I had never been to this part of town it was covered in wild flowers and was definitely off the beaten track. Sweet came up behind me and put his hands over my eyes, I hadn't notice before how big his hands were. He guided me forward, the soft grass rustling by my feet. The smell of the flowers danced in my nose. We came to a gentle stop, I was smiling widely as I anticipated the surprise.

"Little ducky are you ready for your next surprise", he whispered in my ear. I nodded and shivered all over making me squirm with excitement. He uncovered my eyes and the bright sunshine made me take a second to adjust my sight. There before us was a beautiful picnic tucked inside a pergola. Vines of ivy and purple flowers draped the structure. "Little ducky would you please join me for lunch", he said kissing my hand in a gentlemanly way. I giggled and channeled my best southern belle to answer his question.

"Why I do declare sir, I am not dressed for such the occasion", holding back my laughter at my terrible acting. Sweet raised an eyebrow and threw himself down onto one knee, keeping hold of my hand.

"Well I would be remised if I did not tell you how beautiful you look, like a sunflower in bloom", his acting was just as bad as mine but his words did stir a feeling of swooning for him. In that moment I was becoming flustered and wished I had a fan like a true southern belle, just then I felt like I was starting to fall for him. "Lady Sunny, if you could do me the honour of this lunch I would be the happiest man in this here town", he looked up at me whilst he kissed my hand again and I felt my heart pounding vigorously in my chest.

"It would be my pleasure, my Sweet", nerves exploded inside me as I called him mine, I turned and ran towards the picnic Sweet almost falling behind me. I gasped at the sight of the food laid out so thoughtfully. Sandwiches cut into triangles, salads, crackers, meats, cheeses, fruit, tiny cakes decorated perfectly and all of it placed on an intricate white tablecloth. "Wow… this is", I stumbled to say not finding the words.

"Too much?", he put his hand on the back of his head looking uneasy, "sorry I probably tried too hard, it's..", he stopped speaking abruptly as I interrupted.

"It's perfect, you went to all this trouble just for me?", I held his hand in both of mine and resting it to my chest as my heart pounded loudly.

"Can I make a confession?", I froze and nodded cautiously as he spoke. "This is my first time taking someone on a 'real date'", he turned his head away as he confessed turning red from feeling embarrassed.

"What a relief", I sighed as he turned his head back to me looking confused, "this is my first 'real date' too and I'm glad it's with you". He chucked awkwardly and shook off his embarrassment, leading me by the hand into the pergola.

We sat on the benches inside and I had no idea how to start this picnic. "Sweet, do you want to play a game?", his eyes flashed with his mischievous side taking hold again.

"A game … I do love games", he put his hand under his chin and rested on the table waiting for my instruction.

"We feed each other something and we guess what it is..", as I spoke realised it sounded childish, "actually never mind that's a silly idea", I mumbled feeling dumb I'd even suggested it.

"I'm ready!", Sweet declared holding his hands over his eyes with his mouth open. I swelled with warmth by his actions that made me feel relaxed enough to be myself with him. "Please give me a challenge", his signature smirk had returned and I was ready to play any game he wanted.

"Here it comes", I said softly as I places some cheese into his mouth. He uncovered his eyes as he chewed and smiled as an answer formed on his lips.

"Easy, cheese, very yummy though", he said confidently as I nodded excitedly, "okay your turn", I covered my eyes immediately anticipating what he might choose. He placed his hand under my chin as he slid a piece of food between my lips. As if hit my tongue I got a burst of sweet and sour tangy flavour, as I started to chew It tasted like a fresh ripe strawberries.

"Mmm I love strawberries", I said as I flicked my eyes open. We continued this game back and forth until we had had a small taste of everything. Now the game was done we talked more about food.

"So I know you hate onions but what else don't you like?", he asked as he looked out over the table of foods.

"I don't like cauliflower, blue cheese and olives", he smiled at my confession. "Why are you smiling about that?", I asked confused by his weird reaction.

"I'm just relieved, there's none of that at our picnic", he beamed and chuckled.

"I am curios though", I explained, "how did you set this up since we were at the lake earlier", I leaned towards him anticipating his answer.

"Oh I erm, had help", he tussled his hair at the back of his head as he spoke, "a few of my friends actually didn't believe me when I told them I had a girlfriend, I …", he cut himself off as I looked at him with wide eyes. I scooted closet to him as he looked down, his head low and averting my gaze.

"I .. did .. I'm", I was so frazzled my words were not forming sentences and I couldn't put them straight in my mind. I took a long deep breath and started to speak again, "do you want me to be your girlfriend?", I blushed hard across my cheeks as the words left my mouth. He slowly lifted his head and turned it toward me, showing his red embarrassed expression.

"…yes", he stopped talking after only one word and it seemed like he was holding his breath. I took hold of his cheek in my hand and he felt full of tension. My heart thumped in my chest as I prepared myself to speak.

"Then maybe if you asked me", I shrugged my shoulders nervously as I passed the conversation back to him. He smiled slightly as he moved himself closer to me, his lips inches from my ear.

"Sunny, would you., be my girlfriend", he whispered softly, his voice almost shaking. He drew back and looked into my eyes transfixed, staying so close I could feel his breathing on my lips. He stayed exactly in that spot, it was as if he was frozen in place like stone. My heart was beating out my chest and it was flexing as I breathed heavily from all the tension of the moment. I closed my eyes for a second to gather my thoughts, but my mind was racing with his words.

"Ye", I was cut off as Sweet took my lips in his, taking all my thoughts from me. His kiss was passionate, he consumed me, wrapping his arms around my back. He pulled me in swiftly until my body pressed against his chest. As I slid quickly toward him I let out a sound of excited surprise, hearing it his mouth curled up into a mischievous smile as he continued to kiss me forcefully. He let out an audible growl of enjoyment, his voice deep and low. His hands slid down to my legs and squeezed my outer thigh tenderly. I could feel a desire building inside me as I tilted my head back further in reply. My mind was swelling with thoughts until I steadied myself and realised things were happening too fast.

I pushed him back, separating our lips, holding him from engulfing me once again I held my hands against his chest. I was breathing heavily trying to catch my breath, my chest heaving as I gasped for air. My body was hot all over and I had to keep myself from getting carried away. Sweet was staring at me panting himself. His expression reminded me of a hungry animal staring at its prey. His face softened and he took a long deep inhale and as he let out his exhale all the tension held in his body melted away. He took hold of my hands from his chest and kissed them gently.

"Sorry I didn't mean to get too carried away there", he said still holding my hands up to his mouth. "I don't want to rush you into anything", he stopped talking but it seemed like he wanted to say more. I didn't press him and just nodded smiling sweetly at his comforting manner.