Go And Knock On The Door For Me (2)

"One of the best? Then where do you put Blue Cloud City, Proud Cold City, Sun Zhou City, and Carefree City?" Leng Ruoxue asked curiously.

"Uh! I'm talking about the best families in our Martial Immortal City." The second butler wiped the cold sweat off his forehead and explained. He was a little arrogant, but not enough to compare the Martial Immortal City with the four cities.

"Second Butler really knows how to take advantage of the situation!" Feng Da said with a face full of mockery.

"I'm telling the truth!" the second butler emphasized.

"Second Butler, how far are we from your City Lord's Mansion! I can't walk anymore." Leng Ruoxue deliberately provoked him. Hehe, how could they let this Second Butler bring them to the City Lord's Mansion so easily! Moreover, this Second Butler was not up to any good.