Go And Knock On The Door For Me (3)

"Yes." The guard immediately disappeared without a trace as if he had been pardoned.

After the guard left, the second butler frowned and pondered on how to wake these people up. He thought for a long time and also tried to shout loudly. However, these people did not react at all. Moreover, he did not dare to go in to call for people because he was afraid that he would be bitten like the guard!

A quarter of an hour later, the guard who had treated his wounds rushed over with a team.

"Second Butler, I'm back," the guard reported.

"Okay, enter the tents and wake them up separately!" the second butler hurriedly ordered.

"Yes!" the guards answered. However, they were abnormally careful when they entered the tent because they had learned from the guard's mistakes. After all, they didn't want to be bitten!
