Chapter 5: The Worst Birthday Pt.2

~Third POV~

Before the attack on Weiss, Eis, and Klein happen currently Willow and Winter are waiting in Willow's garden waiting for the General with two of his newest members for the Ace-Ops coming.

When Willow and Winter were at the garden, they were setting up everything for Weiss and Eis birthday with… a lot of excessive gifts for the two of them since there father and older brother aren't here today.

Willow talks to Winter about her choice to go to Atlas Academy with a worried expression, "Winter are you sure you want to join the Atlas Academy? Wouldn't you be interested to become the heir of our company?"

Winter looks towards her mother and shakes her head no and explains to her, "No mother it's just… I feel somewhat trap here at times and I think I should be helping people and the best way should be to join Atlas Academy to do it to be my own person."

Willow sighs at her daughter but then asks Winter trying to make her stay, "Are you sure you have to go… Eis and Weiss will miss you around the mansion?"

Winter pauses for a moment but shakes her no once again and say to Willow, "Mother I believe Weiss and Eis are strong enough to take care of themselves you underestimate them at time especially Eis."

Willow was about to say something else but that was then they heard sounds of gun shots from the inside of the Mansion.




When the two of them heard that they immediately heard the gunshots they heard the sounds coming from inside the Mansion coming from the left and right side of… "THE KIDS?!!!"

With that they both hurried over inside the mansion to see what was going on while the General and his two soldiers had finally arrived to hear the commotion.

When General Ironwood got to the entrance, he heard the sounds of gunfire from the mansion and ordered two of his soldiers to got to the left side of the mansion while he deals with the other ones from the right…

As for how Eis and the rest are doing…

"Quick shot down the wall of ice and get those brats?!!!"

They were doing quite fine when Klein noticed the ice wall holding up against the barrage of bullets and took Weiss who is scared and Eis away from the assassins inside Weiss room while Eis kept the water bottle inside the room with him.

~Eis POV (7 years old) ~

Klein dragged me and Weiss into her room and grabbed anything to block the door with anything to hopefully stop the assassins… like something simple usually works.

When Klein thought we were in the clear he quickly looks and Weiss and hugs her to comfort her as she was crying asking Klein, "Klein why are those people after! Why are they shooting at us… sniff… Ahh!"

I look over to Klein and Weiss worried about what's happening then Klein looks towards me with clear surprise in his voice, "Young master Eis, earlier I heard you say Horus yes? Is that how you summon that block of ice out of nowhere defending us?"

Well no use hiding it at least this way I can explain this is a secondary Semblance in this world considering it happens here but it's like only one in several million people have this ability to have two Semblances.

I nodded my head towards Klein and briefly explain to him and Weiss, "Yeah Klein I think I have a second Semblance since our family is Glyphs but what I did doesn't belong to our family and named it Manifestation."

Klein nodded his head while Weiss was more concerned better close off the door at least I really don't want them to be in harm's way also this wouldn't harm my mission at least.

With that I brought out Horus to in case the door with a huge ice wall protecting it and act as a barrier if the assassins try to break through, they would have to do so against me creating a bigger amount of ice to act as a barrier.

Also, this wouldn't make me fail my mission in any way since the mission stated that I need to knock out the assassins but it never said that I can have other people do it for me to complete it and I'm willing to bet that the rest would want to capture them alive to get information on how they entered our home.

Good the only thing I need to do is just wait out until the two members of the Ace-Ops come or Ironwood to take care of them or if one does manage to come, I'll just have to try my best to fight using my Stands.

Klein nods his head and thanks me for saving Weiss and his life, "Thank you very much young master Eis, but those ruffians are coming after you and the Weiss what shall your Semblance does against them."

I turn my head around to respond to him only to see two people are coming through the windows soon with daggers clearly shown in their hands shit!

Well time to see how fast is Geb is in this situation but it also a stand that I need to give a command to since I can't see using echo location like N'Doul but its good enough to put them away since they are coming from the sky.

With that I switched my Stands to using Geb then the water bottle in my hand was now swirling around while I gave my command, "Geb knock out the two assassins coming through the window!"

When Weiss and Klein heard what I said they were a bit scared but then turned into shock as the water bottle in hand from exploded to reveal a water hand with claws on it quickly bypass the two of them going straight towards the assassins.

All I have to say is that Jotaru is right that these stands are wild to control!

How my Stand Geb translated to knock out my enemy was first to quickly go towards the faces of the assassins and swipe them on the eyes momentarily blind them physically with its water claws but that wasn't all that Geb did.

Geb first gather itself into a ball of water on top of the assassins and shoot in all directions down at the assassin's location, tearing everything apart in a large area with fast water bullets forcing the assassins to go down and let gravity takes its course!



After that I heard two sounds of two people fall down then I see Geb reform itself back to my side well damn Geb is very fast and quick to act to my side.

Then Weiss comes over to Klein side and asks me with clear fear in her tone, "Brother-r… are the bad people-e gone…"

I wasn't sure how to answer that when I tried to say something like this after all a bunch of assassins are still trying to kill us but –

That was when I noticed my Stand switched again then turn into Yellow Temperance quickly covering my head but why –


That was when I was sent flying down from the hit that originated from the head!

Did someone try to headshot me?!!

I hate those stupid snipers always trying to headshot me God damn it!!

When I feel down Weiss tries to come towards me, but Klein grabs her and takes her to get some cover while I can hear say, "No! Klein let me go! Let me go! I have to see brother Klein please?!!"

I see Weiss is crying at my suppose 'death' but I made sure to see her and give her a thumbs up while smiling at her while my Yellow Temperance shows the bullet didn't even harm me while comforting her in a calm voice, "Weiss don't worry your brother is tougher than he looks see the bullet didn't even harm me so please calm down ok."

When the two of them saw me still alive Klein was shocked at me still alive but sighs out a breath of relief while Weiss is crying in relief, "Eis your… your… ok I was very scared… sniff… and… and…"

I comforted Weiss while giving her a smiling expression to let her know I'm alright, "Don't worry Weiss I'm fine so don't worry those bad people won't harm me, while I have Yellow Temperance around so don't worry."

Good I see she's nodding her head then I see where the sniper was and whoever he or she is trying to head shot me then I will show them how to get the job done when I move towards Weiss and Klein direction of cover I turned off my Yellow Temperance and use Geb.

When I Geb is returned to its water hand form I gave it an order with a serious expression, "Geb make sure to get the snipe and as a little favor make sure he can't harm anyone!"

With that Geb immediately jet itself forward to the sniper location at a fast enough to break through the window towards the direction of the first shot that was fired on me.

Geb is pretty much the only Stand I can rely on during this situation considering the sniper is far from here that Horus range is pretty much shit with its RNG: E but with Geb range being RNG: A it can go for the distance farther than Horus and with more precision!

When Geb got close to the sniper it managed to go through the lens and aim for the eye then I turn around the corner where I was sure that the sniper can't hit us at, I see my Geb pierced his eyes then procced to…

Ok now I know I did say that to make sure he can't harm anyone but what happens get more brutal for my liking!

When I see Geb managed to pierce one of the assassin's eyes it then procced to break the guy arm, hand, and leg causing him to fall down to the ground in pain letting gravity do the rest of the work then coming to my side as soon as possible.

When Geb managed to come to me I immediately stop using him when I heard the mission was complete but then I hear the door busting open that was incased in ice by a fist!

"[Bizarre Mission: Derail an Assassination Attempt (Complete)

Description: Some Faunus Extremist have hired Assassins from Mistral to get rid of one of the Schnee family members on the twin's birthday.

Objective: Knock out the Assassins attempting to kill you or one of your family members 10/10

Rewards: 30,000 Lien, BT (Bizarre Token) x2, and Speed Wagon Saw Hat.]"

The person I see seems to be a younger version of Elm and Clover coming through with worry faces clearly shown and saying, "Is everyone ok!"

Uh… a little late their lucky boy and root girl?

When the two adults look over to me, Klein and Weiss the two started to talk to Klein asking for any information as to why Weiss room was damaged then Klein started to explain the whole events how it played out.

Elm and Clover looks over to me with clear surprise and disbelief clearly shown on their faces and Clover asks me with a comforting voice, "Tell here kid can you show us what your Semblance is since I never heard of someone from your case having multiple abilities of a summon before?"

I just scratch behind the back of my head nervous about showing off my Stands but that was when I suddenly felt a chill on my spine…

When I turned around, I see over to Willow and Winter giving me a worried look and quickly charged at me after hearing everything that has happened to me including myself getting head shot.

I see that Weiss even came in for the group hug telling me to never do something like this again and Weiss thanking me for saving her while I reply to them while putting my hand on Weiss head while patting her, "Weiss I did what family do protect each other I want to follow what grandpa did and be a brave man without any fear so don't be afraid ok?"

That seems to only make her hug me while I sigh out tired for today since everything has happened a lot today in a short amount of time.

But now that I completed the mission the better question is how should I use my two BT or three if I buy one from the shop I know that there are a lot of pretty broken stands later in the series but I have to chose carefully on what I get…

But my thoughts are interrupted to see General Ironwood coming through the door saying to me, "Well looks like I found the person who protected his family it's an honor to meet you little guy the names General Ironwood the Headmaster of Atlas Academy I heard a lot of what happen today but I hope it's not too late to say happy birthday young mand and you too miss Weiss."

Me and Weiss nodded our heads in agreement and after that our birthday was canceled because of some assassins ruin our day and had to take our small birthday party in another day…

Yup its official this became the worst second worst birthday to happen today, the first would be mom and big sis trying to force cross dress me into dresses when I was a kid…

But at the very least I still get to keep my Speedwagon saw hat that what's matter the most today.

JoJo System:

Shop, Bizarre Gacha, Bizarre Mission

Skill Lv.: None

Stands: Geb Lv.1, Horus Lv.1, Yellow Temperance Lv.1

Inventory: BT x2, Speed Wagon Saw Hat

Lien: 35,000