Chapter 7: Looking for Clues

~Eis POV (7 years old) ~

I already left my room to go to Jacques office it's already nighttime from the direction of where the moon is from where I can see I already knew that my trash bag of a father won't return till later tomorrow morning or sooner when he comes home.

As I was going in the direction of the hallway to Jacques's Office, I say to myself, "Still though what would be getting the documents be any good to me? He will just get another copy or something along those lines… maybe something valuable for him to safeguard perhaps?"

Still, though I wonder what kind of guy does Jacques even hides anyway some extra Lien lying around in his safe or something else entirely?

But now that I think about it in my stance, I'm 7 years old and so far, the canon of the show should start soon in 10 years' time if I go based on my age, so the next question is what next course of action after training?

As things stand now, I won't get to do much as I like with that annoying father in the way, but I can't exactly just kill him during this time as well as it might bring in some unwanted attention that I'm not aware of.

Also, if I did try to kill him then it would have to be during the change of the White Fang in about say 5 years or less till they form into a terrorist group and when they attack him, I would secretly end him…

But then again that would raise questions on why I didn't 'save' my father from any attacks from the terrorist no I need to take him down legally this way it would not be suspicious, and I can give the important information to someone trustworthy as an anonymous person.

When I was walking on my way to Jacques's Office, I slowly open the door to see that there was someone else in the room beside me what!

The interior of Jacques' study is vastly different in appearance from the rest of the household. The floor is dark wood, rather than tile, and the blue beads hanging from the black sconces are crystal-shaped, rather than a teardrop. The side walls are lined with wooden bookshelves.

The front wall, where the entrance is, is covered in blue wallpaper patterned with the same symbol found above the study's door in the hallway. This wallpaper is also found in the top border of the wooden back wall, near the dark brown ceiling.

The symbol can also be found along the bottoms of the windows just under the ceiling along the sidewalls, as well as in a pattern on the light blue rug that runs the length of the room.

The bookshelves are decorated with framed maps, a framed portrait of Weiss and me by the way it needs a better update and, dark gray bookends shaped like wolf heads with light blue crystals for the eyes, various awards, and a round gray clock.

There is a ladder leaned up against the left shelves. In the middle of the room is an ovular glass coffee table with a chessboard resting on it. On one side of the coffee table is a black couch, and on the other side is a pair of black armchairs, one of which has a black footrest in front of it. Near the couch is a tall metal lamp with dangling strings of light blue circles, in varying lengths, acting as the lampshade.

Hanging above this sitting area is a chandelier made up of three tiers of metal rings, shrinking in size with each lower tier. Each ring has dangling strings of light blue circles and hanging from the middle of the lowest ring are four light blue prisms.

The back end of the study is raised slightly above the rest, with three small steps leading up to it. Here, Jacques's desk can be found. Atop this desk is a small lamp of the same style as the one near the couch, a mat for the papers he writes on, a pen holder, a couple of books, and a single framed photograph of Whitley.

Behind the desk is a portrait of Jacques from his younger years, when his hair was black, and his mustache was thinner. Behind him, in the portrait, is the symbol from above his study's door. On either side of this portrait are landscape paintings that exclusively use varying shades of blue. Beneath the portraits is a shelf with books and a stack of paper. The seat behind the desk is a black office chair.

When I look closely in the door wondering who else is here, 'Seriously who else is here in the middle of the night?'

When I saw the person, who was here was actually Winter looking through some of Jacques's papers in his desk looking distraught I listen in more closely to what she says, "Damn it! Where the hell did my 'father' put those documents that were worth getting my home attacked and getting Weiss and Eis in harm's way this is the last straw!"

Well looks like this took an interesting development from me searching for a father turns to Winter looking for some evidence as well…


The plot thickens but maybe this is a good opportunity to see if I can some answers from why the assassins attack our home and not from the mission, I highly doubt it originated from there.

When I let myself inside the office, I saw Winter looks towards me in surprise then says to me with a quiet voice, "Eis! What are you doing here I thought you were asleep in your room young brother also why are you here?"

Well, time to be honest about why I'm here to a degree with that I acted surprised to Winter and explain why I came here while expressing a frown, "Hey big sis, I came here because I wanted to know the truth why these bad people came to our home and I overheard from the General saying they wanted something from here."

Winter just sighs at me while having her hand on the top of her head but does smile towards me and says, "Listen Eis as much as today was probably – "

I quickly corrected her immediately while questioning her with a raised eyebrow, "It WAS the worst birthday?"

Winter looks away for a bit but coughs in her fist to correct her mistake, "Cough… Ok, it was the worst birthday to have but that has passed Eis so you don't have anything to fear for now but it is an admirable trait for you to have for a future Huntsmen but leave this to me ok?"


No way I'm letting this opportunity slip past me and besides having two people to search an area is much more favorable than just one why have a one-person search when you have two working together.

I shake my head no towards Winter and explain to her the profits of two people, "Nope! I want to help you search for these documents Winter please at least consider my help since two people searching makes things easier to search for them."

I see Winter considers the idea when she was about to deny my request, I knew it was time… to use the puppy face!

When Winter saw that she just sighs out in defeat then says to me with a stern voice, "Sigh… fine Eis but if you find anything vital make sure to hand them over to me ok, I have… friends in high places that can help."

I just nodded my head in understanding but in reality, I was thinking what Winter meant of her friends, 'Friends in high places? Who the heck is Winter talking about as far as I know there are only a few people who would want Jacques down for their agendas like Ironwood or Mantle hometown hero Robyn?'

Well, whatever Winter wants I might as well agree since in the end this will probably get that scum bag of a father to be investigated but still, he has influence he can pull with the councilmen in Atlas…

Hmm… I guess I have stuff I can do but for now, though it's time to search around the room of Jacques, so I asked Winter the obvious questions, "So then big sis where do you think that father put his secrets in?"

To my surprise, however, Winter already showed me where the safe is in his room under his desk, "Little brother if you were wondering where the safe was, I already found it and it looked to be damaged to be used."

What the hell do you mean it's too damage to be used?

With that, I look to see what Winter meant till I noticed that the damn safe pretty much had scratches all around itself, and the keypad that was used to open it was damaged!

Well, this is certainly put a wrench to my idea of opening it then when I heard from Winter I was shocked at what it was made of, "Yeah I guess the assassins tried opening father Pure Dust crystal one of the toughest materials around Remnant why am I not surprise that father would keep this a secret."

Well shit, I knew that scum bag was cautious but this is ludicrous since to spend that much for a safe those things are expensive as hell!

I wonder if I can sell it later when father wants to get rid of it, but why didn't the General just take it since it was vital for information?

No for now though I should find a way to break the case then I asked Winter with clear confusion in my voice, "Big sis why didn't the General took the safe to open it up to see why the assassins came for me and Weiss?"

Winter sighs to me but explains why that they contacted him to take the safe that was revolving around the incident today but quickly says that Ironwood had no right to take his stuff without some authority behind the reason to have the safe till he returns and Ironwood had no choice but to follow the laws.

I couldn't help but show my angry expression while I say to Winter with a clear frown, "Damn… doesn't father care about what happen today if I or Weiss were gone today?"

Winter just looks away from me not wanting to say the truth I could only sigh but since now I know that 'father' doesn't care I hope he doesn't mind what I'm going to do next hehehe…

Suddenly my expression change to an innocent smile and asked Winer who seems to notice a quick change in my attitude, "Hey big sis Winter would the General mind if he got the documents no matter what happens to the safe?"

Winter raised her eyebrow at my meaning on what to do with the safe but still replies to me showing a curious expression, "Well… no one would really matter much about the safe I suppose if anything I'll take full responsibility for it if it were to ask Eis if you have a way to open it?"

Good that was all I needed to hear so with that I brought out one of my new Stands to test out is PWR: A power to see where it stands since Star Platinum power is also PWR: A which has enough strength to destroy a diamond time to see where that power is enough to destroy the safe.

With that, I command out to bring out… "Come out The World I need your assistance!"

Then I suddenly glow a golden and yellow aura around me to reveal a kid-size version of The World into existence

When I brought out The World out Winter tries to look for it only to not see anything but is confused so she asks me, "Uh… Eis where exactly is this what was it The World is? I know I heard Klein said you say the name to bring your Manifestation out, but I can't see it?"

I really didn't want to answer that question so I ignored it for now but that was when The World started to tear open the safe very easily well that is expected after all since it was stated by Dio himself stated that it won the first clash in power against Star Platinum.

But it does bring me a sense of joy to hear one of your favorite Stands say out their own battle cry just music to my ears if this was only better with the songs, "MUDA MUDA MUDA!"

When Winter heard my Stand battle cry, she looked immediately startled off where the sound originated from huh?

I guess my Stands can release their own sounds into the real world good to note that for the future to be careful around people while my Stand speaks.

With that The World vanished but when me and Winter looked inside the safe, we both stopped to see something inside while Winter says looking through the documents, "This is… this…"

When I saw the documents and photos inside, I just froze up at the spot…

Now I really wish to kill the bastard myself when I have the chance because he ruins the Schnee name of my grandpa now…

When Winter regains her composure again, she was coldly glaring at the picture provided and kept any documents that was inside on her person, "Eis please do me a big favor and check around the room some more maybe we can find more evidence of what this criminal has been doing…"

Yeah I have to agree on this one big sis because what I saw from the vault that the documents had were pictures that revealed one of the most hated characters from the series being branded by the big bastard himself got to say this is turning out quite interesting so far.

Damn well at least now why Adam hates our guts to the bone because my bastard of a father and workers were there with him with a hot iron rod with our family company symbol on it…

JoJo System:

Shop, Bizarre Gacha, Bizarre Mission

Skill Lv.: Hamon (Ripple) Lv.3, Spin Lv. 2

Stands: Geb Lv.1, Horus Lv.1, Yellow Temperance Lv.1, The World Lv.1, Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap (D4C) Lv.1, Anubis Lv.1

Inventory: Red Stone Aja, Speed Wagon Saw Hat

Lien: 5,000