Chapter 27: Double Trouble and Don’t make it Double

~Eis POV (12 years old) ~


That was all I could think of how the situation I found myself in when four members of the Happy Huntresses are glaring at teacher Clover and Marrow while the Bullhead left.

I guess the saying is true hell hath no fury than a woman glare… wait this world has plenty of badass Huntresses in this world so should I create a new phrase?

Well, whatever the case is Robyn finally manages to go over to Clover and asks or demands to know why they are here while narrowing her eyes, "Hello there Ace-Op agents Clover it's a pleasure to meet you again but… why are you two here on our mission and why did you bring a kid here?"

Clover just holds his own just smiling towards her while explaining to Robyn and the rest of the Happy Huntresses, "Were on duty Robyn as were instructed in the Atlas Academy does is protect its people – "

Then Robyn raises her eyebrow as she pointed towards me with a doubtful tone, "If that is the case why would a soldier need a kid to bring with them on a mission?"

Well, she got a point their Clover old four but I for one need to know what a Grimm actually looks like in honestly and have some more combat facing against said monsters.

With that, I immediately interrupted them by saying to Robyn with an innocent expression, "Well easy they came here with me as escorts to help hunt down the Orochi Taijtu for my first summoning also the name is Eis Schnee by the way."

Robyn just narrows at me but softens her glare towards me while it was my turn that raises an eyebrow till she finally speaks, "Well looks like I get to meet the kid who sends his own father to prison nice to meet you kid also say thanks to your sister for providing more job opportunities for the people of Mantle."

Now that got me a bit surprised about the news but didn't my help during the Jacques Vs People of Atlas case was kept a secret?

Robyn looks at my confusion then she elaborates to why she knows me while smirking, "You know kid you really shouldn't underestimate my information network so much when I learned that Jacques was accused I had to find out who was the one who put him behind bars…"

Well, this is certainly nerve-racking is this what it feels like having someone look after you without your knowledge?

Robyn continues on her talking with a smug look on her face, "…When I found out that it was from one of the youngest members of his family provide the evidence I couldn't help but laugh my ass off that the biggest pain is gone so good work there kid."

Ok clearly, she likes to talk to herself, so I asked Robyn a question, "So was there a point in talking about the past or something because I have a Grimm I need to hunt?"

Yeah, I came here to get a Grimm, not a lecture of talking about the past here I came here to hunt.

Robyn stops her expression and looks at me with an unamused face soon she starts to talk to me, "Well that was rude their kid, but what I'm trying to say is here is that I want to thank you for getting rid of your father Jacques he was by far my biggest opponent in politics but since you have got rid of him you made my life a little easier taking care of him."

Well, your acting like a know it all you do know that my family has been tried to be killed by assassins by those two events, and the second one I had to fight my all however it wasn't like she knew about that since Clover and Elm covered that fact up as to not cause any negative emotions in Atlas.

But for now, though I really didn't want to deal with her as I told her with a cold look, "Sigh… You do know that my family has been targeted before but let me clear this for you idiot, I had to face the assassins both times at a young age the first with help the second is I had to face off alone so get your facts right."

Well, it looks like that stops Robyn gloating stun as well as her Happy Huntresses at me while Marrow and Clover look at me worriedly and Clover asks me, "Eis you do know that letting off your negative emotions feed off to the Grimm, right?"

I looked at Clover as if I wasn't dumb, I know that you good luck charm!

But I know this really is one of the few ways to attract other than increasing one's own aura to attract Grimm so I respond to Clover, "I know Clover but I really couldn't help but use something to attract the Grimm which is one we have enough people with aura and need a little negativity to attract them."

Clover just sighs out loud as he says next about what I'm doing while nearly yelling at me near the end, "Sigh… Eis you know you can't just use yourself as the bait just to attract the Grimm and stop doing it right now mister if you don't then I'm canceling this mission!"

I controlled my emotions to rein in my negativity just as soon as I relied in my emotions I look over to Robyn and say to her with an exhausted expression, "Sorry about that earlier I just really don't like people talking as if they know what happens so if you would do me so kindly as to not mention about him again he only brings some bad memories."

Robyn nods her head again and tries to apologize to me about the earlier conversation showing an apologetic expression, "Sorry… if I know earlier… sorry I won't bring that up again…"


That lady still needs a lot to learn to not judge a book by its cover I see over to the other Happy Huntresses are somewhat surprised at the turn of events but then I ask them the question as to they were here.

Usually, when a Grimm attacks it takes a whole team to take down an intelligent one but if Atlas already sent out two members of their greatest then there was no need for them to be here it usually means that there is more than one Grimm in the area.

So, with that in my mind, I asked the four of them with a curious expression, "So what is the Happy Huntresses are doing here anyway aren't you here for the Orochi Taijitu mission the same with Clover and Marrow?"

Robyn seems to get out of herself but her Faunus friend Fiona answers my question while shaking her head no, "No the Happy Huntresses came here for a different reason, we accepted a mission on the outside area of here of reports of a new Grimm report that has been hurting Mantle in the shadows."

The shadows?

Marrow looks a bit confused about what was going on, so he asks Fiona with a curious expression, "Wait! Do you mean to say there was trouble with Mantle? There wasn't a report about that in the Atlas database to get any report?"

May was the next to speak up with clear annoyance in voice but answers Marrow question with a troubling expression, "You wouldn't know what was happening to begin with soldier boy, the one who requested it was a Faunus man who reported it to the nearby soldier but only ignored him till it was too late in the news he was dead the next day in the poor section of Mantle."

Soon Fiona follows up May with a serious expression holding her weapon, "But his answers were called when a friend of his managed to hear the news and we came here to answer his call as for the soldier that ignored him…"

Robyn soon joins in the sentence with a determined expression explaining what happens to the soldier, "He was immediately fired the next day as soon as I heard what happen and as soon as the news hit that an Atlas soldier was ignoring cries for help I used my influence to make sure he gets what's coming."

Well, at least I approve of Robyn's use of power to screw the racist bring on the justice of equality!

The next to speak was Joanna with a tough voice while having her hand on her face while showing us what she spoke of in her scroll, "Yeah that wasn't all if Fiona here hasn't checked the video records of the attack in the poorer section of Mantle we would have no clue where to begin to find this Grimm but the problem seems to be its ability since it was last seen to flew here a just a few days ago."

Soon Joanna shows us the events of what happened to the Faunus guy that was killed from the shadows they speak of I couldn't tell much as I only saw that the guy was walking to his home…

Wait for what…

Clover and Marrow also look more carefully as well as me I just saw one quick flicker of the screen in the shadows that cut the guy's body in half and flew off into the sky at night!

When I saw this there were a few Grimm that I read of that are capable of this but I couldn't know what type this but there was none that can fly with wings unless it was a Geist but it couldn't since it needs a body to harm someone first!

When Clover looked over it, he was just as confused as I am and made a comment about the video with a serious expression, "Now this is odd? How did the Grimm manage to get past Mantle defenses I see it flew away, but it shouldn't be possible in the first place how and to make this worse it's a new type?"

I can make a few guesses on that it's probably Arthur Watts that managed to smuggle in that Grimm or it entered another way but that seems irreverent for now.

With that, I bring out my scroll and used my Stand to see what exactly that was, 'Ok time to use Hermit Purple here to see what the hell was that Grimm!'

When I started to use my Hermit, Purple Robyn noticed what I was doing and asked what I was doing but was stopped when she noticed that my scroll got all buzzy.

Marrow noticed what I was doing as soon as he did ask me with clear confusion, "Hey Eis, what are you doing with your scroll we are trying to figure out what that Grimm was here."

I looked over to the group of soldiers and Huntresses and reply to them since I'm going to show them regardless, "If you must know I'm using my Hermit Purple a manifestation that I use my second Semblance with to help me with divination to see what was that Grimm in the video so I try it with my scroll to view what it was."

The only reason I told them was that I might need their help in tracking down or to fight it if it's around here and if not then it's no skin off my back if they know only one of my abilities it's not like they can stop me from doing it either.

Everyone looked surprised at my power of Hermit Purple ability, but they ignored it for now when viewing the Grimm in question finally appeared onto the screen.

The Grimm in question looks like a humanoid form with pretty noticeable black wings as if it was an angel with its upper body covered in Grimm's bone-like armor and the legs as well. It also has some pretty long arms with each fingertip nail sharp, but the head looks like it has a pair of horns that look like a bull and its face is covered in Grimm bone like a helmet that looks like Raven headgear.

When everyone saw this they were very intimidated by it when looking at it.

When I put my scroll away Marrow Robyn says to me with a serious expression, "Listen kid is what you showed us how accurate is it really."

Well, this a first to see her seeing this as seriously so I reply to her with a question of my own as to what that Grimm was, "Yeah it's very accurate so far Hermit Purple hasn't failed me yet and what's with the pale expressions do you guys know what that Grimm is because it's the first I saw about it?"

Clover that was right next to me clears his throat and replies to me, "Hmph! Well no Eis this is the first time I have seen this Grimm around and one that looks human in shape but that is it. Robyn you and your group came here to eliminate it correct?"

Robyn nodded her head in agreement but before we could continue, we heard a big explosion going off in the distance and a rumbling sound coming from the ground!




When I saw the explosion, it originated from the Bullhead that me and the other Ace-Ops were on and the rumbling sound must come from the Orochi that was here but if I had to guess…



I put my hands on my ears to avoid the high noise screech that was coming from the sky…

The sky!

When I looked up, I saw that the Grimm from earlier was that I showed from my scroll earlier coming towards us!

When I saw it I couldn't help but imagine it as a Fallen Angel from the way it looks despite looking very terrifying but I thought to myself, 'If no one is going to name it first then I will name it the Gefallener Engel in German that means the Fallen Angel.'

With that I look over to see that the Orochi Taijtu and Gefallener Engel was coming to close for my comfort.

In that moment the Gefallener Engel came already at high speeds ready to slash me while the Orochi Taijtu finally came out from the ground intending to pounce on us.

That was when I use The World ability right in that moment, 'Well here we go again.'

I summon out my mature looking The World and say out loud in my thoughts, 'ZA WARUDOOO!'

Unaware that I didn't notice a mission popping up in that moment.

"[Bizarre Mission: Take out the Grimm Stand User Edition

Description: Two unique intelligent Grimm are attacking you and your allies to make sure to kill all humans and Faunus alike because that is there goal.

Objective: Defeat the two Grimm quickly before losing an ally 0/2.

Failure: Anyone currently with you could die from the attack.

Rewards: 50,000 Lien, BTs x2 and LUT x2.]"

JoJo System:

Shop, Bizarre Gacha, Bizarre Mission

Skill Lv.: Hamon (Ripple) Lv.4, Spin Lv. 2, Gunmanship Lv.4, Swordsmanship Lv.3, Cooking Lv.3

Equip: Ea (Customized Lance/Sword/Cannon), Anubis (Customized Sword/Revolver), Speed Wagon Saw Hat

Stands: Geb Lv.1, Horus Lv.1, Yellow Temperance Lv.1, The World Lv.1, Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap (D4C) Lv.2, Anubis Lv.1, Man in the Mirror Lv.1, Silver Chariot Lv.2, Achtung Baby Lv.1, Dolly Dagger Lv.1, Doobie Wah! Lv.2, 20th Century Boy Lv.1, Memory of Jet Lv.1, Death Thirteen Lv.1, Satanic Coupler Lv.1, Hermit Purple Lv.1, Dark Mirage Lv.1, Emperor Lv.1, Crazy Diamonds Lv.1, Killer Queen Lv.2, Pearl Jam Lv.1, Gold Experience Lv.1, King Crimson Lv.1, Star Platinum Lv.2, Mandom Lv.1, Wonder of U Lv.1, Whitesnake Lv.1, Planet Wave Lv.1

Inventory: Red Stone Aja, Locacaca x2, Adult sized wooden doll, Scroll, LUT x3, Stand Arrow, Disc Collection Empty, Steel Ball, BT, Sword PLUCK

Lien: 57,340