Chapter 39: Prelude of the Shadow War Pt.2

~Salem POV~

Waiting on my throne looking at my Seer showing Lionheart telling me all the information I needed to know.

Lionheart speaks to me in his usual scared voice, "Yes Mistress, apparently Ozpin wants to potentially recruit one of the Schnee's into his group but he's too young to join but his ability is going to be a problem."


Soon I asked Lionheart about this child's abilities that he sees as a big threat to me, "Is that so Lionheart? Then please tell me what the ability of his Semblance is can do I doubt he can do much with just divination alone?"

Seeing Lionheart shakes his head he begins to explain to me his unique ability of Manifestation and all the abilities that the paranoid man in Atlas has informed me about.

Healing, divination, ice manipulation, superstrength, and many more…

Narrowing my eyes towards the man I thought to myself, 'This boy is going to be a problem in the future or…'

Soon I return to Lionheart with a grin on my face gives him a fearful expression, 'Rather he can be a useful pawn for me to use if his divination is accurate maybe I can finally achieve to be the true Dark Queen needed to destroy Ozma once and for all.'

Waving my hand at my Seer it turns off as I think of the useful possibilities of this Schnee can do for me but that also leaves a bit of a dilemma…

His divination was able to figure out Watts and Tyrian in the prison attack getting what was a new pawn turned into a dead one soon after.

Thinking this through from what Lionheart has told of me is that he doesn't know about my existence or his acting to keep appearances.

Laughing a bit at how can this child even tell anyone one of my existence to believe him but that isn't the case here otherwise he would have already joined the Ozma group at a young age.

Lionheart reporting to me just proves my theory that he hasn't joined him yet but from what I gathered he seems to be a very curious and studious boy as well prideful hearing he went personally to help or deal with Blutig.

But that just means that this Eis Schnee lied about his death.

From what Tyrian spoke highly of him and his increased Semblance range he was the ideal servant to have work for me… "But the situation couldn't be more wrong if someone like him had the skill to hear anyone coming near him the logical thing to do, he would've done is to run away the first chance he's gotten but he hasn't come to my palace for some reason."

Truly if someone knew my existence they wouldn't dare try to get away unless I have my servants track them down the only logical conclusion is that Eis Schnee killed him in such a way that makes it impossible for the body to be discovered.

How I came to this conclusion is rather simple from hearing what Watts gathered over the past year of this boy's abilities it was made apparent since last year he used explosions or bombs…

Maybe this Eis Schnee had an ability to possibly silence the very sound he makes to be sure to get Blutig that is the only possible way for him to win against someone like Blutig by taking away the sound he needs to hear.

If you add in the fact that Eis Schnee has the second Semblance Manifestation that gives him a wide range of versatility who can say it isn't possible for him to do the deed for all I know he could have just touched him to be done with.

But that contradicts something else in this story that even I'm not aware of, "If everything I thought is correct so far that leaves a major flaw in my logic… where was the bomb explosion sound if that was the true cause of death for my pawn…"

If everything I had thought till far has been accurate then the Huntsman and Huntresses should have heard the explosion but didn't for some reason or another…

There was also another odd thing that was mention from what Watts got in the file stated as follows, "When we were trying to dig for the child we seem to have changed positions but I think we didn't care how since we couldn't remember trying to save a kid…'

Now that was also another piece of a mystery that was never explained as to how they changed position and how the small hole they were digging have gotten bigger, 'Adding these two facts that have occurred left me a bit stump but when I heard from my servant Tyrian saying to me about another ability from the child from his college has made me think for a bit…'

From what Tyrian said what Blutig knew from there last encounter was not only that Eis Schnee also had another ability to stop time…

Stop time…


Putting my chin to my hand and thinking carefully about this there was no actual way for the child to stop the sound of the explosion from happening in the cavern as it would have created echoes from the walls but if I add Eis Schnee time manipulation…

Getting up from my throne walking around a bit and thinking of any possible scenarios that would make those human fools miss the sound from the explosion…

He couldn't have done it by stopping time since it only stops something that will happen.

Reversing is also impossible since Eis can't leave behind a healthy Blutig otherwise he would have injured him.

Accelerating time is also not possible since the people from above the cavern would have heard him causing the explosion unless he…

Time skip…

My eyes immediately widen when one use of time ability can he use as I say in clear shock and disbelief, "Time skip… that would make the most sense if Eis Schnee can skip time then he can effectively get rid of a body in that time period where it once occurred but if he skipped it then only he would retain the knowledge since the reports say that the others didn't know there position was and that explains how the hole they dug have gotten bigger!"

Skipping Time!

That was the answer I was looking for on how he could've done it!

With this knowledge, I have learned I narrowed my eyes on how much this child is going to be a real thorn to my side and I can't even touch him now that I know of this ability!

If he has the ability to create explosions and add it with his time skip then he's pretty much untouchable so long as he can react in time but that was one reason, the other is more like a trigger.

Then the usual means aren't going to work and if I have one of my servants go after him or his family his divination will show me and once he realizes that I'm the leader of Grimm he will either get the people to gather together or tells the General which means they immediately get what they want early!

The second they have him if I try any move on him then it would hurt me instead since that brat has a way to find me and if he rallies the humans and Faunus together under a cause to kill me.

While that is a fruitless idea and clear deaths for them that don't mean they accomplished anything no if they did attack me and my base then I would lose all my hard work for centuries of creating Grimm only to lose them in a big war between them and the rest of the people on Remnant.

Returning to my throne I sat down thinking what to do about the child, 'Good grief this child is something like a trigger for everyone if I attack or capture his love ones he triggers an event that will ruin my hard work as long as he in Atlas and my people can't do anything for the time being.'

Yes, so long as that child is on Atlas, I can't touch him since Watts and Tyrian are labeled as wanted people after the divination from the child and I can't send out my greatest asset Summer to sick on him without revealing my hand to Ozma.

If I sick Summer on him in Atlas Ozma would do everything in his power to gather the remaining Silver Eyed Warriors into hiding on his side while I have some difficulties finding useful hounds for them since these corrupted warriors are immune to their kind silver eyes making them the best group to deal with the Silver Eyed Warriors.

If that child were to step out from his safety hole I would have no second thoughts to sick Summer on him since I need him gone or he joins me whichever choice he makes I win in the end.

Shaking my head, a bit I say to myself in a tired voice, "Truly this child is going to be a thorn on my side but I should say to the rest of my servants to not engage him unless they want to die or reveal ourselves."

With that I went down my palace home to inform the others with my corrupted knight Summer coming with me to my side…

~Eis POV (13 years old) ~


I guess I underestimated Salem intelligence by a lot right here she managed to figure out my Time Skip ability of King Crimson just by a few words and now her underlings are more aware of me now but…

Ok it looks like Salem can't touch me while I'm at Atlas which should be good for the time being but the second, I leave I will be on her radar for so long as I'm outside the four kingdoms…

Actually, make that three if I count Lionheart to send in assassins to kill me or the Grimm corrupted warriors after me…


Good grief at least I know who is going to chase me now but that just means I will have a better chance to save Summer since Salem wants to send her first to get rid of me, but the question is how strong is a corrupted warrior is?

Looking from my Scroll I can tell she is going to be tough to help since my Stand PWR: A rank is on par with a tough Grimm like my Orochi Taijitu but light weights like my Gefallener Engel makes it a breeze to deal with.

But a corrupted warrior retains some intelligence could go either way of how it goes in a fight since they retain their ability to learn.

Well I already have a few ways to deal with her and Ozpin that would be either Brain Dead, Imprison, or Requiem.

Using Whitesnake all I need to take is there motor functions from there memory or just rob their memories leaving them in a coma.

Imprisonment is using Crazy Diamond to fuse them into an object since Josuke used it to imprison Angelo into a rock making him unable to do anything even call out his Stand which means it can also block thought process some way.

Requiem do I even need to ask its power belongs to the realms beyond my understanding even defeat them with one of them is easy…

But there is one problem that forces me to always reconsider not to go in guns blazing Ozpin and Salem…


I don't know what properties they would do to my Stands and what they do because I lack what they can do with their magic.

Shaking my head at this I look up at my ceiling deciding an important choice I have to make because in a fight knowledge is power, "From the way I see things I have the advantage with my Stands but if I don't know what magic is then can I really know what to expect from the two magic users in Remnant?"

Should I use my Level Up Tokens on my D4C so that I can travel an alternate version of Remnant in a world that the Gods didn't destroy Remnant and I can get magic?


Turning over on my bed I think to myself, 'Sigh… for now though I'll wait on the magic subject for another time and focus more on what to plan for the next three years…'

With that I went to sleep for the night getting to sleep wondering what the futures tells me what to do next.

JoJo System:

Shop, Bizarre Gacha, Bizarre Mission, Bizarre Challenge

Skill Lv.: Hamon (Ripple) Lv.6, Spin Lv. 5, Gunmanship Lv.4, Swordsmanship Lv.3, Cooking Lv.3, CQC (Close Quarters Combat) Lv.8, Fishing Lv.5, Staff Manship Lv.7, Low Regen Lv. MAX, Body Control Lv. MAX, Body Adaptation Lv. MAX, Knife Proficiency Lv.6, Wire Manipulation Lv. MAX

Summoning: Gefallener Engel, Orochi Taijitu

Equip: Ea (Customized Lance/Sword/Cannon), Anubis (Customized Sword/Revolver), Speed Wagon Saw Hat, Disk: Instant Waves, Life Cross Tail

Stands: Geb Lv.1, Horus Lv.1, Yellow Temperance Lv.1, The World Lv.1, Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap (D4C) Lv.5, Anubis Lv.1, Man in the Mirror Lv.1, Silver Chariot Lv.3, Achtung Baby Lv.1, Dolly Dagger Lv.1, Doobie Wah! Lv.2, 20th Century Boy Lv.1, Memory of Jet Lv.1, Death Thirteen Lv.1, Satanic Coupler Lv.1, Hermit Purple Lv.1, Dark Mirage Lv.1, Emperor Lv.1, Crazy Diamonds Lv.1, Killer Queen Lv.3, Pearl Jam Lv.1, Gold Experience Lv.2, King Crimson Lv.3, Star Platinum Lv.2, Mandom Lv.1, Wonder of U Lv.2, Whitesnake Lv.1, Planet Wave Lv.1, Sticky Fingers Lv.1, Mr. President Lv.1, Tusk Lv.5, Soft & Wet Lv.1, King of Nothing Lv.1, Brain Storm Lv.1

Inventory: Red Stone Aja, Locacaca x2, Adult sized wooden doll, Scroll, LUT x5, Stand Arrow, Disc Collection Empty, Steel Ball

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