Chapter 41: Title on the Bottom

~Eis POV (14 years old) ~

Alright as I was high on the sky and getting rid of some of my weebs vibes out of the way its time I become serious about my situation.

Spending 30,000 Lien cost a single Bizarre Token even though I have plenty to pay for some I don't think it will go well for now.

Plus, I'm strong enough currently with my Stands it's only a matter of time before I get stronger also reviewing my knowledge a bit from the show, I came to become close to my friends and family.

Even though I may not like Ironwood or the Ace Ops they have helped me in some ways for taking care of my problems but I'm not going to trust them that much about my past life.

Also, Cinder…

Tightening my fist showing some blood of how much is was tightening it as I gritted my teeth of what happen to my friend, "Cinder… I know you were a harmed as a kid so I'll try to convince you first but…"

Releasing my grip and calming down my emotions while my face expressions shadows down on my face, "… if I can't convince you then I'll be sure to end you personally for what you did to Penny."

Calming myself down I know in the future that Jaune and Emerald are going to be important so I'll recruit them first I can train Jaune to be a more competent leader and fighter since he will be useful in the future.

Emerald is just a girl who got in the wrong side if I was the one to provide her with food and shelter then she would follow willingly to the very end it's a shame that Cinder will lose a valuable ally.

Roman and Neo are certainly a unique duo, but I wonder if I can offer them a job offer that provides a large amount of money and maybe I can even restore Neo voice with Crazy Diamond to work.

Those are certainly some thoughts to think about out of the way but first entering that tournament is a must for now I have a record to destroy.

As my Summon Gefallener Engel was now approaching the coast of Argus near the city of Mistral where I smile at this, "Maybe I can find Jaune Arc here and recruit him under a guise of training with me maybe."

Yeah that is if his even here to begin with but that is sometime for later right now though I was entering in Argus as I landed down I activated my Yellow Temperance to change my face into a different identity in case anyone would recognize me that easily as well as some different clothes as well.


The southern edge of Argus is bordered by a stone wall several stories tall with a single large gate allowing for road access.

The city has cobblestone streets and has a transit system with streetcar-like hovering vehicles following a groove in the roadway most of the buildings are brick, only a few stories in height and bear resemblance to the real-world Victorian style of houses.

The city is built over hilly terrain, with a large natural harbor. The Kingdom of Atlas has their largest foreign military base on an island just off the coast of Argus, on the other end of a large suspension bridge.

The city is the location of Sanctum Academy and Argus has one of the support relay towers of the Cross Continental Transmit System and conveniently enough Argus is connected to the city of Mistral by the Argus Limited.

Knowing this I removed my invisibility of my Achtung Baby as I see the city for the very first time outside my home, "Amazing… it feels like I'm free in this place of Argus better get going to find the registration forms to the tournament."

With that I was wondering around the whole city it really looks like San Francisco in my original world truly amazing of how normal this feels to be back home in my own world in a sense.


With that I was reading the thoughts of everyone around me as I was getting pieces of information of where I should go to next finding the tournament of Mistral Annual Fighting Tournament.

When I was reading their thoughts, I heard the big prize awards was a 1,000,000 Lien this time around this year although people are expecting Pyrrha to win this year.


Nope that sweet money is good as mine!

With that amount of Lien, I can convince Emerald to come with me as well as provide a starting business with Manga from my world to start off with Roman and Neo managing it in my stead while I stay hidden behind the scenes.

Smiling at this the next step is find the registration site to participate in the tournament.

I kept on walking in the direction leading to Argus Limited where the main road is at connected to Mistral Academy.

Frowning a bit, I could only sigh as I realize that the tournament is being held in the Stadium Mistral Academy this year so making the trip to the Capital of Mistral.

Good Grief…

With that I would like to enjoy this town more, but I need to get my priorities first, "Ok the first step is to head to the Capital of Mistral and get registered."

I was already planning to head their anyway so time to go.

With that I soon left the Argus in order to get to the Mistral Capital along the way I should take my time though after all I'm not in that much of a rush.

Soon I started to walk the path of Argus Limited then the outside of Argus where the roads leads to the Captial of Mistral.

Leaving it I soon get to the forest in between the area as I sensed some bandits coming my way but I read their thoughts clearly annoyed, 'Great I just happen to meet Raven band of misfits not going to matter much when I'm done here maybe I should pay a visit to Raven and take the Maiden power already even if it doesn't mean much to me I can give it to someone else worthy.'

As soon as I enter the forest a group about 8 bandits were pointing their guns at me with an unimpressed look then one of them talks oh no they learned human language, "Hey there kid if you don't hand over any valuable belongs will kill ya you hear and don't have any funny ideas where from the Branwen Tribe –"

Before any of them could comprehend anything I quickly passed by all of them with Killer Queen already touching them with his hand as I suddenly appear in the same spot again with Killer Queen out as I make my demands to them, "Ok here is this going to happen you guys will lead me to your leader Raven Branwen and if not I start exploding people."

Soon enough the bandits started laughing at me like I was an idiot as I put my hand to my head shaking my head as well as I thought, 'Woops my bad I guess it was my fault for assuming that they were intelligent here Killer Queen show three of them an example.'

Killer Queen nods its head as he clicked his hand three times causing three of the Bandits to explode.







Soon enough the Bandits got the message as they see their love ones being killed off, I know Raven considers her group of Bandits as family, but they have done nothing but be a cancer to other villages just trying to enjoy their life…

The life that Raven tramples assuming she has power I think it's time someone shows her place in the pecking order.

When the bandits saw that their friends being killed, I used my Strings from Cross Tails to act as a barrier with the Reflect Damage from my Golden Experience always active the idiots started to shoot at me while yelling.

Only four were dumb enough to try to see the results.

"Damn you kid will kill you shoot!"


"Aw shit how are we gonna explain this to Raven!"


"Shit we have to kill this brat or were going to lose face in the famiy!"


"You killed Kenny you Bastard!"


Ok I know that was from a South Park reference and I swear to God that another immortal is here I'm going to lose my shit?!

But one the last one remaining saw the results when each bullet hit my strings all the other four Bandits that fired a gun at me soon have a bullet mark hit on their heads instantly killing them while the last one was now scared, "AHHHH!!! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU ARGH- "

But soon I dashed toward his direction letting The World hold his neck as I politely and innocently ask him where their tribe are, I mean Raven does have a wanted poster on her plus she can easily get me a pretty penny.

So, with that I ask the Bandit my question whiter he likes it or not, "So then mister Bandit you will lead me the way to Raven Branwen and I let you live how about it?"

He soon says to me with clear fear but determination in his voice, "No way you piece of shit! I'm a Branwen for life?!"

But soon I smiles towards him making him increasing worry I was really going to let him live too but I guess his pride was his downfall as I bring out Whitesnake getting ready to get his Memory Disk, "Oh you're a poor fool… I was being nice before but now I have to take drastic measures I hope you made peace with yourself."

And with that I soon begin to collect his memory leaving him unconscious as I went through my head but I managed to get where she is and I was smiling as I return the disk to him I didn't want to sell it since this guy was dead anyway.

Soon I made my way to the Branwen Tribe direction as I say to myself making sure to leave no evidence, "Killer Queen has touched the bomb."

Killer Queen reappeared as he clicks his hand making a last explosion.



With me walking away from the scene I made my way to Raven Tribe as I thought to myself in a serious voice, 'The first thing I'm going to need is her Maiden powers to open the vault but with Disc I can easily get it but first I'm going to need to defeat her first.'

When I was thinking of just that of course I see the mission pop up when I do something dangerous but necessary as well.

"[Bizarre Mission: Hunting a Raven

Description: Going after one of the Maidens already and an experience one at that you must have some balls taking one of them down! Raven Branwen is one of the experience Maidens that hold the power of the Spring Maiden and a Huntresses graduate from Beacon Academy as well as a former member of Ozpin Circle, former Team Member of STRQ, and a coward.

Objective: Humiliate Raven and teach her the pecking order.

Bonus Objective: Destroy the Bandit Camp.

Failure: Captured and returned home.

Rewards: 150,000 Lien, Bizarre Tokens (BT) x4, and Level Up Tokens (LUT) x3.

Bonus Reward: Silver Chariot Lv.1 x3.]"


I'm so going to enjoy this more than I should be from this mission.

With that I left with a smile on my face reaching their base the tournament can wait a bit, right?

I have a horrible mother to teach a lesson about responsibility and love.

JoJo System:

Shop, Bizarre Gacha, Bizarre Mission, Bizarre Challenge

Skill Lv.: Hamon (Ripple) Lv.6, Spin Lv. 5, Gunmanship Lv.4, Swordsmanship Lv.3, Cooking Lv.3, CQC (Close Quarters Combat) Lv.8, Fishing Lv.5, Staff Manship Lv.7, Low Regen Lv. MAX, Body Control Lv. MAX, Body Adaptation Lv. MAX, Knife Proficiency Lv.6, Wire Manipulation Lv. MAX

Summoning: Gefallener Engel, Orochi Taijitu

Equip: Ea (Customized Lance/Sword/Cannon), Anubis (Customized Sword/Revolver), Speed Wagon Saw Hat, Disk: Instant Waves, Life Cross Tail

Stands: Geb Lv.1, Horus Lv.1, Yellow Temperance Lv.1, The World Lv.1, Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap (D4C) Lv.5, Anubis Lv.1, Man in the Mirror Lv.1, Silver Chariot Lv.3, Achtung Baby Lv.1, Dolly Dagger Lv.1, Doobie Wah! Lv.2, 20th Century Boy Lv.1, Memory of Jet Lv.1, Death Thirteen Lv.1, Satanic Coupler Lv.1, Hermit Purple Lv.1, Dark Mirage Lv.1, Emperor Lv.1, Crazy Diamonds Lv.1, Killer Queen Lv.3, Pearl Jam Lv.1, Gold Experience Lv.2, King Crimson Lv.3, Star Platinum Lv.2, Mandom Lv.1, Wonder of U Lv.2, Whitesnake Lv.1, Planet Wave Lv.1, Sticky Fingers Lv.1, Mr. President Lv.1, Tusk Lv.5, Soft & Wet Lv.1, King of Nothing Lv.1, Brain Storm Lv.1

Inventory: Red Stone Aja, Locacaca x2, Adult sized wooden doll, Scroll, LUT x5, Stand Arrow, Disc Collection Empty, Steel Ball, Bags of Essentials

Lien: 222,340


Title: Time to Hunt a Milf