Chapter 47: Demon Extract and Black Marlin

~Eis POV~

Ok so far, a few days have passed with me and Raven wandering around the Mistral middle level of the city as well as view the place out.

Although this place is very racist towards the Faunus, we managed to see the unique culture of this place is different from what I expected.

However, this place reminds me of the time watching Avatar the last air bender city Ba Seng Si but then again, this place was based on the idea from the show.

The realization of this place is certainly nothing to scoff at much different than Atlas and Mantle that is for sure.

Although this place is definitely corrupt with the countless people and dropout future Huntsmen and Huntresses, I can guess that is Lionheart's work causing this.

They, however, aren't my concern and the weapons and blacksmiths of this place don't meet up to code with my weapon Ea and Anubis good thing I do my own work on my weapons otherwise I would be in trouble getting my weapon repaired each time.

I also took this chance to observe and gather information about the people joining this year's annual Mistral Tournament when I heard the two-time ranking champ Pyrrha is participating again making the previous people sign out.

I for one can't wait to defeat her in all honestly.

The reason why is because the one I need the money from the tournament and the other being, I need to destroy old records it's just an old habit I had in the past.

However, I felt like I was lacking some serious stuff for a while now and maybe I need to get another upgrade to my arsenal.

I would need another power other than my Stands but at the same time something beneficial to me in the process as well.

I think I have been avoiding this power for a while now.

Time for an upgrade on myself.

I know being the ultimate human lifeform has its benefits and everything that goes along with it is simply good and all.

But I feel like I could do better than this.

A prime example of this is using my Golden Experience to create life into reality.

An example of this would be my weapon Life Cross Tails.

I was able to reproduce another anime weapon from another series with my Golden Experience mostly because it was from another being.

The question was why I never use more than just the hair created?

Simple really since I couldn't draw too much attention till I left.

Otherwise, the old ironman would try to exploit me for the greater good for Atlas but I for one don't feel obligated to do it.

That was why I spoiled everything in the letter to Ironwood, to begin with since this way I told him to be weary of instead of me.

But another thing was to install trust into me in the process.

Since he knows about my Hermit Purple, I can already see what he's doing, and that way I can gain a closer gain into Ozpin trust which is something I planned from the very beginning but not without some risk involved with it.

But no matter what the results would be I would be a step closer to getting into Ozpin clutches and when he least expects it I will rob him of everything he has to offer using my Whitesnake to take the countless DISKS from him.

The same happens to Kars in a novel when Pucci has done it Kars to get DISK but instead has gotten multiple of them in the process because he has lived over a very long time.

The same is the case with Ozma or Ozpin and even Salem for that matter once I steal their DISCS in the process.

Whatever for now though I grabbed a gallon of water from the sink as I summon up Golden Experience to perform its ability as I wanted to test another free to gain the ability, "Golden Experience can you do me the favor and change the water into the Demon Extract by changing the water into lifeblood with the ability to freeze anything as well as generate ice and manipulate without the negative effects."

My Golden Experience has nodded its head as it places its hand on the water and soon turned into a brilliant red color as I saw the Demon Extract created from it.


Swallowing my saliva from this if I ingest it into my body then I would be able to gain the same ability as Esdeath another ice user.

But adding it to my Spin and my Hamon I would basically become really an unstoppable force to deal with.

Another thing to add would I gain the damage reflection property if I drank the blood that was changed using my Golden Experience power?

The reason why I chose a gallon of water was because of the specific ability of this Demon Extract.

The amount of blood that the user drank determined their level of power so what would happen if I drank a whole galleon of it?


Only one way to find out.


Without any second thought, I downed the blood of the dangerous beast that gave Esdeath her powers as I use it to improve my own strength.

Drinking the gallon to the last drop I placed the water gallon down as I feel my body adapted to the new power inside of me as I grin seeing notification of my body.


[Notice: Consuming the Demon Extract of a Danger Beast created from Golden Experience power has gained the following skills: Ice Generation Lv. MAX, Ice Manipulation Lv. MAX, and Minor Damage Reflection Lv. MAX.]

[Notice: Equip Demon Extract has been added.]

Grinning madly, I used my new abilities of the Teigu as I noticed that my center chest has the Teigu symbol of tattoo-like Esdeath on my chest.

Now, this confirms that my Golden Experience power isn't limited to only just ordinary animal life but ALL of life as long as I know what it is I can create it.

Observing the galleon of water empty on it I place my arm with my hand forward towards it as I test out my new ice abilities.



Next, I see that the ice started to form in that direction as I felt that my body used little stamina was needed to activate my power to control and use ice.

Smiling at this now that I'm free I can use my Golden Experience to create any form of life abilities or objects that can give me abilities instead.

As I wasn't done just yet I wanted to create another one so grabbing another object I used my Golden Experience to recreate another body part from a Danger Beast a small blue crystal as I swallow it as my body adapts to it.

It looks like I created another body piece this time the Black Marlin since this little piece of equipment would be handy against anyone as there will always be water in Remnant.

Come on I mean water is practically anywhere I can use the ocean, sea, rivers, clouds, or even the fucking air as a valuable resource for me to use.

That was when I noticed that my body felt like it adapted once again as I feel a new source of power other than my ice, stand, or aura like it's always around me that I have never seen or felt before.

Grinning once again I made a comment about Black Marlin as I manipulate the water in the air, "Nice I can feel the water in the air as I use it move around now this will certainly help me out to keep myself different and keep my disguise going as well as Ice and Water make for great Hamon conductors."

That was when I noticed that my system gave me an additional notice about my new set.

[Notice: By consuming the Black Marlin piece from a Danger Beast using Golden Experience you have gained the following skills: Water Manipulation Lv. MAX.]

[Notice: Now equipped to Black Marlin!]

Smirking at this I felt like I have enough as I use the summon water to bring out my first stand Geb out from the air and into my presence.

At least I have a way now to summon this stand again with a reliable water source now.

With that I left the room of my hotel to go to Raven's as I need to make sure we are both fed after all you can't win a fight with an empty stomach.

JoJo System:

Shop, Bizarre Gacha, Bizarre Mission, Bizarre Challenge

Skill Lv.: Hamon (Ripple) Lv.6, Spin Lv. 5, Gunmanship Lv.4, Cooking Lv.3, CQC (Close Quarters Combat) Lv.8, Fishing Lv.5, Staff Manship Lv.7, Low Regen Lv. MAX, Body Control Lv. MAX, Body Adaptation Lv. MAX, Knife Proficiency Lv.6, Wire Manipulation Lv. MAX, Raven Transformation Lv. MAX, Master Swordsmanship Lv. MAX, Steal Lv.6, Ice Generation Lv. MAX, Ice Manipulation Lv. MAX, Minor Damage Reflection Lv. MAX, Water Manipulation Lv. MAX

Summoning: Gefallener Engel, Orochi Taijitu, Silver Chariot Ultimate

Equip: Ea (Customized Lance/Sword/Cannon), Anubis (Customized Sword/Revolver), Speed Wagon Saw Hat, Disk: Instant Waves, Life Cross Tail, Demon Extract, Black Marlin

Requiem Stands: Chariot Requem Lv. Can't be determined

Max Stands: Silver Chariot Lv. MAX

Stands: Geb Lv.1, Horus Lv.1, Yellow Temperance Lv.1, The World Lv.1, Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap (D4C) Lv.5, Anubis Lv.1, Man in the Mirror Lv.1, Achtung Baby Lv.1, Dolly Dagger Lv.1, Doobie Wah! Lv.2, 20th Century Boy Lv.1, Memory of Jet Lv.1, Death Thirteen Lv.1, Satanic Coupler Lv.1, Hermit Purple Lv.1, Dark Mirage Lv.1, Emperor Lv.1, Crazy Diamonds Lv.1, Killer Queen Lv.3, Pearl Jam Lv.1, Gold Experience Lv.2, King Crimson Lv.3, Star Platinum Lv.2, Mandom Lv.1, Wonder of U Lv.2, Whitesnake Lv.1, Planet Wave Lv.1, Sticky Fingers Lv.1, Mr. President Lv.1, Tusk Lv.5, Soft & Wet Lv.1, King of Nothing Lv.1, Brain Storm Lv.1

Inventory: Red Stone Aja, Locacaca, Adult sized wooden doll, Scroll, LUT x4, Stand Arrow, Disc Collection Empty, Steel Ball, Bags of Essentials, Disk: Spring Maiden, BT x4

Lien: 372,340