Chapter 49: Tournament of Bizarre

~Third POV~

The time has come for the moving day for the tournament part where everyone in the Mistral Kingdom has the high level with people that have a big influence.

The tournament was designed like a coliseum arena as the people all over were on the sides as the announcer was now on the scene.

The announcer was a young man shown on the screen as he began to announce to the world their traditional biyearly Mistral Tournament!

The announcer began to speak to the crowd as he says to them in a hyperactive voice, "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!!! For what we have here today we have the chance to begin Mistral biyearly tournament!"

The cheering was heard throughout the whole crowd of the citizens of mistral as they cheered for the fights waiting to behold.

As the crowd increased their loud voices the announcer began to explain the rules of the tournament, "As usual folks the rules for the Mistral Tournament is simple. The first to lose their aura loses, the challenger that gets out by ring out and doesn't return in the next 10 seconds they lose, and finally, you can't kill your opponent unless you want to be disqualified!"

The crowd and the fighters hearing this all nodded their heads as they understood the rules.

As everyone understood it Eis in his disguise just laughed inside his head as he thinks to himself in a proud tone, 'HA! This is going to be really simple and with my exploits of my Dark Mirage, I basically unlocked all of my Stands and their requiem forms as well as a lot of Lien. The only ones I haven't unlocked were all my stands over heaven forms such a shame.'

While Eis looks at the view in front of him of the arena of the colosseum filled with people he made a quiet laugh as he thinks the bizarre challenges were a total breeze with a stand combo.

Viewing the tournament happening in Mistral he thinks to himself happily as he thought in a proud tone, 'Luckily for me, I have my 20th Century Boy the immovable object and spamming my Killer Queen Atomic Bomb transmutations as the unstoppable force it was simple for me to kill the stand users.'

When the people were cheering Eis was getting ready to prepare for the first round fighting against another normal person.

The announcer then began to hype the crowd as he places to the left side of the arena as he begins his introduction of Eis opponent, "Here in the left corner we have Jessica Grey a noblewoman huntresses from the higher floor level of Mistral and also supposed rival to Pyrrha Nikos! Give her a round of applause folks!"

The people began to cheer for the young teen wearing silver-like armor with a spear like weapon that acts like a sword as she comes to the field as if owning the area with blond hair with a cold expression.

As Jessica began to walk towards the announcer, he then gives Jessica an option to her with a cheerful expression, "Hello there Jessica would you like a few words to tell anyone you like to speak to during this momentous day?"

Jessica smirks as she grabs the microphone as she began to announce her immediate victory as she responds to everyone listening with mixed reactions, "Hello to everyone listening in I have to thank my parents for giving me some animals as punching bags for me to grow as they are only stepping stones for me to prosper for a Noble is supposed to do and Pyrrha my rival I will defeat you!!!"

There were mixed reactions from everyone who heard her voice as the announcer sweated a bit from the racist noble girl as Eis shakes his head disappointed.

He thought to himself in a very disappointed manner as he thought in a disgusted tone, 'Great… another racist person time someone shows this bitch a lesson in manners luckily for me I happen to disguise myself as a Faunus let's see if her pride can take it.'

When her introduction was over that was when the announcer took back his microphone as he began to announce the other fighter, "Well then that was enough of that. Now then folks I would please like to bring your attention to our next fighter to the left a young dog Faunus has entered the match and his long brilliant family line of the Joestar line has come to fight now please bring forth the one and only Joseph Joestar!!!"

The crowd wasn't that hyped about a Faunus joining while the Faunus-based fans roared out in an incredible cheer hearing the news.

Next came out Eis disguise as Joseph Joestar from battle tendency.

Joseph's primary outfit is relatively minimal and pragmatic.

He wears a tank top cut above the navel, gloves studded at the knuckles, fitting pants with a leather belt, and knee-high leather boots and he dons a long, broad, striped scarf; and later, as a posthumous gift from Caesar, a long, thin headband patterned with a row of tessellated triangles and wolf ears on his head.

As he enters the arena some of the female crowds blushed to see his well tone muscle as he goes to the middle of the arena without any weapons on him as he strode down to the middle as if he owns the place.

Such arrogance angered Jessica because of what her parents have taught her of human superiority as the announcer gave his microphone to Joseph as he says to him, "Now then young man how would you like to give your words to anyone back home?"

Joseph smiles as he grabs the microphone as he began to announce himself to the world in a proud tone, "Thank you very much, announcer. Now to anyone listening now the name is Joestar. Joseph Joestar. You can call me JoJo. And I'm here to win the whole shebang got it you losers?"

Before anyone could react Joseph then began to point his finger at Jessica as he says in an arrogant tone in a posing manner, "Your next line is Tch. Such an arrogant animal you shouldn't belong there to begin with why it matters!"

Everyone in the crowd was shocked to hear such an arrogant young teen say these words that caused Jessica to comment her words to Jojo, "Tch. Such an arrogant animal you shouldn't belong there to begin with why it matters…. What!"

Everyone was then caught in surprise as they heard him predict Jessica's thoughts!

However, what he says next catches everyone by surprise to show how arrogant he really is to Jessica as she grits her teeth in anger, "He-llo? Could you say that again? More slowly? In a language I understand? Depending on what you said, I might kick your ass!"

That done it.

She was literally very angry enough to hurt but that was when the announcer took back his microphone and proceeded to get away from the arena as he begins to say, "Alright now with words thrown it's time for a fight it's time to see which of these two have enough bite to match their bark! Ready… set…"

As the announcer begins to get ready Joseph then begins to say to Jessica as she raises her guard up, "Well now young lady it's time to use my sure-fire technique passed down for the Joestar generations that gave us the unbeaten win!"

Joseph was getting into a runner position…

When the announcer begins to announce his words when both fighters took action, "FIGHT!!!"


To the crowd's amazement and disappointment, Jessica was ready to put up her guard till she noticed that Joseph began running in the opposite direction as they all heard, "The Joestar secret technique: RUN AWAY! HA! I played a dirty trick on yoooooou!!"

When Jessica heard that she ran after him as Joseph really did play a little trick on her as her spear changes into a sword chainsaw while unaware of Hermit Purple is spreading on the field…

The entire crowd was incredibly shocked that technique was run away like a bitch.

But their simple minds couldn't understand the mind of what was going in on Joseph Joestar as the Faunus began to question themselves as if he was one for being a coward.

However, a certain redhead champion oddly looked at this as she thought to herself in a confused tone, 'That is odd? Why would he boast so much to her is he really messing with her or is it something else?'

As everyone was getting very disappointed in the fight, they didn't notice that purple vines were around the arena of the colosseum as Jessica began to belittle Joseph and using her Semblance to catch up, "You are no huntsmen nor a warrior! How dare you filthy animal try to fight me! I will get you Joseph Joestar take this Accelerated Speed!"

When Jessica swung her chainsaw sword, she accelerated the force behind it to cause a wind blade as her semblance is Acceleration the power to accelerate any force she comes to but isn't immune to her semblance power.

As the wind blade was coming close to Joseph, he used what he did best…

Plan a counterattack.

When the wind blade was coming close by the vines sprout up to block the attack as it appeared invisible to the normal eyes and huntsmen eyes a bright aura color.

Jessica seeing her attack has stopped dead in its tracks was shocked but that was when Joseph moved his hands as the purple vines began to entangle Jessica as she yells out in disbelief, "What the hell did you do to me!!!"

Jessica couldn't see it but Pyrrha noticed something was wrong as she used her aura to see what Joseph did and was impressed, "Wait a minute aren't those vines…? When did he… Oh! I see so that running was actually a part of his plans then is it possible he already foresaw this happening?"

Pyrrha was very impressed with Joseph use of tricks against an opponent all for the chance to rile her up.

Joseph stopped running as he continues to gloat against her as he explains how she lost as he raises his fist to her while Jessica was regaining her control taking it more seriously, "You see Jessica, humans progressed little by little, bit by bit over thousands of years... It's nothing major but in the centuries, magic and other illusions became popular entertainment... and I really love a good illusion, so I prepared one just for this occasion! Its checkmate."

Jessica couldn't help but scoff at this and admit that everything till this part was masterfully done to rile her up into false state of security and anger but smirks as she replies to Joseph in an arrogant tone, "Tch. True this is certainly clever animal but something like traps won't stop me even these purple like aura won't stop me. Accelerated Muscles."

Jessica thought she had this in the bag still as her muscles grew along with the strength to break free from Hermit Purple trap keeping her in place and thought to see that Jospeh Joestar face worry…

However, fate is a cruel bitch.

Unfortunately for her she noticed that no matter how much she struggled she couldn't escape Hermit Purple power.

The answer for this is plain and simple.

Joseph seeing this from a front row seat mocked her by smiling at her true defeat while he pumps his fist as he poses, 'Sorry Jessica but those Stands can only be harmed by another Stand, so you destroying them is literally impossible to begin with all of this has been followed like clockwork baby.'

Finally getting this final battle of the first rounds to be over with Joseph arrogantly points at her as he mocks her for the final time as Hamon sparks were beginning to fill Hermit Purple, "You may be more powerful and knowledge, but when it comes to the "art of deception", you need a little more time than that, Jessica!"

Jessica tries to get away as the sparks of Hamon began to immediate heat as Joseph continues to speak till the end of Jessica struggle, "I'll have you know. I, Joseph Joestar, have much more fighting experience than you do. I've run away in the middle of a fight before, but that was all part of my strategy! Joseph Joestar never admits defeat."

The crowd were getting impressed by the words of the young Faunus as the others that have doubted him before was a true Faunus that he used his brains to defeat a stronger opponent like the supposed rival of Pyrrha.

As Jessica tried to fight the pain of the heat of Joseph Hamon from his Hermit Purple as she struggles in vain Joseph gives her a final piece of advice, "Opponents always get confident when they feel like they're winning, when in fact, they've already lost. That's the Joseph Joestar way."

That broke Jessica as she yells out in complete fury of being defeated and humiliated in this way by a Faunus as she finally loses, "JOSEPH JOESTAR!!!! JOJO!!!!!!"

Joseph begins to walk away as he replies to her in annoyed tone, "Yes! Yes! Yes! Oh my God."

The announcer sees this as he begins to hype up the crowd once more, "We have it here folks the winner of the first round of Mistral Tournament is none other than the badass Faunus with a mad lad plan… JOESEPH JOESTAR!!!!"

Just like that the crowd went wild as Eis had one thought in his mind, 'Nailed it.'

JoJo System:

Shop, Bizarre Gacha, Bizarre Mission, Bizarre Challenge

Skill Lv.: Hamon (Ripple) Lv. MAX, Spin Lv. MAX, Gunmanship Lv. MAX, Cooking Lv. MAX, CQC (Close Quarters Combat) Lv. MAX, Fishing Lv. MAX, Staff Manship Lv. MAX, High Regen Lv. MAX, Evolutionary Body Control Lv. MAX, Body Adaptation Lv. MAX, Knife Proficiency Lv. MAX, Wire Manipulation Lv. MAX, Raven Transformation Lv. MAX, Master Swordsmanship Lv. MAX, Steal Lv. MAX, Ice Generation Lv. MAX, Ice Manipulation Lv. MAX, Minor Damage Reflection Lv. MAX, Water Manipulation Lv. MAX, Gravity Manipulation Lv. MAX, Gravity Generation Lv. MAX

Summoning: Gefallener Engel, Orochi Taijitu, ALL ultimate Stands

Equip: Ea (Customized Lance/Sword/Cannon/Indestructible), Anubis (Customized Sword/Revolver/ Indestructible), Speed Wagon Saw Hat, Disk: Instant Waves, Life Cross Tail, Demon Extract, Black Marlin, 12 Talismans, Charm of Luck and Probability, Charm of Resurrection, Charm of Pyrokinesis, Charm of Telekinesis, Charm of Electrokinesis, The Keystone of Bezel

Over Heaven: None

Requiem Stands: All of them Lv. Can't be determined

Max Stands: All of them.

Stands: All the Stands.

Inventory: Red Stone Aja, Locacaca, Adult sized wooden doll, Scroll, Stand Arrow, Disc Collection Empty, Steel Ball, Bags of Essentials, Disk: Spring Maiden

Lien: 999,999,999,999,999