Chapter 51: Ruins Stand Requiem Edition

~Eis (14 years old) ~


Running around in the middle of the night in the Mistral Kingdom I needed to get my hands on the necklace that can control Grimm.

Usually, it takes a few days to get there but thankfully having the stand of Golden Experience is really helpful for giving me wings to fly in the night sky along with gravity manipulation to make me weightless.

Also, Raven transformed into a raven on my side as I also affected her gravity to make sure she isn't hurt.

After all who would take care of me in my sleep than a maid?

Flying through the night sky of Mistral was certainly interesting than transportation but flying in the skies is so liberating really.

Clear skies and no worries shame it's infested with more monsters in the sky.

Just as I was talking to myself in my head more sky-based Grimm appears as they and I can't stress this word enough but try to eat me.



And my answer to these annoying vermin is with a good old fashion [Star Platinum] take it away my good friend.

"ORA, ORA, ORA, ORA!!!!!"



Each of those fists is strong enough to destroy diamond and as fast or more so than the speed of light, these Grimm are no longer an issue.

But the shockwaves on the other hand I can do without causing such a pain for me to use but not much I can stop about that one with a stand going wild.

Flying through the sky I managed to see our destination of where the necklace is at the fabled city of crime in the Mistral Kingdom Kuchinashi.

Kuchinashi is a city in the Kingdom of Mistral. It is located to the south of the main City of Mistral as its seemingly endless labyrinth of dark, twisting, and turning streets, it is the home of every pirate, brigand, assassin, thief, vagabond, an evil-doer for hundreds of miles around.

Full of thieves and assassins, this is a region where the people can be just as, if not more, dangerous than the Grimm. Just make sure you don't stick up your nose too far where it doesn't belong...

The city of Kuchinashi is a city tucked into the open mouth of the mountains, referred to as an egg in a viper's nest in the local region.

From a distance, the neon lights of the city can shine through the ever-present fog and rain in the region, thanks to the area's weather systems rolling in and being broken up by the mountains of Anima.



And of course its anti-air defenses as well just great…

Avoiding the anti-air defenses, I just used my gravity to make a wall in front of us to make sure that they can't damage us but for a criminal town not bad getting some defenses for the sky.

The city has anti-air artillery as a form of defense, alongside various sirens and air horns which can travel through large distances due to its distance from the capital, the city is farther from the governing council's watch.

This makes it an ideal location for thieves, assassins, and other people who wish to remain hidden from the authorities. Because of this, Kuchinashi has become well known for its corruption, poverty, and crime waves.

The city is filled with bright, neon lights of business advertisements, outfitting onto the contrasting traditional Eastern architecture that makes up the majority of the buildings seen.

Although it looks really shady as fuck, this place definitely has style with its lights in the night sky though.

It is old, mysterious, and most people in Kuchinashi are either in constant direct contact with or in service to the criminal enterprise of Mistral.

Even the honorable civilians in the city who are trying to make an honest living are aware of who their patrons are, and the endless back alleys stretch across the city, making it a maze sure is dangerous.

But also, with their main sections of this place to be aware of are the Central Strip, The Lower Alley, and the Upper Cliffs.

The Upper Cliffs are my main target thanks for the information of [Hermit Purple] because it seems I was too late to stop Javi Pastel from getting the Necklace.

But the Upper Cliff isn't just a walk in the park either for multiple reasons in that place it's the same with the other city is that the higher you are in Upper Cliff the more dangerous it really is even for the powerhouses.

Kuchinashi's residential area, The Upper Cliffs, is where citizens and criminals live their daily lives just like Mistral, the nobility is seen the farther up the mountains you go.

However, there's a twist on this in Kuchinashi: as you go higher up, the cliffs become more and more dangerous and inaccessible, just like how the crime lords prefer it to be. The higher up you are in the cliffs, the more powerful you seem to others, reflecting the culture in the city.

There are also the guilds in the area that I have to be careful around as well that I have to consider into the equation as well.

The Black Sheep family resides in the city's Upper Cliffs.

The Hana Guild, or simply the Hana, is a crime family in Mistral located in Kuchinashi, known for moving narcotics it's an old and powerful family, and their sigil is a flower with blade-like petals and from my Hermit Purple, their new leader is a man named Vermillion Raddock.

The Wave was another criminal organization in Kuchinashi, known for being a relatively newer organization that dealt in stolen goods, such as high-tech Atlas Military merchandise, and similar products they are still rivals to the Hana Guild, and their leader was a woman named Lemon.

The Hearth is a guild of thieves and assassins that returned to Kuchinashi to deal with the Wave they are currently led by a woman named Abigail Pyre a very cold-hearted bitch from what my [Hermit Purple] said about the information.

Although my target is Javi Pastel and his mining company I'm about to wake up a hornet nest of superpowered villains and crime lords once I start attacking them in the place they live, or they could even be armed right now considering their anti-air defenses stopped shooting at me.

Fortunately, I had enough foresight to cover myself to be invisible before coming in using [Achtung Baby] but they must have heat-seeking dust missiles to locate me in the first place.

Already off to a great start but not to worry since I'm just about to cause more problems than needed in this place.

Scratch that how about raise a whole lot of hell attacking a crime infested area.

Yeah, that sounds a lot better in my head.

Going above the building of the right location this should be the Pastel Estate a large home that's for sure as I was above the area I spoke to Raven, "Raven I think you should look above the sky and keep an eye out of any danger. Also given the chance how about check the area to see if they are armed?"

Raven next to me nodded its head as I cancel out the invisibility as she began to fly around the building as I go check around the area as well.

To be more accurate I even checked my Scroll the whole structure of the estate from the inside using [Hermit Purple] to get me a clearer picture.

Javi Pastel owned a large three-story estate in the Upper Cliffs of Kuchinashi which contained secret passageways within the mansion connecting various rooms inside the building.

The first floor of the mansion is connected to a large backdoor garage allowing transport into the basement of the estate.

It had a large guest hall and several restrooms, along with a kitchen and bar in the estate's wing and the basement of the first floor connected to a secret tunnel system between the walls of the building, allowing for secret transports.

A large staircase led to a second floor, where a library and kitchen could be found. The floor's kitchen had a secret passageway into the first floor's basement. Pastel's library was large, filled to the brim with various books.

One of its shelves hid away another hidden passage, leading to a subbasement detailed below.

The estate's third floor consisted of an entertainment room, Pastel's bedroom, and his office. Pastel's office desk had a hidden compartment to store away confidential items.

A passageway in the second-floor library leads into a hidden subbasement below the estate, descending from a spiraling staircase.

The subbasement contrasted the typical architecture of Kuchinashi, being highly industrialized as opposed to a more traditional aesthetic it was large and expansive, proving to be a maze of hallways that lead into a computer room.

However, what I saw next made my stomach turn in itself as I saw that some of the rooms were filled with human corpses and Faunus as I respond to this, "Fuck… Javi isn't playing around I see some Grimm's that are only native on Mistral in the rooms Sabrys, Creeps, and more. Looks like I will be busy with clearing them out soon."

The subbasement had a total of five floors, with access through an old gravity Dust-powered elevator and certain rooms had electric floor panel traps as a defense mechanism against possible Grimm experiment accidents.

The subbasement leads into the northern Kuchinashi mountain pass, traversing much deeper into the wilderness.

Having enough gathering information I see that Raven returned to my side as she began to explain to me the situation, "Eis sir, after investigating the area it seems to me that the people that were there are no longer around."


Yeah, I would've figured as much since I haven't found Javi in the area as I was searching with my he was in so that means he isn't around here anymore.

I guess it wouldn't hurt to search the area but then again, we would probably get caught and this place is literally filled with scum so…

Grinning at this I began to bring out my stand [Planet Waves] as Raven stood back, "But then again I would be doing this world a favor taking out the trash so… it's time for Requiem."

Just saying that alone my stand began to change form as the body began to change into a brighter shade of red of its muscle like body as its eyes changed into pure black and white stars inside it as its mouth showed some kind of universe inside its mouth…

This right here is [Plant Waves Requiem].

Grinning at this I commanded my Stand a few words before all hell broke loose in the area as we steadily left the area into the lower levels of the city, "[Planet Waves Requiem] … bring in the Meteors to destroy this town into dust…"

"Your wish is my command…"



Stand: Planet Waves Requiem


PWR: ?, SPD: ?, RNG: ?, PER: ?, PRC: ?, DEV: ?


Meteor Creation – The ability to instantly create meteors from the universe inside the stand body already reaching the speed of one of them falling towards the planet.


JoJo System:

Shop, Bizarre Gacha, Bizarre Mission, Bizarre Challenge

Skill Lv.: Hamon (Ripple) Lv. MAX, Spin Lv. MAX, Gunmanship Lv. MAX, Cooking Lv. MAX, CQC (Close Quarters Combat) Lv. MAX, Fishing Lv. MAX, Staff Manship Lv. MAX, High Regen Lv. MAX, Evolutionary Body Control Lv. MAX, Body Adaptation Lv. MAX, Knife Proficiency Lv. MAX, Wire Manipulation Lv. MAX, Raven Transformation Lv. MAX, Master Swordsmanship Lv. MAX, Steal Lv. MAX, Ice Generation Lv. MAX, Ice Manipulation Lv. MAX, Minor Damage Reflection Lv. MAX, Water Manipulation Lv. MAX, Gravity Manipulation Lv. MAX, Gravity Generation Lv. MAX

Summoning: Gefallener Engel, Orochi Taijitu, ALL ultimate Stands

Equip: Ea (Customized Lance/Sword/Cannon/Indestructible), Anubis (Customized Sword/Revolver/ Indestructible), Speed Wagon Saw Hat, Disk: Instant Waves, Life Cross Tail, Demon Extract, Black Marlin, 12 Talismans, Charm of Luck and Probability, Charm of Resurrection, Charm of Pyrokinesis, Charm of Telekinesis, Charm of Electrokinesis, The Keystone of Bezel

Over Heaven: None

Requiem Stands: All of them Lv. Can't be determined

Max Stands: All of them.

Stands: All the Stands.

Inventory: Red Stone Aja, Locacaca, Adult sized wooden doll, Scroll, Stand Arrow, Disc Collection Empty, Steel Ball, Bags of Essentials, Disk: Spring Maiden

Lien: 999,999,999,999,999