Chapter 54: The chapter that should’ve came first after 52

~Eis POV~


A character that is briefly mentioned in the RWBY franchise as well as being a former huntsman is here with a task to bring me home but most of all very arrogant.

Like seriously where does he find the balls to just do that?

Maybe experience against younger people before or not but quite frankly it's not like I had any choice crossdressing as a girl.

So many times my sisters and mother did that to me it stuck on to me on a personal level that isn't funny.

It's like Gray from Fairy Tail with his uncontrollable urge to strip naked mine is like that almost as I only crossdress when needed to hide away but right now I want to die.

No, I want to MURDER this fucking bastard right now.

Considering I saw him take a picture with his scroll I need to burn the evidence before he has a chance to send it to social media!

But I don't want my mother to find out about my time in Mistral so for now it's time to conduct most people's favorite pastimes…


Grinning at this I tried to say my words but…

That was when Taskmaster began to talk as he spoke in a confident tone, "Sorry Eis my boy but that favorite pastime isn't going to cut it. Don't you think that bribery is beneath you young master or are you those stupid Atlassian masters that are extremely arrogant hmm…?"

I seriously hate this guy…

All of my hate…

That was when he began to speak as he got seriously playful as he spoke, "But on a serious note how about we make a deal I won't take you home as well as the fool that Irondick that I missed you but in return, I want a favor."

Narrowing my eyes I began to suspect that this guy wants me under his spell-like he did with those saps in the bar earlier.

Guessing that he saw my expression he began to speak like he was blissful or something as if remembering something, "Now my boy I can tell you that you already know my semblance [Loan Shark] it allows Taskmaster to enslave anyone who feels they owe him something. The length and extent of the commands that can be given depending on the type of debt right?"

Nodding my head at this I can already tell what he wanted so I asked obviously at what he wanted, "So that's your aim isn't it? You want me to be in favor of you so that you can use my political or family influence to get what you want."

However, he merely laughed at that leaving me confused?

Isn't that what he originally asked for?

That was when what he said caught my full attention as he spoke with confidence, "Oh Ohm no. What I want is to say can I have your mother's hand in marriage you see?"



The living fucks!!!

My world as I know was broken before me what he said.

The fuck this man wants to fuck my mom!

That was when Taskmaster began to move over with a long sigh as he spoke fondly of my mother, "Sigh… how is Willow nowadays since her divorce of her husband few years too many I see. Although boy what I want from you is to use you to make a meeting with Willow for you see…"

Oh god, this fucker is a stalker and creeper.

He just talks about how he was in love with my mom during his time as a teen as he was a stalker to her throughout his whole life to an extent before he was commissioned under a black ops group in Atlas.

After that, he began to go on and on about how General Ironwood began to ask Taskmaster to search for the other silvered-eyed warriors because of an anonymous note that the general received.

What the fuck.

Hearing this stalker talk this may be a good game to trick the man himself as he began to stop talking as I heard his life story.

Smirking at this I decided to play a game with the man in front of me, "Ok then so how about this we play a game if I win, I'll help you out with my mother but if I win you keep your mouth silent about this and forget we ever met."

Taskmaster was smirking at this as he began to respond, "Hmm… a game you say so what game would that be then Eis Schnee?"

Smirking at this time to take a page out of Joseph's book of playing an enemy I spoke, "The game is where each of us have to put coins into a glass nearly full of liquor and whoever makes the glass spill loses simple no?"

Taskmaster nodded at this as he got us a drinking glass that was nearly full of liquor, but I was checking my scroll using [Hermit Purple] to see into the future events happening and I was right.

This guy has a person with a liquid-based semblance on his payroll looking at the side, but I can see that they both nodded without many instructions?

Is it possible for Taskmaster to telepathically give the command to others with his ties to them with his semblance?

It is possible of sorts considering the faster a human or Faunus since semblance is like a muscle to us so in time, they can do a lot of things in the future and remembering that Taskmaster was from the Atlas Black Ops its possible for him to evolve to that extent.

However, he never mentioned why he was out or rather…

That was when my thoughts were interrupted as I heard the coins on Taskmaster placed on the table as he grins at the sight, "Now then mister Eis girl it's time to play the game!"

Whatever it doesn't matter it's time to play.

With that, we played the game as I used [Geb] to control the outcome of this game…


That was when Taskmaster made the first move as he placed a coin inside the drinking liquid as he laughs at that, "Haha… now that was my first move my dear Eis friend I hope you are ready to be calling me your new sugar daddy or papa once I win this game and ask your mother hand for marriage~"

He is so dead!

After placing in the coin I grabbed a handful of them surprising him as I dumped them inside while controlling the liquid as I fought for control with the liquid base semblance user.


As Taskmaster saw this he began to sweat seeing how unfair this situation has gotten as I spoke with confidence, "C'mon here old man I don't have all day. I have places to be and places to go so better hurry?"

Taskmaster looked flustered at this as he goes for one of his coins and…



With that the liquid filled over as I stand up and begin to leave as Raven was following behind as I spoke in clear hate, "Next time don't try to mess with a Schnee mister Taskmaster, or else you will get ICED alright?"

With that I left the area with clear disdain I hope the next day gets better…

~Third POV~

As the scene falls to Taskmaster seeing that Eis Schnee left the building of the bar he could only laugh at the scene as if remembering something funny.


That was when he got a call from his scroll as he opens it up to hear Ironwood's voice as he asked in an informative tone, "Undercover agent Codename: Taskmaster what is your current situation on gathering the silver-eyed people?"

Snorting at the sound of listening to his old teammate with Ironwood he began to badmouth his old friend, "Why hello there old Irondick I wished to have missed you but how could I knowing your metal rod stuck straight in your ass."

Ironwood at the other end sighed at his old teammate's actions as he began to speak, "Glad to see that your foul mouth hasn't lost its touch but can you get me info about what I asked about?"

Taskmaster grins at this as he began to speak in a familiar tone, "Yeah, yeah I know. So, far I have already asked a few and luckily, we only found 5 or fewer silvered eye people ya know. But knowing that their eyes on the black market are going to be hard to dissuade the underworld…"

That was when he paused before he answers with a smile on his face, "Well… before there was an Underworld since the meteor fell on the noblest criminals in Mistral but I ain't complaining as I will get to be in charge soon enough. So, how is our miss old Willow doing?"

Hearing that Ironwood grunts at that as he replied in an annoyed tone, "Sigh… I swear that woman is still the same prideful woman during our time at Atlas Academy. Although I am glad, she got herself out from that awful relationship with that scum at least."

Laughter was heard in the bar as Taskmaster takes out an old class picture with his teammates with others, "Hahaha… Yeah, I know that you Irondick, Willow, and Arthur were the best before we went our ways following what we want. It's great to hear Willow is doing well instead of being tied down."

That was when he heard his old teammate Willow through the other side, "Well at least it's good to hear your voice again Task Pointer, or is it Taskmaster in Mistral?"

Answering her response he replied in a cheery tone as he began to talk in his usual calm tone, "Yeah it's Taskmaster. But also, I met with your boy Eis Schnee his like you when you were younger. Arrogant, powerful, prideful, and mostly bold for a crossdresser a former spitting image of you! Hahaha!!!"

Willow just sighs at her end as Taskmaster replies from his side, "If you want to know where he is? His actually in the city of Kuchinashi despite the bet he made his quite childish. After all I'm a sore loser and how's it my fault that people haven't notice his presence with me saying his name around. He needs to learn his surroundings more."

Willow was then screaming at her former teammate recklessness at endangering her son as he cancels the call with them as he drank the liquid of alcohol as he wonders to himself, 'But still Willow… that brat of yours is just plain scary to deal with. But at least I'll watch over him here or else I would suffer your ice queen ass. I wonder how the kid took to my joke about me getting with Willow. I bet his pissed off that's for sure, but it was fun screwing around with him hahaha!'

JoJo System:

Shop, Bizarre Gacha, Bizarre Mission, Bizarre Challenge

Skill Lv.: Hamon (Ripple) Lv. MAX, Spin Lv. MAX, Gunmanship Lv. MAX, Cooking Lv. MAX, CQC (Close Quarters Combat) Lv. MAX, Fishing Lv. MAX, Staff Manship Lv. MAX, High Regen Lv. MAX, Evolutionary Body Control Lv. MAX, Body Adaptation Lv. MAX, Knife Proficiency Lv. MAX, Wire Manipulation Lv. MAX, Raven Transformation Lv. MAX, Master Swordsmanship Lv. MAX, Steal Lv. MAX, Ice Generation Lv. MAX, Ice Manipulation Lv. MAX, Minor Damage Reflection Lv. MAX, Water Manipulation Lv. MAX, Gravity Manipulation Lv. MAX, Gravity Generation Lv. MAX

Summoning: Gefallener Engel, Orochi Taijitu, ALL ultimate Stands

Equip: Ea (Customized Lance/Sword/Cannon/Indestructible), Anubis (Customized Sword/Revolver/ Indestructible), Speed Wagon Saw Hat, Disk: Instant Waves, Life Cross Tail, Demon Extract, Black Marlin, 12 Talismans, Charm of Luck and Probability, Charm of Resurrection, Charm of Pyrokinesis, Charm of Telekinesis, Charm of Electrokinesis, The Keystone of Bezel

Over Heaven: None

Requiem Stands: All of them Lv. Can't be determined

Max Stands: All of them.

Stands: All the Stands.

Inventory: Red Stone Aja, Locacaca, Adult sized wooden doll, Scroll, Stand Arrow, Disc Collection Empty, Steel Ball, Bags of Essentials, Disk: Spring Maiden

Lien: 999,999,999,999,999