Chapter 2

As my marble body transformed into my desired form something I can't explain came forth.

My body was suddenly very stiff, the human lungs produced white smoke that came out with each breath I released.

[Human transformation success]

Is this what "breathing" is like? I took a deep breath of air then released repeating the breathing process until I let my respiratory do it itself growing bored of the discovery. Right now my body shook and on instinct, my arms covered my chest as to produce "warmth." This is what "cold" feels like, now I see why humans don't like it.

There were benefits to this transformation such as human instincts, smell, taste, etc. But there were also cons to this, humans were very weak to whether and danger, my vision is now only in front of me, not even able to see from behind. I felt somewhat uncomfortable. It also seems all I can do is transform and I get no magic benefits even if the body I absorbed had a little magic in it.

Humans need clothing, I should find some.

I took my first human steps forward, the snow smashed into my feet leaving imprints. My feet were so cold that it felt like the so called torture! Is this "pain?" I don't like it, no wonder these creatures and other species are afraid of death.

Slowly but surely I made it into a human home, no one was present as I looked at the architecture. It felt much warmer inside and even a small fire was lit, but it was going out so I logically threw wood at it just like I watched the humans do sometimes in the faraway street market to keep warm. It worked as the flames grew, I watched in interest and decided to feel it. I've been feeling everything around as well, touch is definitely a useful skill! My data is overflowing with new discoveries.

Snow is cold and soft to the touch and melts very quickly into water when in contact with warm things. Its taste is refreshing but makes the throat cold and unpleasant, humans don't eat snow often as observed by the villagers, but still passable as a "liquid source" to clench thirst.

The wood feels rough and can cut human skin if not careful. An open wound hurts but since I am not a real human it goes back to its original appearance if I mend it to its proper state.

Now I know, fire hurts. This is called "burning" oneself. I know now why humans are very diligent and fear fire only using it for warmth and cooking not coming very close to the orange, red and yellow flames.

I snatched my finger from the fire as my heart got a scare, beating faster in response to the danger. I fixed the burned finger not liking the pain and then figured out how to put on a shirt, it was called a "tunic" and "trousers" which were very difficult to understand.

[Clothing understanding needs refinment]

Since the weather was cold and I've seen many travelers wear cloaks I put on a black cloak feeling much warmer.


I looked at my toes and wiggled them a little, I need shoes. I sighed buckling some boots to my feet which took longer than desired. Before leaving the house I took a bag filling it with food and items I thought were useful. Some left-over bread was left on the table as I casually bit into it. It was fluffy and tasted fresh, I like this taste. I want to taste more good things.

An unknown feeling of happiness gushed from my brain. Human emotions are also very interesting. It feels like im finally alive and not a rock that cant move, breath, feel pain, taste food, it feels so weird. This "living" makes me feel like im part of the Earth now and I'm not just some observer watching as time goes by like a waterfall continuing its cycle till the end of time.

Thank you, Eirwen.


I halted my footsteps and wiped the crumbs off my face, along with the smile I didn't understand why I was doing. I looked at my palm as I narrowed my eyes, feelings are so weird. I "thanked" someone who never even met me. Maybe im just happy to finally feel what he feels. Further observation is required.

Walking out of the small village didn't take long, and soon I followed the path leading to other paths, and many other roads. When I got tired of taking breaks I refind my legs to be stronger and walked without a hitch of sweat.

The sun has come out after a few days of travel and is melting the snow, I can smell that warm weather is coming. I took my hood off feeling the rays of light produced from the sun. It felt soothing.

"Hey there!"

I flinched at the sudden greeting and quickly looked for the source. A carriage wasn't too far away from my standing, a middle aged man driving waved at me with a smile.

My first human interaction! My eyes glittered as I waved back with a small human smile.

My first human greeting!

Not a moment later the carriage was beside me as he slowed down the horse.

"Where you headed to kid? I could give you a ride if you're going to Steam City." The man politely welcomed me onto his carriage filled with supplies.

I bowed my neck and torso appropriately as I thanked him.

"Thank you, sir. I am actually an adult, not a kid. As for the ride, I would greatly appreciate it!" I smiled as I sat next to the man holding the rems. He hit a whip setting off in a much faster rhythm than I had merely walking.

The man had an odd expression after a while and turned to me making small talk.

"You have a very polite speech kid, where do you come from? I suspect a mountain city? White hair is rare to see around these flat land parts."

I didn't correct him this time about the "kid" part, he seems to just call anyone younger than him that way. Many people in the village did that as well.

"I come from the village called 'Rushtome' although recently a monster attack happened wiping out the whole village. Luckily I don't have an attachment to the place and escaped unscathed. My white hair came from my father being of mountain folk bloodline."

It is much easier to lie about one's heritage than it is, to tell the truth, and cause problems.

The man's face paled before patting me on the back giving me a sympathetic look. He is showing care to a fellow human, this is nice.

I smiled at him in thanks.

"I have never left my village and have no knowledge upon maps, towns, cities, villages, kingdoms, and capitals. I hope you can inform me of this Steam City place."

It is normal to not know things like this if you're a peasant/commoner. Having no education at all is even considered normal among the poor. Although I can read, write, and do math because it was already in my data, it's best to not expose myself in regret of dangerous humans such as thieves and smugglers.

"Ah right, Steam City is known for its dwarfs and inventions. Many go there just to see the iron city, although there are rumors that breathing in the smog from machines for years can cause serious problems and shorten lifespan. It's best if mortals steer clear and not stay there long."

"Thank you for the advice. May I know your name?"

"My names Rouge, what's yours son?" His thump fervently pointed at his chest that puffed up in pride. I smiled at the action and copied him. Pointing at my chest and puffing it out in the prideful way he had done.

"My names Eirwen."

Rouge looked at me with an open mouth before his face lit up and began laughing.

"HAHAHA kid you and oddball arent you, hehe you remind me of a duckling copying a hen." Rouge silently wiped tears from his eyes as he laughed again as if remembering earlier events. Then began rubbing my head ruffling the white strands.

I think Rouge likes me. I've also determined Rouge isn't a bad person, his body language and speech all match that of a family member talking to their own. I studied his suttle stubble and brown cloak all determining he is a merchant. I made eye contact with Rouge, his eyes were an ashy brown color and his hair was a muddy brown.

"Do you know the meaning of the name Eirwen?" Rouge smiled as if explaining his favorite hobby.

"There are meanings to names?" This is new information, I should listen carefully.

"It means snow, fair, white, and holy. I think Eirwen fits you perfectly. Your hair is as white as this week's snow, your skin and face are very petite and handsome, the color you give off is white and pure. But there's also something about you that I don't think I or anyone can explain..."

I paused as I listened. Something people can't explain? Does he know I'm not human? A nervous emotion tickled my heart as I waited for him to continue, his brows scrunched up trying to find the right words as his eyes looked to be distant and not on the path in front of us.

"You just seem to attract attention like an ancient relic, it's best you keep your cloak on at all times when we arrive. I wouldn't want some creepos to smother you." Rouge narrowed his eyes seriously projecting his words.

"Hm, so you're saying that even though I'm an average human I attract others." I played with my lip as my heart beat anxiously. He is just an average human with no ability! What would happen if I came across someone strong, would they make accurate guesses based on small talk? I glanced at rouge. No, he's just very observant I can tell he's into writing and literature, so I shouldn't panic right away. I still don't know what would happen if my identity was exposed. Would I be used like my original purpose? My heart thumped in sadness at the thought. Don't let emotion get to you.


We made it to Steam City in only a few hours. I said my goodbyes to Rouge as did he and we went our separate ways. I came to an important fact that I didn't think was necessary. To keep my human form I need to complete its needs, which include, food, water, and shelter. To get those I need a job.

Luckily Rouge said he had a good friend that works as a butler and he could appoint me to a necessary job. All I need to find is the resident's SS 7th street which a kind dwarf female is helping me right now.

"Thank you miss for showing me the way. I hope you have a good day," I kindly bowed in thanks as her face turned red before rushing off. That was an odd interaction.

This city really is unique, the architecture is something I never saw and it's way bigger than a village. It's very loud and noisy very different compared to the quiet atmosphere of the village.

I looked up at the brown oak door before doing the knocking gesture humans do.

A moment later the door opened appearing a Neko youth who looked around the same age as me. He had Silver hair and brown skin with slitteted yellow eyes. He was very handsome in regard to body type and had a suit tailored perfectly to his exercised body.

"Good afternoon, Rouge said you could help me find a job." The guy furrowed his brows and showed an agitated face. Sighing he rubbed his dimple before speaking...

"The old man is always showering me with jobs and favors, how about no. I don't want to help you, what will you do then?" He smiled freely as if he wasn't being rude at all and talking to a friend.

"Well then hm, I would figure out a way." I tapped my chin in contemplation.

"That a boy! So you don't need me-"

As he was speaking my bag on my shoulder was snatched from a thief who had ran blending in with the crowd outside. I looked in shock as my stuff grew further and further away. Well, I guess that just how it is.

I looked at the guy in front of me again with a sly smile a feeling of mischievous tickling my heart.

"My names Eirwen, you wouldn't want someone with nothing on them wither out on the streets right? Plus I heard people are attracted to me meaning I could be kidnapped and rap-" I exaggerated my speech as a hopeless victim. This is fun.

"I-I ugh come in then My names Doxin, don't expect living here will be free when you get a job I'll milk you like a cow!" I smiled at Doxin going inside his small home.

"Take off your shoes and cloak."

I took off my cloak as asked and then struggled to get the boots off. Doxin turned around and stared at my struggling form for a solid three minutes before snapping back into reality.

"Geez, how are you even still alive if you're this helpless." Doxin helped me get the shoes off in only mere seconds.

"Thank you Doxin" I smiled as we made eye contact. His face turned apple red before he ran off somewhere.

I tilted my head in confusion, this interaction is very similar to the one with the female dwarf.

More observation is required.