[[Little smut]]
"Bath time!~"
Doxin happily showed Eirwen the small bathhouse which was filled with sauna smoke. Trixie's inn was one of the only inns in this town that had a bathhouse so apparently, they were lucky.
Eirwen wondered why they were the only ones in here and looked to Doxin in question.
"I booked it for two hours don't worry it wasn't costly," Doxin beamed as he took off the towel on his waist and sat in the steamy water, beckoning Eirwen in as well.
Eirwen frowned before doing the same, he had never been in a large pool of water like this, usually, they would take barrel baths or just wipe themselves with a cloth. Eirwen instantly relaxed feeling cozy and warm, looking Doxins way he watched as he began to smother soap on his hair and body.
"Can you do my back Eirwen?"
"Sure," Eirwen slid closer to Doxin taking a rag and scrubbing his back with soap before washing it. Noticing slight deviations of color on his back Eirwen had question marks appear in his data, "Doxin what are these?"
Doxin slightly turned feeling the poke of Eirwens finger to his back skin, "you mean you don't know what scars are either?" Doxin chuckled before turning around beginning to smother his hands in soap.
"Eh Doxin what are you doing-"
"Washing you silly"
Eirwen grumbled as Doxin began to scrub his head, "So what are scars? Blemishes in the skin...are they from being hurt?" Doxin smiled and Eirwen felt his tail slide over his belly in a ticklish gesture. "Your correct, when your hurt too deeply it scars over after a period of healing I only have a couple on my back from a long time ago."
"Un," Eirwen sometimes saw odd things on people's faces or arms, now he knew it was scarred. It didn't really apply to him since he can just mend his skin back together as perfect as new. Doxin poured a bucket of water on his head causing the world to blur and in the midsts of the few seconds, Doxin put his face against Eirwens neck.
"Doxin what are you doing?"
"You still smell the same, it's even fresher right now," Doxin breathed in big puffs as Eirwen felt his tail once again brush over his stomach multiple times, feeling tingly, Eirwen tried blocking the tail. Doxin watched him amused trying to catch his tail before embracing his thin body fully.
"Do you want to do something couples do?"
Eirwen covered his mouth so as to not talk more, "You sound horny Doxin! Are you in the animal rut or something?" Dioxin's eyes widened as he laughed, "Where did you hear such things?"
"I- Ollie told me and some books I read," Eirwen didn't explain further after hearing a slight growl from Doxin.
"Since we're a couple now we have to pay attention to each other's needs right? Couples do this all the time, and it furthers the relationship! Don't worry I won't go that far." Doxin kissed Eirwens cheek trying to convince him. Eirwen did want to experience what couples do and how it feels, it's said to feel really good but Eirwen has never seen a guy upon a guy relationship...wait, "Doxin is it weird for two guys to be together? I've never seen men together," Eirwen rubbed his chin going off topic.
"*Sigh*~ Eirwen people can be with anyone they want to be with! It's just most hide it, so it's alright." Doxin kissed Eirwens fingers still waiting for confirmation. Thinking about it some more Eirwen conceded, "Fine."
Doxin happily pulled Eirwen to a ledge in the water and sat him down in shallow water, "So how does it work-" before Eirwen could finish his sentence Doxin decided to do mouth play giving Eirwen a passionate open mouthed kiss making him feel that hot sensation bubble up again. As they kissed Eirwen felt Doxins hand lightly glide over his stomach unconsciously making his belly cramp and try to get away from the finger, hearing grumbly complaints from Eirwen, Doxin released the kiss and slid his tongue to the neck of the panting Eirwen and sucked on some skin.
Eirwen's face felt really hot and the steaming water made his head dizzy, before he knew it Doxins hand traveled to the most sensitive part of humans. Looking down Eirwen made a funny noise as his member was gripped in Doxins hand, not to mention it had stood up! Eirwen's never seen that before, he also found Doxins was the same, it felt slightly uncomfortable.
What was this!? Doxin moved his hand up and down one time on it and suddenly Eirwen felt extremely weak and suddenly and no capability to think! His data had moved out at the moment and instead, he was thoughtless and wanted the sensation to keep going. Eirwen's eyes began to water in complaint that Doxin seemed to be teasing him and not continuing further.
Doxins face came into view as he smiled as kissed the corner of his lip, "You smell so good right now, I wonder what it'll be like if I went all the way," Doxin sighed as he moved Eirwen in front of him, setting him on his lap. "Doxin!" Eirwen cried out at the change in position, only getting a small rumble of his chest in response. This time Doxin put their members together and started to move his hand up in down ones again.
Eirwen twitched all over and leaned his head against Doxins shoulder biting his lip to hide his voice. "Don't hide," Doxin used his free hand to make Eirwens face come into view, his watery dough eyes made Doxin more excited as he kissed him deeply.
The climax of the moment came closer and closer and Eirwen didn't hold back, without meaning to he bit Doxins shoulder as he released and Doxin did the same as if on instinct. Both were panting as Eirwen leaned over in weakness, the sensation was so good it took many minutes before he regained his sanity and Doxin had already dressed him and himself by then.
It was like a fog was in his head for 40 minutes after the exchange and he didn't have control over himself for a long time, and yet Doxin came to reasoning moments after. Eirwen wondered if maybe a dangerous situation were to happen and he couldn't protect himself in the span of time he was fogged over, he was a bit grateful Doxin was with him, it felt safe.
Eirwen sighed as he held Doxins neck while being carried back to their room.
"You back now? Who knew you would be so out of it~ You looked like I drugged you~" Doxin laughed when Eirwen hit his chest. Rubbing his eyes Eirwen spoke "what happened? What was the white stuff that came out, and why did you rub it? Also- hmph" Eirwen was blocked by Doxins hand as and grumpily looked up seeing Doxin smile playfully.
"Eirwen hunny~ Trixies in front of us~"
Eirwen's eyes widened and suddenly his face bloomed red, he felt 'embarrassed' to such an extent for the first time. Eirwen without thinking much used Doxins clothes to hide his face and covered his ears.