
The next day ...

[April 13, 2012] At Ayami's house "I'm leaving mom ...," Ayami says goodbye to her mother to go to school while carrying a small bag containing Fuyuki's jacket that her mother gave her last night.

"Yes, be careful." Her mother is now locking the door and getting ready to go to work.

Before leaving, Ayami had told her mother that she already knew the owner of this jacket. Her mother also told Ayami, "Send my gratitude to Nishizono-san and the owner of the jacket."

Instead of thinking about something earnestly, Ayami finally managed to find it ... "Without a doubt, this jacket is hers."


In class 1-C

"Good morning Momo-san." Ayami greeted Momo who had just arrived and then sat beside his seat.

"Good morning Kana-san," Momo-san said with a face as innocent as usual.

"I told you many times yesterday, just call me Ayami."

"Oh, I forgot, okay Ayami-san." Because Ayami-san looked too seriously at Momo, Momo's face that looked innocent and flat started to make a faint smile.


In Ayami's heart who then replied with a soft smile "He's like a Japanese doll."

Maybe from his appearance Momo is indeed innocent but Ayami feels that there is another side to him that is hidden like a big secret or some sort of another person shouldn't know about him. Ayami's instincts were so sharp that it aroused a sense of curiosity in Momo.

"Nee Momo," Ayami said doubtfully ... "Um ..."

Momo turned to Ayami with an innocent face. "Nani (what's the matter)?"

"..." Without any further words from Ayami's words, who stared at Momo, made Ayami even more hesitant to reveal.

"A-ah ~ it doesn't work."



The recess bell has rung, Ayami plans to approach Fuyuki in Class 1-B

When Ayami was about to stand up, Momo suddenly offered something ... "Ayami-san, today want to eat together with me?"

It felt bad to refuse it… but, "Um ..., sorry Momo-san. Today I have business with my friend. " Ayami said while showing Momo the gift bag (the contents didn't seem to be visible).

"Oh okay."

"Hehehe, sorry."

"Um~ it's okay. Should I accompany you? " Momo bargained again.

"A-ah~ there's no need. I want to meet him face to face. " Ayami continues to say like making excuses.

"Oh okay. "Finally Momo opened his bento again and said" Itadakimasu "before eating.

Meanwhile, Ayami reluctantly left this only good friend.

Hugging the parcel bag, Ayami is now heading for Class 1-B (Ichibi). Before entering class, Ayami just hid in the door, looked around the class, and looked for Fuyuki's whereabouts. However, no visible bridge at all.

Hiyori and Madara weren't there, the two of them had been eating on the roof lately.

Ayami doesn't know it yet, but Ayami thinks "Maybe the three of them eat on the roof."

Ayami did not enter class 1-B, she just paced the door even though no one saw her. But, because Mawaru felt the aura of his presence ... he immediately turned his head.

Mawaru is having lunch. "Eh?" he said.

"Ah!?" The two of them looked at each other.

Then Mawaru closed his lunch box and approached Ayami.

The two of them were talking near the door.

"Ayami, what are you doing here?" Asked Mawaru seriously.

"Um ..." Ayami hesitated, should he leave this jacket to Mawaru?

"Oi Ayami, what do you need?" Mawaru asked again because Ayami didn't answer him immediately.

"Hm ... well, I'm looking for your friend." Ayami looked around again feeling anxious.


"Yes, that yesterday."





"Hm," there was only one left. "Matsuda?"

"O-that person with white hair, right, Fuyuki?"

"Yes, why?" Mawaru was amazed after he took the names of his close friends. Meanwhile, Ayami looked at Mawaru shyly.

"Where is he now?" Even though Ayami shyly looked at each other, she still dared to ask Mawaru.

"Now huh ... hm, maybe to the principal's office." Said Mawaru who answered honestly.

* Chronology when the recess bell, before Fuyuki leaves the classroom. He is preparing to open his bento box. A few moments later, the cell phone that was kept in his desk drawer vibrated.

Even though at that time Hiyori, Madara, and Mawaru would close their tables to eat together.

Fuyuki suddenly stood up while looking at his cellphone screen seriously. Then he closed his cellphone and put it in his pocket then closed his bento.

"What's the matter, chairman?" Asked Hiyori worried about him.

"Sorry, I have business ...." Fuyuki replied seriously.

"What's that-?" (Without continuing to speak Mawaru guessed what Fuyuki's mind was)

"Yes," Fuyuki replied briefly. "Alright, sorry everyone~."

"Yes, no problem," Madara said he wasn't too worried about him.

Finally, Madara invited Hiyori and Mawaru to eat upstairs. Because Mawaru was leaking (the term red cross or menstruation or absenteeism or that was the point), he was reluctant to go up and down the stairs and chose to eat in class.


Ayami did not mention to Mawaru the reason why he was looking for Fuyuki. Mawaru also didn't ask because there might be personal interests in the meeting of the two of them.

Ayami immediately headed to the principal's room.


A few minutes later, he arrived there [Principal's Room]

"Yosh!" this time Ayami will knock on the door. But, Fuyuki's voice was heard from inside the room.

Around the principal's room is quiet, there is no one. "This is the perfect place to give the jacket away without the crowd getting caught." He thought, because Ayami didn't want to lose track of him, he waited at the door of the principal's room.

Ayami accidentally overhears the words of the two of them in the room (let's call him this Ayami overhearing).

"Yes, let the 1st graders not know about all this." That was what Fuyuki said.

Ayami wondered to himself, "What is there not to know? He's a child full of mystery. "

"Get ready, tomorrow is the day of your coronation." The principal said very politely.

"You?" Ayami wondered to herself... "Why did the principal say so politely to him, like he was a prince?" he thought hastily… "Who is this Fuyuki? I want to know about him. "

"Okay, I'll excuse myself first." Eh! This is bad !!! Fuyuki approached the door and got closer to the door hinge. Ayami, who is panicked, will open the door to the room, he grazes the nearby wall but Ayami makes a noisy sound instead.

Before opening the door, Fuyuki was a little suspicious. Then Fuyuki opened the door violently which made both of them (Principal or Kei and Ayami shocked).

"Who is behind this door?" In Fuyuki's heart, with a cynical look then he turned to Ayami who was near the door.

"What's the matter - " Kei was in the middle of asking Fuyuki but was cut short because Fuyuki answered quickly.

"Nothing," Fuyuki replied briefly.


Then closed the door hard.

"Ah!!! This is bad! The door will open! Secretly— "Now Ayami doesn't have time to hide...

The door opened and they looked at each other "Ah! Eh! " Ehehehe got caught huh ... ? Ayami looked at Fuyuki with a stupid look. Meanwhile, Fuyuki looked at Ayami seriously.

[. . . . . . . . ]

"Um ... er ... (what to do with me! In front of me he blocked the road by sticking his hands to the wall so I was cornered! His face is getting closer ...!)" Ayami was very panicked.

They do Kabedon!

"What are you doing here?" Fuyuki watched Ayami's movements. "Could it be that you were eavesdropping? (He must have been following me on purpose, or he was here to find me on purpose and overheard our secret conversation, lest he knows my identity as a company head or RAIZU-00)"

"Please take it off. Please let me go! " In front of Fuyuki, Ayami said in a soft yet low voice.

"Eh? Ah— sorry for hurting you. " Fuyuki immediately bowed to Ayami. But, he still wondered "Did you hear my conversation with the principal just now?" the question has not been answered at all by Ayami.

Now that Fuyuki and Ayami have touched each other in a state of misunderstanding, Ayami blushed a little shy and teary after being hit by Kabedon just now. Does he have to be honest because he was eavesdropping or happy because he got Kabedon? Shortness of breath, very tight ... that was what he felt right now. His heart was beating wildly violently.

"Yes," Ayami has answered honestly ... "But, not what you think. I just came here to see you, actually, I just got here and you immediately opened the door. " Ayami said seriously even though her face was slightly teary.

"And…" Even though Ayami had only intended to deliver the jacket, but in her heart, she said, " I want to know about you! "
