Who is She?


From Kabe and Don, kabe means wall or wall, and Don sounds like a slam. That's how the dictionary defines this Kabedon. Kabe Don can be interpreted as a pose of cornering a partner up to the wall while leaning with one or two hands so that he cannot run away anywhere. Usually, Kabe Don is done by the man to his beloved woman.

But this time, Ayami receives a Kabedon from a mysterious man who is the owner of the jacket she just met yesterday.

"You have business with me?" Fuyuki asked seriously.

"Yes...." Then Ayami handed him the bag containing the jacket.

"Ng? What is this?" said Fuyuki in surprise.

"This…," Ayami looked away and blushed. He immediately thrust into Fuyuki's chest so Fuyuki was forced to accept it with both hands. "You can see for yourself! Bye!" As Fuyuki's gaze was slightly caught off guard at Ayami and she focused on the bag, Ayami thought this was her chance to escape. Instantly Ayami ran fast leaving Fuyuki.

"O-oi…!" Fuyuki didn't have time to reach his hand, finally letting Ayami escape.

In the end, Fuyuki couldn't ask how much Ayami had eavesdropped on his conversation with the principal earlier.


Out of curiosity, Fuyuki opened the contents of the bag...

"Jacket?" he thought in amazement, then unfolded his jacket. "This isn't it…." Fuyuki would never forget the incident the first time he came to this school.

"Who exactly is he?"


"Is he the daughter of that woman?"


Fuyuki again folded the jacket and put it back in the bag. A few moments later, Kei opened the door to his room.

"Un?" Fuyuki was right in front of him.

"Ano… I thought you were still here, here (Fuyuki's bento box)." Kei handed her the bento box.

"Oh, thank you." Are-!? Was the box this clean? Fuyuki was surprised because he smelled the fragrance on the bundle of his bento box.

"I washed it too," Kei said with a slightly stupid look.

"Sorry I forgot, but... I didn't ask Yamada-san to wash it you know." Yamada-san becomes a slave dong wkwkwkwk

"No, no, it's my job to serve you," Yamada-san said in a friendly manner.

"B-but, at this rate I'll be shy." Fuyuki furrowed his brows and thought he couldn't become more independent at this rate. Fuyuki doesn't want to depend on Yamada-san for all the things he has to do as his duty, but Yamada-san is very sincere in serving Fuyuki with all his heart.

"Don't be shy, hehe."

"Yes, thank you." Fuyuki left the principal's office, but… his steps stopped as soon as he remembered Ayami.

Fuyuki immediately returned to the principal's office.

Without knocking, Fuyuki just walked in straight away. Kei was surprised when he was relaxing instead of work checking documents but watching adult movies on his laptop.

"UWWOOOOOH~ W-young master! Why are you here again?" Of course, Kei seemed surprised by his sudden arrival without being asked, usually Kei asked him to come first.

"I want to ask you a few things." Said Fuyuki who said seriously without putting on any expression.

Then Kei immediately turned off his laptop (Shut Down) and closed it.

"About what?"

"It happened during the acceptance ceremony."

"Oh? About no student council president's greeting and you taking his place as a student representative?"

"No, about the woman I told you about after. Did you receive a letter from me right? The letter was from that woman."

"Yes, right. You said it yourself. Why?"

"What's in the letter? I want to know."

"Oh this," Kei immediately looked for the letter in his document drawer. "So you're mad because of this? So come to see me?"

"Yes," Fuyuki replied curtly without expression looking at the contents of the letter seriously.

" So he ... is an idol?" he thought...

"Why and what is it?" Kei was a little worried about Fuyuki.

"Nothing." As usual Fuyuki's answer like this made others curious.

"Hm…," Kei became confused by the contents of his thoughts. Then Kei explained… "He is an idol who debuted in the summer. Like you said earlier, maybe he sent a letter to let his son in for a week. Behind the letter is a photocopy of the agency's selection, maybe he is busy with his work."

"Oh, I see."

"Are you interested in him?"

"...." Fuyuki closed his eyes silently, then he opened his eyes and answered Kei's words with a lazy face "How can that be."

After finding out, Fuyuki said goodbye and returned to his class.

"So, yesterday he just entered school. Does he already know about me? Especially she seems close to Momo (because of her classmate)." He thought…, Fuyuki also thought that maybe Momo had already told Ayami about herself.



Ayami who had returned to class was in a great hurry due to running.

* Even though you can't run in the school hallway.

Ayami immediately took a bottle of mineral water from her bag. Then drink sip after sip of the water in it.

Momo who had finished eating immediately saw Ayami who came suddenly and looked a little strange. Ayami also took out a bento, opened it, and ate it voraciously.


Momo is still looking at him~


Momo was still looking at him, then Ayami came to her senses and looked at Momo when she was being stared at.

"What is wrong?" said Ayami who was in a hurry to eat while chewing her food in her mouth.

* His mouth is full of food.

"That's exactly what I wanted to ask you." Said Momo who said with her usual innocent face.

"I just happen to want to talk to Momo one-on-one," Ayami said seriously.

"Eh?" For a moment Momo felt an aura of Ayami's seriousness that was different from the usual Ayami. Momo also thought, "Did I do anything wrong to Ayami?"

"About what?" Again Momo asked innocently.

Ayami finished her meal before the recess bell ended (the bento box was clean without a trace ), then she drank the mineral water quickly. "Fuaaah~" Ayami immediately tidied up her bundle of bento boxes and put them back into the bag along with the empty bottle of mineral water.


"Momo, this is about - "

Suddenly the recess bell rang and it was now class time.

They both looked up at the blackboard (the clock on the wall was on it).

Ayami felt frustrated, had wanted to ask Momo a lot of things about her relationship with Fuyuki. However, there was no time...

Ayami remembered that she didn't have time to thank Fuyuki and just left.

"Is the story long?" Momo asked confirming it.

"Yes (who is he really?), then may I ask for a moment of your time after school?" asked Ayami for the first time to Momo.

"...." But Momo didn't have an answer and instead had a straight face.

Momo never cared about her friendship with other people, as long as her identity as the most important woman in the company was not revealed. As much as possible he doesn't look flashy or doesn't seem close to his boss, Fuyuki Matsuda.

"Etto, can't you? Hehehe. Not so the-"

"Yeah sure." Momo changed her mind, "There's nothing wrong with making friends with other people."

Momo who had a flat expression now smiled gently at Ayami. Signs he agrees.

Ayami is so happy, it turns out that Momo is a good girl who wants to make time for her.


Finally, it was time to go home from school.

The school bell ends today's activities.

Ayami got up from her seat and stepped closer to Momo, then wanted to take her hand. While Momo was just about to get up from her seat… the phone in her drawer vibrated… it was a call.

Momo's defenses were open and careless in maintaining her privacy.

Momo immediately opened her cellphone and from the side behind Momo, there was Ayami who was close to her. Ayami touched Momo's shoulder and accidentally read the writing on the phone screen.

[Incoming Call: Matsuda Fuyuki]

They both saw it.

Momo woke up and refused the call from her boss. Momo's face, which was so innocent before, was now wide-eyed at Ayami.

"Eh?" Ayami was surprised that Momo would be angry because she accidentally saw her cellphone screen.

"Ayami, please keep what you just saw a secret." Momo said while looking at Ayami with a sadistic look, "And sorry I can't be with you right now." Said Momo who then looked down glumly and quickly left the classroom.

Ayami tried to catch up with Momo who walked quickly out of the classroom.

However, when Ayami walked out of the classroom, in front of her... she crossed paths with Fuyuki.

Fuyuki was trying to find Momo because the call was unanswered, but because he saw Momo out, Fuyuki tried to chase him he was pressing his cellphone to call Momo and even text him… "Where are you? I want to talk to you." Fuyuki's message.

But, quickly read by Momo.

Meanwhile, Ayami, who is now running into Fuyuki, begins to follow her.

Momo replied...

"I'm at..." Momo was in a place where there was no CCTV in the school.

Momo was surprised when Ayami and Fuyuki both wanted to talk to him privately or secretly. "Could it be about his identity?" he thought.


Ayami was sure through her instincts that Fuyuki would approach Momo.

[Auditorium] A spacious and quite quiet room, where new students attend the admissions ceremony for the first time.

The door was indeed slightly ajar, Momo was there.

Only Fuyuki was able to find it, but not this time...

Fuyuki entered and stepped towards Momo. "There's something I want to talk to you about..."

Momo turned to Fuyuki and he stepped towards Fuyuki. Then Momo drew closer and whispered to Fuyuki "You were followed."

"...." Fuyuki was silent.

Fuyuki looked at Momo, while Momo saw the figure of a woman behind the door following her. Momo looked straight and spoke loudly. "I know you were there, A-ya-mi."

Then Ayami enters showing herself in front of the two of them….

In Momo's heart who saw Ayami, "Who is she?"


In the end, the three of them became suspicious.

How and who will express this suspicion for the first time?

[To Be Continued]