Bring You Back Part 2

In the shop there is a kind of lesehan with a box table that can be used together.

While waiting for the order, they talked.

This shop looks deserted.

At all the messages, only the strange Fuyuki ordered only mineral water.

That made Ayami wonder why Fuyuki had suddenly become different from before.

"Why are you?" asked Ayami, asking Fuyuki.

"Eh~?" sighed Fuyuki responding with a flat face as if there was no problem. Hiyori understood, Fuyuki who suddenly became quiet unfriendly like this must have his heart was in chaos, just like him who had been left by his father a few months after that.

"If you have a problem, tell me." Ayami was typing on his phone and he sent the message to Fuyuki.

Fuyuki opened it, her phone that rang it.

"Haven't I ever said this before to you?" asked Ayami who tried to open up to Fuyuki.