A Weird Part 1

The first day of the investigation: The atmosphere around Yuuko's house was quiet. There was no suspicious person passing by in front of Yuuko's house. Investigations are conducted in the afternoon to evening, alternating nights. In the morning, they (paramistic club members) rely on CCTV installed in Yuuko's house.

On the first day, at night only Miura could monitor for about an hour around Yuuko's house. There are sometimes a traveling warm bean salesman and snacks such as ketoprak (Yaelah where there is) usually anyway, there are salesmen such as selling meatballs or fried rice around, author gatau his name what in Japan the staple of warm food sales around the night.

Go on!

Miura also didn't see anything suspicious there, it was just that the house looked deserted was uninhabited. Somehow when viewed from the outside looks scary because the house is dark and uninhabited.

*Ntar there anunya hiiiiiii~