Last Call

Aiden gasps after Daime told about his arrival in the Philippines. He is quite happy to retell his experience, making Aiden think that maybe he is not the only one experiencing that. 

His phone rings, making them stop from talking and flinching towards the phone that is placed on the coffee table.

Primo leans towards the phone and frowns when he sees an unfamiliar name on Aiden's phone.

"Who is Millard?"

Aiden scrambles to his feet as he grabs the phone from the table and moves away from the two boys. 

He smiles sheepishly before going towards the bathroom to answer the phone call. 

Once Aiden is inside, he looks at his phone and bites his bottom lip. 

"Why is he calling?"

Aiden exhales a heavy sigh as the call drops, making Aiden anxious of his well-being again.

"If I am not mistaken, father told me that if one of his butlers is calling me that means he is in trouble."

Aiden's eyes suddenly swell up with tears as he tries to breathe and calls the number again. But the number didn't answer him, making him more anxious than before. 

"Answer, god damn it!"

Daime and Primo flinches when they heard Aiden screaming profanities inside their bathroom. They don't know what is happening but Aiden's tone of distress gives them an idea that there is something wrong with his sister or his family. 

Primo scrambles to his feet and goes to the door and is about to open when he hears Aiden exclaim his sister's name with glee and worry.


Primo stops and looks at Daime. His youngest cousin only looks at him with worry as he tries to tell him to come over his way and listens with Primo.

Daime sighs and goes to where Primo is and leans his ear near the door to listen to Aiden and his sister's conversation.

Meanwhile, on the other end of the line, Jasmine is reading a script that she made last night after the fight and the deal with Grandma Feng. 

She writes the three pages script to make sure that she will not forget or stutter with everything that she needs to tell Aiden.

"I am fine here, little brother. Did you know? I also met a strong old lady!"

Jasmine tries to be as excited as she is while Grandma Feng is looking at her with a sad expression. Grandma Feng remembers when she was still a young lady in training under the supervision of the President of Russia.

She is being trained after her parents sold her to the country due to the overgrowing population and poverty in their homeland. 

The grandmother sighs as she waits for the two to finish talking. She smiles when she hears Aiden's enthusiasm on the topic of his sister meeting another strong woman like her. 

"But it won't be like this for long."

Grandma Feng knows that Jasmine will soon reveal what had happened to their family since the young lady also made Grandma Feng read the letter. 

"Aiden, hey. You need to listen to me carefully."

Grandma Feng peers towards the young woman and smile before walking away to give them some privacy so they could talk to each other. 

"Father was attacked by the Santoros for some reason. And that reason is about the hidden gem of our family."

Jasmine can hear Aiden gasps in surprise as she says the words "hidden gem". Aiden told her that both Daime and Primo say those words too. 

"Did you know? Daime is tasked to bring him back to Switzerland."

Jasmine can only grips the phone tightly as she tries not to go berserk and kill every Santoro that exist in this country and in the Philippines. 

Aiden sounds so enthusiastic about this hidden gem without knowing what or who it is. 

"Aiden, listen to me."

Aiden stops from talking as he nods at his sister. He knows that she can't see him nodding but he knows that Aiden is indeed listening to everything that she is saying. 

"The hidden gem that the Santoros were looking for is you. You are the hidden gem of the Matautia family."

Aiden slides down to the bathroom floor, making Daime and Primo burst inside and supports Aiden before he could faint. 

Jasmine hears of the commotion and shakes her head. She knows that she has no way out now. She needs to tell the other two since Aiden is with them. 

She switches the phone from audio call into a video call and calls out Primo's name with a glare.

"Primo, hold the phone towards your direction. I need to tell you guys something."

Primo nods and faces the phone to their direction. Aiden still has this shocked expression after what he had just heard but there is nothing he can do much right now. 

If what his sister said is true, Aiden is in big trouble and he will need all the help he could get.

"Your family entered and rummaged our whole house in search of the Matautia's hidden gem. Aiden told me that Daime is also tasked to find it, correct?"

Daime nods at her and waits for her to continue what she is about to say. 

"You see, Aiden is the hidden gem of the Matautia clan and your Grandmother is looking for him to be wed to one of your cousins."

The information about Aiden being the hidden gem is not as shocking as it is for the two Santoros. What was shocking is the reason why Daime is tasked to find him here in the Philippines.

The reason made Daime hates his family and looks at Primo, who is looking at him sadly. Now, he knows why Primo hates Grandmama so much.

He should've known this but he just ignored this fact and went on his life. But after hearing about the real reason why he is here, he knows now what he should do.

Primo does, too.

"Now, that you knew about that, what should you do to protect my brother against your whole family?"

Daime and Primo share a look and smile at Jasmine. Primo holds Aiden's hand tightly as Daime promises to Jasmine that Aiden will be in good hands. 

Jasmine nods and ends the call as she bids her farewell to her brother. 

She did not tell him that she will be leaving Switzerland without their family because she doesn't want Aiden to worry so much that he would go straight to depression again.

She looks at the phone and sighs. 

"I need to ready myself. I would be staying for two more days before going to another country. I hope my brother survives."