A Beam of Light

"Give me 1,000 Adults, I will surely remove Semeru from the root. Give me 10 young men I will certainly shake the world."

-Ir. Soekarno-

"That's what a world figure said. Therefore I will look for ten young men to shake this world," said a man who was sitting in front of the computer monitor in a dark room.

Location: Cornfield

"Grandma's cornfield is so fertile," murmured a young man as he looked around the corn plants.

The young man was named Varil. He lives with his grandmother who is a farmer and his younger sister who is still in junior high school.

"Hmm... where should I start?" muttered a confused Varil.


Suddenly a very bright light appeared in the middle of the field.

"Hm? What's that light?" asked Varil.

Out of curiosity, Varil decided to look for the source of the light. After walking in the middle of the fields, Varil found a halo of light that was shaped like a portal.

"W-what is it? Portal?" asked Varil who was surprised to see the halo.

Varil tries to get close to the halo. From that circle, came out a grown man wearing a white coat and glasses.

"Oh, hi!" said the man.

Varil was silent in surprise at what he saw.

"Hm? You must be surprised to see that teleportation portal and me coming out of it. Naturally, no one has ever seen this. Hahahaha~" the man burst out laughing.

"W-who are you?" asked Varil who was a little scared.

"You don't need to be afraid. My name is Harrison. Professor Harrison. I am a scientist. It is one of the tools I made. It's called the Teleportation Gate. I can teleport myself to another place using that tool," replied the man named Harrison.

"I've never heard of a scientist like you or a teleportation device. I thought it was just a fantasy," said Varil.

"Ah, I never came out of my island. Haha," said Professor, laughing.

"Island?" asked Varil.

"You want to see it? It will be easier also for men to explain it if you saw it," said the Professor while entering the portal.

"(What should I do? He invited me into there. Can he be trusted?)" Thought Varil.

"Oi!! Are you coming?" asked Professor.

"Wait, I have something to ask," said Varil.

"Hm? What?" the Professor answered.

"Are you human?" asked Varil.

The professor was silent for a moment at the question from Varil.

"Pfft. Hahaha, ~ is that your question? Hahaa~" Professor was laughing at the question of Varil.

"Why are you laughing?! It's only natural for me to ask that of a stranger who comes out of a strange halo, like you!" Varil's face turned red.

"Haha~ Sorry, sorry. I didn't mean to laugh at you. But... you are attractive. Come with me and do not worry, I'm human like you," Professor answered.

" A-all right," murmured Varil.

Varil also entered the portal. He also arrived at an island in the middle of a very beautiful ocean.

"Wow, where is this?" asked Varil.

"Welcome to Marsilea Island!" the professor welcomed Varil.

"Marsi... What?" asked Varil.

"Marsilea Islands. That is the name of this island. The name was chosen because the island is in the form of a four-leaf clover. Oh, Marsilea is the scientific name for the clover plant itself," replied the Professor.

"So, this is your house Professor?" asked Varil.

"Yes, you're right... umm..." The professor was a little confused.

"Oh, yes. I haven't introduced myself. My name is Varil. Varil Samudra," Varil introduced himself.

" Okay, Varil. You want to get around on this island?" asked the Professor.

"Of course, if the professor doesn't mind," answered Varil.

"Then, AOE!" call the Professor.

Instantly, a hologram resembling a male servant emerged.

"Did you call me, Professor?" asked Varil.

"This is An Organized Electronics. Abbreviated as AOE. This is my creation too. Its function is to control all kinds of electronic devices on this island. This hologram is only displayed so we can interact with it only. Besides, the person in this hologram is our former servant here. However, he was long dead. So this is our way of commemorating it," replied the Professor.

"(Professor, that's a little scary)" thought Varil.

"AOE, tell Nana we have guests," said the Professor.

"Yes, sir," replied AOE.

AOE disappeared.

"Wow, can he talk? And... um... who is Nana?" asked Varil.

"She is my wife. You'll see him as soon as we walk around," replied the Professor.

The professor also invited Varil to tour the island where he lived.

"The island is shaped like a clover, which has four leaves. We are currently on the main island. It is located between the other four islands. On the main island, there is my house with various facilities in them such as bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchens, and other facilities such as gym and libraries. This is the main island we live in. The other four islands are North Island, East Island, West Island, and South Island. The North Island is very large compared to other islands because there are forests, lakes, and a hill surrounded by flower beds. A suitable place for a picnic. On the East Island, there is a vast expanse of grassland. We set up a farm and plantation there. On the West Island, we set up an open-air theater as a party venue although it was rarely used. On the South Island, we set up a warehouse and a machine factory. Oh, and between the West and South Islands there are airstrips," the Professor explained the various places on Marsilea Islands.

After touring the Islands, the Professor and Varil returned to Main Island to meet Professor Harrison's wife Nana.

"Varil, I want you to meet my beloved wife, Nana," the professor introduced his wife.

"Hello, my name is Varil, auntie," Varil introduced himself.

"Just call me Nana, so we can be closer. It's been a long time since we had guests," said Nana.

"Hm? What do you mean?" asked Varil.

"We've lived here for ten years," answered Varil.

"Huh?! Ten years?!" Varil is shocked.

"Surprised? But our life is not that difficult because of these facilities that we have built," answered the Professor.

"There are a few things I'd like to ask you, Professor," said Varil.

"Hm? What do you want to ask?" replied the Professor.

"You always say us, that means… you weren't the only one who built this place, is my guess right? Besides, I had never heard of this island once. So, this is an artificial island?" asked Varil.

"Hmm… you are indeed a very attractive child. I like young men like you. I will answer that question while we eat lunch. Come in." Replied the professor.

"Lunch?" asked Varil.

"I've cooked food for you, it's been a long time since I cooked a lot of food," Nana replied.

Varil also joins the meal with Professor and Nana.




To Be Continued...