Location: North Island, Marsilea Islands
Varil was practicing controlling his Elemental Pin accompanied by AOE.
*Blub* *Blub* *Blub* *Byuur*
"Hah! Failed again!" exclaimed Varil.
"Try again, sir. You can master it," said AOE
"It's easy for you to say," murmured Varil who lay there from exhaustion.
"Would you like to rest, sir?" asked AOE
"Of course. This exercise makes me tired quickly. Even though only imagining a small robot moving," muttered Varil.
"That's because you use the energy called ATP to imagine this. Looks like you need a lot more ATP intake to continue this exercise," said AOE
"The longer I'm with you, the less I understand what you're saying," said Valir.
Location: Main Island, Marsilea Islands
Professors Harrison and Nana are talking in the living room.
"Is it alright for you to leave him training alone on the North Island?" asked Nana.
"Don't worry, he's with AOE. If something happens to him, AOE will report it to me," replied the Professor.
"Finally on this island, there are other people besides us. Besides that, I felt like I wanted to take care of a child for a long time," said Nana.
"You will soon get another one. I already said that I would gather ten children right?" said the Professor.
"Speaking of children, it will be their birthdays soon. I started missing them again," said Nana.
"Don't be like that, we gave them up. But, I also really want to celebrate their birthday. This year they have turned seven years old, right?" murmured the Professor.
"Should we tell Varil about them?" asked Nana.
"Someday he will also ask that too. I think he also feels suspicious of us who have been together for ten years but there are no children on this island," replied the Professor.
"That's right," muttered Nana.
"I'd better check Varil's condition. Maybe at least now he can control the lake water," said the Professor.
"Wait, I have something to say about our plans to visit Windy next week!" exclaimed Nana.
Windy? It's been a long time since we last visited it," said the Professor.
"I also want to invite Varil there to meet Windy and the others," said Nana.
"Of course. Why not? "She would be happy to be there," said the Professor.
Location: North Island, Marsilea Islands
"Hey, AOE I have something to ask," said Varil.
"What is it, sir?" asked AOE
"You are a tool. I wonder, what can you do?" asked Varil.
"Even though I am an electronic device, I already consider you, the Professor, and also Mrs. Nana as my family," replied AOE.
"Wow... it looks like someone is offended by being called a tool," murmured Varil.
"Regarding my abilities, I have a variety of features," said AOE
"May I see it?" asked Varil.
"Of course, sir. Let's start with the Take Over feature, this feature allows me to control various kinds of electronics made by the Professor. Starting from the island's protector, Blind Castle, to tools like your Elemental Pin. However, for me to control it, I need the authority or permission of the Professor. I can also control some ordinary electronic devices such as TV and radio on this island and to control such devices, I don't need any authority," replied AOE.
"Wow, just one feature, you can control various kinds of electronic devices. What about other features?" asked Varil.
"The second feature is Hack and Cheat, with this feature I can infiltrate various webs, blogs, and other sites to find information. Another feature is called the File Storage feature, this feature is a storage area for important information that I get. Can you see these holographic panels?" AOE shows the hologram panel of its File Store feature.
"Wow! Look at all those panels! But... why are they have different colors?" asked Varil.
"Each color shows the level of confidentiality of the information on the panel. The black panel shows highly classified information, this information can only be accessed by the Professor. The red panel shows classified information, this information we can access with permission from the Professor. The blue panel shows information that we can access at any time and the white panel is a panel that still doesn't contain any information," replied AOE.
"I see... are there any other features that I don't know yet?" asked Varil.
"There are several other features that I have not explained. Like the Virus feature, a feature that allows me to destroy a web or electronic device. The Support feature, this feature is just a term from a collection of simple features such as maps, clocks, music players, editors, and other features," replied AOE.
"You have lots of features. You're just like a supercomputer," said Varil.
"Thank you, sir. I take that as a compliment," said AOE
"Hey, AOE. Is there still something I don't know about you?" asked Varil.
"There are some unique things about my features, sir. For example, we can use the panel in the File Storage feature as a ladder or protector. It's just that the resistance is not that good," replied AOE
"Is it true? Can the panels be used like that? It seems that the Professor is not careless in creating technology," said Varil.
"Professors are very talented," said AOE
"Wait! If the panel can be made of stairs or protectors, then the hologram panels can be compacted, right?!" exclaimed Varil.
"Yes, sir," replied the AOE
"That means, you can harden yourself up so that you can touch?" asked Varil.
"Yes, sir. You can touch me in that mode. But unfortunately, this mode has not been perfected by the Professor so there are still some mistakes that can cause my hologram design to be damaged or the worst possibility is destroyed so the Professor has to replace my hologram design," replied AOE
"That means that the holographic design that resembles Professor and Nana's former servant can't be reused?" asked Varil.
"Yes, sir. If that happens then my hologram design will have to be replaced with a new one and the appearance design will be different from this design," replied AOE
"Too bad. Even though I wanted to try to hold you," said Varil.
"I hope so too, sir. Hopefully, the Professor can quickly complete this mode," said AOE
Professor Harrison comes to see Varil and AOE
"I'll try to get you to use that mode, AOE," said the Professor.
"Professor?!" exclaimed Varil.
"How was your practice today?" asked the Professor.
"I have started to understand how to use it. It's just that I get a little tired when practicing," replied Varil.
"Your body will get used to it. But for now, let's stop the training. Nana already cooked lunch for us. Come on, let's go home," said the Professor.
"Okay!" exclaimed Varil.
Professor Harrison, Varil, and AOE head back to Main Island to have lunch with Nana.
"Learning without thinking is useless, but thinking without learning is very dangerous,"
-Ir. Soekarno-
To Be Continued...