The Military practice part 3

I decided to nerve Madara cuz he was to op so he doesn't have the eternal Mangekyo Sharingan

this chapter has 878 words Enjoy :)


After a couple of days to explore the area and get ready for the training Madara remembered that one of his wishes was to have infinite gunbai as weapons for killing titans he wondered how he would get it because he never got it when he was incarnated in this world suddenly in his mind he heard

you can get them by imagining them but you can only do that when you are fighting titans

oh it's you the creature that reincarnated me to this world

yes well this will be the last time I interfere in your life it's just that I forgot to tell you how to get your weapons that you wish for said the creature

oh ok thank you said Madara

suddenly he hears Eren yelling

hey Madara come on the training will start today remember

oh ok I am coming said madara

-----5 minutes later-----

okay every one get ready for your first training today we will do hand to hand combat against each other this training will continue for the whole week said keith

everyone got to their partner and Madara was put against Annie

Reiner was against Eren sasha was against conny

the training started and every one took turns on being the attacker and deffender

Sasha and conny were making these very weird moves that keith noticed and with out conny knowing that he was behind him keith holds conny's head and squeezes it so hard that conny fainted keith glared at sasha and she stood still like she didn't do anything so he let her go but of course with a punishment she won't be getting food for 1 day

and like that the first day ends Annie beats the heck out of Madara since he doesn't really now hand to hand combat Eren beats Riener alot

-----3 days later-----

Eren, Riener and Madara noticed that Annie started to try to get away from the training Madara knew this would happen since he watched the anime so he just pretended that he just found out and went with Ren to stop her so that non of them get in trouble riener says where are you going you know if keith notices this you will get punished

Annei doesn't say anything and just stares and them really coldly

Eren says: Riener u shouldn't do that look at her she looks like she might kill you right now

Reiner: what are you talking about we are men so we are the lions and she is the women so she is the lioness so what can she do

Eren: she doesn't look like a normal lioness then even Madarathinks so right

Madara nods :yes he isn't lying

suddenly Riener goes behind Eren and says: come on you can do it a

After he said that he pushed him in front of Annie and she gets in a battle stance

Eren: okay I will try

he then attacks annie but she dodged all his punches and then suddenly with two moves she flips Eren upside down and he falls on his head

Riener wanted to go away but Eren didn't let him

Eren: come on Riener you can do it didn't you say that we are the lions why dont you try

Riener: okay get ready I will knock you out Annie

Annie: Actions speak louder than words I want to see you try

Riener started to sweat he then got in to a battle stance and started to attack 2 minutes later the same thing that happened to Eren happened to Riener

Madara looked at them and wanted to start to laugh but didn't because both glared at him and went behind him and said

Your turn now Madara beat the lioness

then both push him towards Annie

Madara could see that she was really pissed off and wanted to really hit them till they are knocked out for disturbing her escape from training plan

Madara get in a fighting stance and he said

we will see how much I improved

he then attacks Annie and she dodges his punches and kicks little did they know that Madara was using the Sharingan to copy what she was doing so he can improve his combat power when annie wanted to Attack him using the same move she used to deafet Eren and riener he copyed it using his Sharingan and did it now it was the matter of strength

little did they know that everyone was staring at thier battle even commander kieth

when they kicked each other it made a very little shockwave that blew air away from them at the End Madara beat Annie

everyone kept training after this battle Riener and Eren cheered Madara up for his first victory against Annie

but Annie was even more shocked because he did the same moves that she does

and they weeere even stronger than hers she thought that she had to be cautious around Madara because she noticed that he has good copying abilitys After this deafet everything went back to normal and the week passed and thenthe new training was about to beggin