Chapter 20. Tyler

The hours passed and the sun did what it does best, hide. Giving way to the

darkness of the night. Several people came to the hospital that day "To visit me, of course" I had no idea how the gossip went around so fast.

I had no idea how the gossip went around so fast. I had no idea how the gossip went around so fast.

it spread to a larger audience. To such an extent, that the gossip of what had happened to me,

it came to say that everything that happened was because I was messing with a girl and that her boyfriend did all this.

"But of course it wasn't true, you guys already know the story."

My two dear friends didn't leave my side the whole day, even though I tried to chase them away,

they didn't leave, and on one hand that made me feel better. Kiara came back a couple of times after

she came early in the morning. Mom, on the other hand, only came once to drop off a few things and to see how I was doing.

to see how I was doing, and she didn't come back for the rest of the day. However, Dad still hadn't returned from his New Year's

to be honest, I think it was better that way. It was almost my entire

senior class, that was weird, because I was not used to talk to all of them and even more so after several weeks of not seeing each other.

after several weeks without seeing each other.

We had already graduated and there was no reason to keep in touch with everyone.

would take a different path to college. Most of them brought me a gift, I don't understand why.

I don't understand why, maybe it was just to raise the spirits of the injured, but my mood was better than ever.

I received more gifts than I ever had on my birthday,

how ironic. The whole hospital room was filled with gifts, it didn't even feel like a hospital anymore.

hospital, there was just too much stuff.

Carla and Johan took care of carrying all the stuff to my house, I don't know what I would do without them, seriously.

I really don't know what I would do without them. They are the best friends anyone could wish to have. I was finally alone in the room, although it wouldn't be for long.

I was finally alone in the room, although it wouldn't be for long, because my friends would be back at any moment.

I took my cell phone to answer that girl, I didn't do it all day long, I couldn't keep up with them all.

I stood there waiting to see what would happen. And when I was about to do it, another person came into the room, preventing me from doing it.

the room, preventing me from doing so.

-Hello," he said shyly.

I don't believe it!!! How dare she come in here after all. This woman sure is cynical.

-What are you doing here," I said looking into her eyes.

-I just wanted to see how you were doing," she stuttered a bit as she said it, she was nervous, "and also to apologize.

I also wanted to apologize.

-An apology won't fix what you did to me," I said in an annoyed tone, I was already starting to hate her just by her presence.

I was starting to feel the hatred inside me just by her presence. I felt my blood starting to boil all over my body, I couldn't stand to see her standing there.

I couldn't stand to see her standing in front of me, but I tried to contain myself.

-I know I didn't, and I'm sorry," she shed a tear, "I don't know what happened to me, I wasn't in a good moment and I had to get to that moment.

I don't know what happened to me, I wasn't in a good moment and that stupid girl had to come and ruin everything.

I knew she was referring to my best friend.

-That doesn't give you the right to threaten others with a knife," I looked at what she had in her hand,

Maybe it was another knife.

-I know, but why did she have to meddle in my life, why did she have to take those damn


-How do you know it was her who took them, it could have been me.

-No, it wasn't you," she said confidently, "I knew she was there, I saw her when I got there, but I didn't care.

I saw her when I arrived, but I didn't care.

-This didn't have to be like this, Abby," I settled back in my seat.

-Why were you with her, she should have been in your place, it was her mistake, not yours.

-What are you saying?

-She should be lying on that bed," he interrupted me, "but no, here you are and she's here.

who knows where she is.

I'm serious!!! How dare she say such a thing. I couldn't stand her anymore.

-I didn't mean to hurt you," she shed another tear and wiped it away that instant.

I hope you can forgive me.

She stretched out her hand towards me, in it she had a box of chocolates, but I just looked at her and said nothing.

I just looked at her and said nothing. She looked back at me and put the box of chocolates on the bed, turned around and left.

and walked away. I stared at the wall for a few seconds, thinking about what had just happened, until the sound of my cell phone rang.

I stared at the wall for a few seconds, thinking about what had just happened, until the ringing of my cell phone brought me back to reality again.

It was from Maipad!

*you have a new notification.

*@user1 has just voted on your


08:28 pm

A smile formed on my face when I saw that, more and more people started to read my story.

my story, I was starting to like it.

After a moment I entered my new friend's chat. I could finally reply to her.

"Hey, sorry

08:29 pm.

"I was a little busy

during the day

08:29 pm.

It was only a couple of minutes later and I had already responded again, this was still growing on me.

It's okay, don't worry."


I wanted to ask you something.


I barely spoke to him and he already wants to ask me something? As far as I know, she was in another city.

she was in another city.

Could you help me with my"


08:33 pm.

I can't think of any more ideas".

08:34 pm.

I didn't believe it, he wanted my help to write his book, I couldn't handle it.

Another smile settled on my face, only this one was bigger than the last. I couldn't

I couldn't hold all the emotion that this message provoked in me, it made me forget absolutely everything.

If my friends were around at this moment I wouldn't be able to bear the pain of them seeing me like this.

"Of course I would, with a lot of


08:36 pm.

"Although I don't think it would be

much help to you

08:36 pm.

"You write amazing

08:37 pm.

And so the seconds, minutes, and hours went by.

My two friends didn't give me any sign of life again, but for now it was better this way, they had to rest, they were with me all the time.

they had to rest, they were with me all the time. And because now I had a great company, although it was not a physical one

company, although she was not a physicist, I was pleased to be able to talk to her. I felt as if I already

I felt as if I already knew her, not to mention the fact that she already trusted me with many things of her life in just a few hours.

a few hours. It made me feel like I could trust her too.

But despite that, the words just wouldn't come out of me when it came to talking about my stuff. No

I didn't want her to know I was in the hospital, not yet anyway.

After all those hours talking with Elizabeth I realized that we had several things in

we had several things in common. For example, we both loved music. She just liked a genre that I hadn't heard much of around here and she liked a genre that I hadn't heard much of around here.

I hadn't heard much of around here and to tell you the truth it wasn't bad at all. We both had

our favorite singers or bands and that really got me excited, because nowadays, people I know don't have much interest in the

I know doesn't have much interest in music and even less in having an idol.

And it so happens that we both started writing in Maipad! shortly after joining the application.

application. But there were also other things where we disagreed. For example, she

liked to sing. She even sent me an audio of her singing the chorus of one of the songs of a British singer and her voice was simply amazing.

British singer and her voice was simply amazing. I, on the other hand, didn't even have the voice to do it, nor did I like to do it in public.

I didn't even like to do it in public, I only sang for the four walls of my room.


And by the time it was too late, the nurse had to come in to shut me up, as I was making too much noise,

because I was making too much noise. And the other patients needed to rest, because it was almost too late.

one o'clock in the morning. I then said goodbye to that amazing girl, telling her that the internet would be cut off at one o'clock and that we would continue the chat the next day. I could not tell her that the sick girl had already come to scold me several times. She didn't need to know.