Chapter 21. Tyler


I had been waiting for more than an hour for Elizabeth to arrive, I looked everywhere, but I couldn't find her.

I couldn't find her. That park was too big and too many people were passing by. But I could

But I could recognize her from the other side of the place, I could also recognize that beautiful and

I could also recognize that beautiful and unmistakable smile she always put on when she came to me.

But I couldn't wait any longer, I didn't have much time, I wasn't allowed to stay in that place any longer.

I was not allowed to stay any longer in that place. But when I was about to leave, I saw her in the crowd making her way to get here, she was running.

here, she was running. She looked as beautiful as ever, her brown hair was dancing in the wind.

with the wind, she was wearing a pair of light blue jeans, along with the blouse I gave her for her birthday, it fit her perfectly.

on her birthday, it fit her perfectly.

-Don't go!" she shouted as she approached me.

I was only a few feet away and she slammed on the brakes as she reached my spot and stood in front of me.

and stood in front of me. I just looked at her and a smile came from inside me. Her eyes were red.

red, she was probably crying and I understand, that news was not at all easy to take.

Even after what happened.

-I know you can still stay," he said with an agitated voice, "just try.

-It's what I would like most right now, but I can't do it," I tried not to cry seeing her in this state.

in that state.

He looked away and tried to cover the tears that were coming out of his eyes, for all the feelings that this situation brought him.

that this situation brought him.

-You know... I wasn't planning to come, I don't like goodbyes and even less if I know that I will never be able to see you again.

my heart was breaking with every word I heard coming out of his lips- -But if I did that, I know that later on, I will be able to see you again.

But if I did that, I know I would end up regretting it later.

I tried not to cry, seeing her in that state, I simply could not.

-Now I don't know what I'll do without you around me," she said with tears in her eyes.

I stretched out my arms to give her a hug, but the sad and cruel reality did not allow it.

-You'll get through this, I know you can," he tried to encourage her somehow. It wasn't an easy thing

to do.

-You are the only thing I know like the back of my hand," I said almost whispering, "the only person," I corrected myself.

person," I corrected myself, "I will always look out for you, that's a promise.

She couldn't contain herself, she started to cry and threw herself on the floor. I got down on my knees to be at her height and whispered in her ear.

and whispered in her ear. She just nodded her head and stood up again. She looked me

into my eyes, she wanted to say something, but she didn't, she didn't say anything.

Then I knew it was time, I looked at her one more time and turned to leave.

Then she said:

-I will never forget you Tyler- those words began to play in my mind, over and over again

over and over, like a song on repeat. Only this time it was her voice that kept repeating inside me infinitely.

repeated inside me endlessly.

I turned my head and looked at her out of the corner of my eye.

-Don't forget that I love you -I never will, I will never forget everything I lived with you. i said to

I said to myself.

And then I started walking with all the pain in my soul, leaving her behind with the crowd.

crowd. I could feel her gaze on my climb, waiting for me to turn around, but that wouldn't happen.

that wouldn't happen, I didn't want to drag this whole torture any longer, it was enough with what I was living.

enough with what I was going through. Although I wanted to see her for one more second.


I heard her sweet voice for the last time, still begging the wind not to drag me down with it,

not to disappear completely, but it was something that could not be avoided and the time had come, it was time to leave.

time had come, it was time to go.

Her face, from the first time I saw her, rested in my mind, I wanted to remember every detail of her, I didn't want her memory to fade away.

I didn't want her memory to fade away.

End of the dream

I opened my eyes slowly, the headache came back after several hours, the medicines I was given had taken their

I opened my eyes slowly, the headache returned after several hours, the medicines I was given had already taken effect. The sun was coming back into the room through the gigantic glass window

The sun was coming back into the room through the gigantic glass window that was on one side of where I was. It was not even six o'clock in the morning.

morning, I took my cell phone and wrote to Elizabeth, I woke up inspired and now if I could help her with her story, even though I didn't read it.

I woke up inspired and now if I could help her with her story, even if she didn't read it that instant, but at least I would have sent it and I wouldn't be i would forget. So I did, my ideas were a little messed up, but I know she would understand me, and it would serve her well if she didn't come up with a better idea than I did.

I knew she would understand me, and it would be of great use to her if she didn't come up with a better idea than mine.

I was so focused on this that I didn't even think about it.

I was so focused on this that I didn't notice someone standing in the corner of my room.

my room.

-Hello Tyler," hearing his voice in the midst of all the silence made my heart skip a beat.

my heart skipped a beat.

-Carla!" I raised my voice in shock, "you scared me, I didn't see you coming.

-I arrived when you were still asleep, that's why you didn't notice me.

I arrived when you were still asleep, that's why you didn't notice me- I looked down at her white Converse, they were high top and she had the boot folded, leaving a small space between them.

between them.

-I have to tell you something," she said without looking away from her feet. I was nervous.

-What happened," I said, lowering my gaze to look at what she was looking at, "Is everything all right?

-I don't know how to tell you this -this time she looked towards the window- I don't know how you're going to take it,

but you have to know.

-But what happened, you're making me nervous.

-Your mother filed a report -she was quiet for a few seconds- she reported Abby for what she did to you, for what happened.

What she did to you, for what happened," she corrected herself.

I didn't expect that, although it would be the right thing to do, I don't agree with ruining someone's life like that, especially if it wasn't with the right person.

I don't agree with ruining someone's life like that, especially if it wasn't intentional, this will put an end to her future.

-The police demanded proof, but they still couldn't find anything," this time he looked me in the eye.

-They said that the photographs I managed to take of him could help my statement.

The problem is that I lost my cell phone that night.

I didn't know what to answer, my mind went blank, a part of me wanted this to be so, because of what he did to me, but another part of me wanted it to be so.

because of what he did to me, but another part said the opposite. Carla waited a few seconds for me to

Carla waited a few seconds for me to say something, but I didn't, I didn't know what to say, she put her hands in her pants pockets and spoke again.

She put her hands in the pockets of her pants and spoke again.

-They said that if they didn't find anything against her in the next 24 hours they would let her go free.

-I wondered aloud without realizing it, but she was here last night.

-What did you say, how did she come?

-Yes, she came, she brought me these chocolates," I said pointing to the box that was still on the bed.

on top of the bed.

-But if they put her in jail yesterday afternoon," he said with fear, "then who did they put in jail?

in jail?

The sound of the door beginning to open flooded the room, calling our attention.


-Good morning, are you Tyler Miller," said a large man in a black jacket.

-Yes, that's me," my voice trembled slightly.

-I'm Special Agent Thompson, FBI," he said, showing his badge.

For a moment I thought he was taking me prisoner. He might have a reason.

-I'm here to give you this notice," he handed me a brown envelope, "please sign here.

I did what he asked me to do, I was getting nervous, I had never had anything like this happen to me before, but

because of my nerves my signature was affected and instead of looking like a signature it looked like a simple scribble.


-That's all," he said and left, leaving the door of the room open.

-What is it?" asked Carla as soon as I opened the envelope.

-I have no idea," I took the document out of the envelope and began to read it.

-I don't think so," I said almost in a whisper, "I'm being sued.