Chapter 22. Tyler

-But how is this possible," said my mother as she spoke on the phone a few feet away from where I was standing.

from where I was standing.

-You made that mistake, and we won't be the ones to pay for it," he said, raising his voice higher and higher.

I tried to signal him to calm down and stop talking so loudly.

I tried to signal him to calm down a little and stop talking so loudly, because the nurses were already coming to see what was going on.

I tried to signal him to calm down and stop talking so loudly, because the nurses were already coming to see what was going on. But he didn't listen to me, he just

ignored me completely, after all it was me who had the lawsuit, not her, I should be trying to solve that, I'm a grown up, I'm already

I should be trying to solve that, I'm of age. But no, here I am, prostrate in a hospital bed, with several

hospital bed, with several wires still coming out of my left arm.

I tried to ignore the whole situation, but with her screaming next to me, she wouldn't let me. This was one of those

one of those moments where I wanted to be alone, to be able to think about all the things, to feel the fresh air on my face, and to listen to music.

fresh air on my face, and listen to loud music with my headphones, which by the way I didn't have them here.

I didn't have them here. No doubt that would help me feel better.

-I reported a specific person," said that woman, very upset, "and you locked up another one.

You locked up another one.

I looked at Carla, who was still here, she was sitting on the armchair next to the bed, she was looking at my mother.

she was looking at my mother, but she stopped doing it when she felt that someone else was looking at her, then she looked at me.

She stopped when she felt someone else looking at her, then she looked at me, shrugged her shoulders.

This situation was already too uncomfortable, but luckily Carla understood everything that was going on and would not judge us.

and wouldn't judge us, even though I saw her as my sister.

-We have to ignore her," I said almost whispering, I didn't want my mother to hear me.

Carla showed a small smile and nodded her head.

-Do you know anything about Johan?" asked the red hair, almost in a whisper, but perceptible to my ears.


-No," I confessed, "I haven't heard from him since yesterday.

Carla frowned her face, took my cell phone and called him leaving the room. After

After a few short minutes she came back into the room, there was still no news from that boy.

-Nothing," she said in a sigh.

-Relax, everything will be fine," I said when I saw his mood.

He just looked at me and returned the cell phone to the table from where he had taken it. Apparently, I was the only one

I was the only one who was in a ''good'' mood about all this. Although it would have to be the other way around.

The hours went by, I spent one more day in that horrible place, well the truth is that it was much better than others, but I missed the four walls of my room, where I used to live.

much better than others, but I missed the four walls of my room, where I used to spend hours there.

spend hours there. I already missed locking myself in my world and getting lost in my things, I could also do it there, but it wouldn't be the same.

I could do it there, but it wouldn't be the same, plus there is always someone who would come in to interrupt everything.

interrupt everything.

But without thinking about it, the night had come and I was already alone in that cold hospital room.

hospital room. With nothing to do, until a message echoed throughout the room and saved me, because my thoughts were

saved me, because my thoughts would not lead me to anything good with all that happened these last days.

last few days.

*you have a new message from @velizabeth

07:13 pm.

Without a second thought I grabbed my phone and went into the app.

It looks amazing!!!"

07:13 pm.

How did you come up with that?"

07:13 pm.

I will use your idea, thank you."

07:14 pm.

I couldn't help but smile knowing that he liked what I sent him in the morning, the truth is

I thought she would tell me she didn't like it, since in the short time we were talking she was too direct and she would be too direct with this.

too direct and so would she be with this, but still, I like talking to her.

"Did you really like it?

07:16 pm.

"I really don't know, I just

I woke up with the idea in my


07:17 pm.

"And that's weird, because this whole

this whole situation doesn't help me.

07:17 pm.

What!!! No, no, no...

My eyes widened as wide as saucers when I realized what I had just done ''I screwed up'' and mentioned about the hospital.

and mentioned to him about the hospital, rather the message did not refer to something specific.


My heart was racing faster and faster waiting for his reply, but it still wasn't coming, a

I just hoped that he would ignore the last message.

But apparently life is against me, covering the screen of my cell phone appeared a video call, it was from her.

It was from her, she was calling through Maipad! It was a bit strange for me, because I didn't have the Premium version, I wouldn't have

I didn't have the Premium version, there was no reason for me to be receiving the video call.

I got nervous, I didn't know whether to answer or not, if I did she might realize where I was,

but I didn't want to reject it. I took the sweater that Johan had left for me on one of the couches and settled down on the bed, covering the

I settled on the bed, covering all traces that would make it look like a hospital, yes, that included covering my entire left arm.

covering my entire left arm. But when I wanted to answer, it cut off, it was ringing for a long time.


Part of me was relieved, but another part of me was uneasy, I didn't know what it would feel like not to answer her video call.

I didn't know what I would feel if I didn't answer her video call.

Hey, answer it, it's me".

07:20 pm.

As soon as I read the message, the screen was covered by a video call again.

This time I did answer...

Video call

As soon as I did, a white light suddenly appeared, revealing a figure that was static in its place.

static in its place.

She was wearing a pair of glasses, to be honest they looked great on her, although it was the first time I had seen her "live".

I saw her ''live'' for the first time, since we only knew each other through photos and some video we sent each other.

Her hair was loose, scattered all over her face (following the silhouettes of her features) which looked lighter than in her face.

was lighter than in the photos, possibly only because of the light she was in.

Apparently he was already in his sleeping clothes.

-Beth, hi," I said nervously.

He stared around me for a few seconds.

-Are you in a hospital?" she asked confused.

I don't believe you! How did she realize "Swallow me dirt" is all my mind could think of in a situation like this.

think of in a situation like this.

-Ehhh- I felt my cheeks blush, I didn't know what to say- Why do you say that?

I evaded her question.

-Not for nothing- she got nervous- it's just that behind you you have an intercom that they usually use in hospitals.

used in hospitals.

Damn, I didn't think of all the details.

--Oh that, they put it on for my grandmother, she was sick for a while before she left.


-Oh how did you..." she tried to apologize but I interrupted her.

-Don't worry, that was several years ago, this is my room now," I lied once again.

-Yes, I understand you, I'm sure you miss her," she lowered her eyes, "I miss her too.

We were silent for a couple of seconds, this was getting a little depressing, but I couldn't think of anything to say.

I couldn't think of anything to say.

-Ya... -she said confirming something, I forget she usually does that when she starts to tell something, but

it's better to hear her say that than to read it- a few days ago I told you I had a bad day right?

I tried to remember but my mind didn't help me so I just nodded my head.

-Okay, the thing is that my cousin, who I considered my second best friend, now hates me.

hates me," he said tucking a lock of his hair behind his ear.

And then he told me the story, what had happened with his favorite actress and about the magazine cover.

magazine cover.

-Tomorrow I'll go buy that magazine," I teased myself, I knew that magazine only comes to my city on request.

I knew that the magazine only arrives in my city.

-What? noo, wait, does it even go there?

-I just said that to annoy you," I winked at her and she smiled and lowered her head.

I winked at her and she smiled and looked down a bit nervously.

Oh my god!!! I started to love that smile.