-Everything will be fine," I grabbed his shoulder to reassure him, "I'll be over there.
I walked away from Tyler until I reached the seat that was right in front of him, several feet away from him. meters away.
I took advantage of the time and called our friend, in the end we didn't say anything to him.
-Hello, where have you been?" said the boy as soon as he answered the call, "I've been looking for you for the last few days.
these days.
-Tyler didn't tell you anything," I pretended I didn't know anything.
-No, what did he have to tell me?" he clarified his voice.
-We're in London," and I instinctively drew a shy smile on my face, as if I could see her.
I could see it.
-London," he said, startled, "How did they get there, if they're poorer than the word?
he laughed.
-Hey," I scolded him, "even though it was true," I started laughing with him, "Tyler won passes to that harpy's concert.