Let Me Remind You

Sheng Shui was sick and his soul is within him. Sect Leader Po… he seemed healthy, but Ying Yue wondered if the man in blue was similar to the seam master.

'Was he hiding that he was sick too? Was he hiding how much he loved Wang Li? Am I going to lose my husband?'

"Ah Yue," his lover startled him out of his thoughts and he looked at the outstretched hand, "My wife."

He felt his lips stretched into a pleased grin and held that lovely hand. Held it as he spoke with the energetic male before them. Held it as they ate. Held it as they said goodbye to the friendly man.

"Ah Po," Wang Li spoke up and handed the man in blue four talisman, a phoenix etched in each as the crisscrossed ribbon tied around it.

"Oh, for me?" The young leader smiled happily as his chancellor breathed out a relief.

"I trust your judgments, Ah Po. You may give it to the others if you feel they are worthy."

"Are you certain?"