Beside You

Pang Xi stared at the board and tapped his chin with his fan. He tilted his head and moved a white piece across the board. He heard a laugh from his opponent and glanced at him. Red eyes looked mirthfully at him and did not hesitate to move a black piece. Frowning, he glanced back at the board and hummed.

"You've lost twice already, dearest Ah Xi," the man tsked, "Willing to lose again like all the other times you have came to visit?"

"I won't lose again."

He narrowed his golden eyes at the pieces, as if they would agree with him. He heard the soft laugh and sigh from the demon before him.

"This is good," Ye Wu said softly with a gentle smile, "Reminds me of the old days."

He glanced at the red eyed demon to see the man staring at him with a smile like when they were younger.

["Ah Xi! Come with me. I want to show you something cool!"

"Bu… but I am busy! I need to get ready to meet with-"