Not Enough

His husband kissed him deeply and he moaned into it, pulling his lover closer as if he could tattoo the raven-haired man on him.

Sweaty, too sweaty. Ying Yue pulled away with his legs still locked and undressed his robes, peeling it off his drenched skin.

Ying Yue let out a loud groan when calloused hands left light scratches up his stomach to his nubs. His mouth was sucked and lips bruised as kisses deepened so far, he felt it in his core.


He cried out when a hand wrapped around his hard cock, leaking with precum with just the thought of his lover. He heard the chuckle from Wang Li against his ear as large palm stroke him so painfully slow. Whimpering for more, Ying Yue moved his hips up eagerly.

"Any louder and the guard will enter, my beloved wife. Is that what you wish for?"