No One Else Holds My Heart

His heart dropped and he closed his eyes. Was it… a dream that he had? It was so vivid and he felt-

He bit his lips remembered the touches of fingertips gliding over his skin, the lips on his, the yearning for his lover to fill him, the sounds he made-

He flushed deeply over his freckles to his ears. If it was a dream, it was the best one he ever had.

Before he was brought back to his husband from a different world, he did not dare do more than kiss him in his dreams. Now, all he wanted was to be wrapped in Wang Li's arms and to make him feel good, to give his husband the pleasure of life and love.

He closed his golden eyes and ran fingers through his hair. Ying Yue stayed that way for a moment, going through his pasts to present. Taking a deep breath, he exhaled and got up. Looking over at the opened window, he was certain it was closed when Sect Leader Yang left. Ying Yue walked to the window and he was about to close it when he heard voices.