Uncle Li

"This… this is no dream?" He had to ask. He had imagined this moment for years, for centuries, for so many moons he lost count. He watched his lover walk to him, wrapped his arms around him, and whispered loving words in his ears.

"I apologize it took me so long, Ah Yue. But I am here now. I shall make up every day I was gone to you, however you wish of me."

He laughed and cried and laughed some more as he held his husband tighter to him. This was Wang Li. This was his Wang Li! Wang Li was warm. Wang Li was holding him. Wang Li was kissing him. Wang Li was here. He was here.

Ying Yue let out a quiet whimper when those delicious lips pulled away. He heard the soft laugh from his husband, who was wiping his face of tears. He will thank Ye Wu and he would-

'Master. I have to find him,' he thought and was determined to bring the demon and the green haired man together again.

"My king?!"