I Excite Easily

*Disclaimer: there will be sexy smuts here on out in Vol. 4, much of it due to Ah Yue and Ah Li and their constant need to please one another after so long. Please enjoy.*

Ying Yue did not reply, but his nephew had as much as a big mouth as the brunette brother.

"Since I was 10, right father?"

"It was before that, Lan-er. More like a week after they were separated," Han Mo added.

"What? That long?"

"Yup. Your uncle is a bit of a crybaby and-"

A bun was stuffed into Han Mo's mouth to stop his gossip. He blinked at his little brother's red face and couldn't decipher if it was anger or embarrassment.

"Uncle Yue is a-"

"Master Zhang," Nuying spoke up, "It is disrespectful to speak about your uncle in such ways. Being away from someone you love is painful. A pain one should not wish to bear."

"Nuying," Xu Ling spoke softly and she blinked in surprise as she glanced at the redhead.