Demon Blood

"We could play him a song! That always makes me feel better."

"Bake him the most delicious meal!"


"Oh, he likes fighting! We should have duels before him."

"Eh? Who said he likes fighting?"

The voices of the children were a good distraction from the way his nephew was curled, stuffed against the big cat. Ying Yue pet Snow, who purred and nuzzled closer to the pinkette. He glanced over at Wang Li up on the roof with his silver eyes closed. What was his husband thinking right now? Was he upset at his nephew or his eldest brother?

The night came too soon.

Wang Li was drinking his ginger infused tea quietly and Ying Yue moved until he was pressed up against his lover's side, staring at his door. Soon, the redhead and the pinkette will arrive and he worried it would not end well. He barely had his husband with him and he didn't want to be apart from his lover once again.