I Am Like You

"Wha… no! No! How can I? You are of the Heavens! I have Heavens blood, not demon. You are my father! You are my father... aren't you?"

"He is."

His black eyes stared into silver ones, bruised around the eyes and lips with blood painting his skin. He did that. He did that to his uncle. He…

"I… I'm sorry…"

"There is no reason to lie."

"I am not-"

The hand on his face tightened and he saw a flash of red in those silver eyes. He stared with wide eyes at his uncle and felt something strange stirring inside him, bowing to the man in red.

"Zhang Xu Lan. You have demon blood and Heavens blood. Neglecting your demon side will make you lust for blood more."

"I hate blood."

"But you crave it."

"Stop!" Xu Lan shook his uncle away, "No. I am not. I cannot be."