Look who it is

After admiring the scenery around her Haru was still speechless. Riku snapped her fingers in front of her face and began to laugh. Within seconds of snapping back to reality, a group of boys came in "GOOD MORNING RIKU" They bowed shouted in unison a min later a group of girls came "Good morning Riku" they sang in unison.


Riku smiles at the two groups and looks at Haru who now has stars in her eyes. "Try to contain your excitement" Riku chuckles. "And refrain from asking for selfies and autographs." She added with a serious tone. "No secret photos either." "Okay" Haru lowered the phone in her hand.

"I wouldn't mind taking a selfie with this cutie" A member from STB grabbed Haru's hand. "Hi there, My name is Aiden what's yours?" He asked suavely. "My name is Haru" She replied a pink blush slowly appearing on her face. "Nice to meet you Haru

" Aiden pulled Haru's hand up to his lips and gave it a soft kiss.

"STOP FLIRTING WITH MY ASSISTANT! Now take a seat so we can get started and you can get out." Riku scolded.

Aiden frowned. "Fine. I shall see you later doll." He winked at Haru and her face immediately turned red. "Awww she's so cute!" A girl from Twistar shouted. "Sorry about his flirtatious behavior this guy gets a kick out of making every female blush and sometimes males unintentionally." Haru chuckled at her statement. "My name is Kazumi but you can call me Mimi." She smiled a friendly smile. "Hi, Mimi I'm Haru." "I know" Mimi stated "I happened to eavesdrop on Aiden's Flirtatious conversation." She giggled. "Anyway good luck on your first day. Just letting you know that Riku is awesome she's like the goddess of style and makeup. You're lucky to work with her especially as an assistant. It's every make-up artist's dream to work with her." Mimi announced. "Don't butter me up and take a seat. You're next." Riku smirked and Mimi giggled "okay boss" and with that, she left to her designated seat.

Haru was overwhelmed with all of this excitement that she totally spaced out until she heard Riku calling out to her "HARU ROSE LIP TINT PLEASE!" Haru ran up to the wall lined with lip tint. 'I'm screwed' She thought to herself. 'They all look the same' she began to sweat and when Riku noticed that Haru was taking too long to respond she shouted: "If you can't tell which one it is there are labels on the bottom." Haru quickly searched through the lip tints and took it to Riku. The girls of Twistar giggled at the scenery that just unfolded before them. "Looks like you don't really have experience with makeup do you." A girl from Twistar asked. Haru blushed. "No, I don't really use makeup so I'm not really familiarized with them." "Well with a face like that why would you. You're very cute and your skin is very nice you need to share your secrets with us later." She complimented. Haru blushed and bowed her head thanking the girl for her kind compliment.

Aiden became a little jealous that the girls could carry on a conversation with Haru but he also didn't want to get scolded by Riku again. After seeing Aiden get scolded the Boys knew Riku was protective of Haru so they did not attempt to carry on a conversation with her.

After a few hours

"OKAY, GUYS YOU'RE DONE NOW GET OUT AND GET TO WORK. They all got up and bowed thank you Riku. As they walked out Mimi gave Haru a big hug "great job on your first day" and she skipped out of the door happily. Aiden was about to do the same until he glanced at Riku and saw daggers in her eyes thus he just put his head down and walked out the door silently.

"So... what do you think?" Riku asked

"I gotta admit it's crazy and it's not like how everyone makes it sound so simple." Haru slumped exhaustedly into a chair.

"Well let's go get some lunch because we're not done yet girl we have to do their make up a few more times since they have a few. More photoshoots today. Also, I didn't mention but sometimes we'll be traveling with them to set's that they'll be either shooting dramas or having photoshoots." Riku began to dump information onto Haru to let her know what is to be expected in the future.

"Wow, this sounds so exciting and tiring at the same time" Haru sighed.

"Well like I told Hiro what I do isn't easy and if you can't keep up I can't guarantee you a job here"

Hearing this Haru's ears perked up slightly " I PROMISE I WON'T LET YOU DOWN AND I WILL TRY HARDER!" She shouted overly enthusiastically.

After their little chat, they headed down to the food court. "I'll treat you to lunch since you did such a good job today." Riku patted Haru on her shoulder. "Thank you Riku" Haru smiled.